*** League of Legends ***

Gave up on ranked. Rarely have the time to play LoL now coz of work. Mainly only arams now and the occasional team builder.

If there was a ranked aram I would be challenger level. Don't laugh.

My level of ***** go below 0 when playing ARAM's for some reason i do not know why, i just run run into ridiculous fights for the hell of it. with a grin of my face.

It is fun but i can never take it seriously :'(
Source: GameWatcher

This man puts us all to shame surely, I can't even barely defeat people online, but this chap does it with his feet! What an incrediable story.

The video is part of Razer's ongoing series called 'Character Select', which is available to view on Youtube.
That's awesome, there's a female twitch streamer who plays with her feet as well.

There's a guy on this forum who plays games controlled by facial and eye movements as well if I recall correctly.
Only.. haha

Seen you on, you do like your irelia! shes one of my main top laners!

Looked at your history, try looking at gettin a pink for your tri-bush on your first back, and at level 9 or around then when you back upgrade yellow trinket to give you 2 wards. this will help keep you isolated top and safe from ganks a lot better :)

Yeah i like her i seem to hold or win lane just team let me down most if the time. Ocassionly i have a bad game but i come bk well unless they get 2 fed will have to have a game later :)
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How to carry pls, someone? :(

Had 1 game since that day, so tired of the 1v9 game.

How to carry pls, someone? :(

Had 1 game since that day, so tired of the 1v9 game.

Woulda been hard to carry that game to be honest despite the score. Unless you ended it within the first 25minutes they simply outscaled your team comp by a country mile :(

Good luck this week in the fantasy league! Just noticed I'm up against you I think (not even sure anyone else is even checking it now tbh)
Woulda been hard to carry that game to be honest despite the score. Unless you ended it within the first 25minutes they simply outscaled your team comp by a country mile :(

Good luck this week in the fantasy league! Just noticed I'm up against you I think (not even sure anyone else is even checking it now tbh)

I check the league just on mobile so bit awkward xD
Woulda been hard to carry that game to be honest despite the score. Unless you ended it within the first 25minutes they simply outscaled your team comp by a country mile :(

Good luck this week in the fantasy league! Just noticed I'm up against you I think (not even sure anyone else is even checking it now tbh)

Vayne went like 30-10 or something and Akali went 20-something, my bot lane got a combined score of something-30 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ... :mad:

Nobody outscales the Dyr though, destroyed Vayne + Akali repeatedly but it literally was 1v5, I was the only one securing dragons and towers and only one capable of killing anybody. :(

I know Dyr is not the easiest champion to carry with but that game genuinely was an uncarriable game, most of the times I play Dyr I carry but feeding 50 kills to two enemy hypercarries is just not winnable.

It's a shame because I love league but outside of 3+ man premades this is what I end up with every game. I'll never stop playing the Dyr though.

http://i.imgur.com/SAfhvjr.png whelp
What is this like these days? I haven't played for years but think my account is still there, I get emails from time to time and have a lvl 30 account with full rune sets on 8 or so characters. Problem was I got bored when my best characters kept getting nurfed like crazy. Is morgana still in it?
What is this like these days? I haven't played for years but think my account is still there, I get emails from time to time and have a lvl 30 account with full rune sets on 8 or so characters. Problem was I got bored when my best characters kept getting nurfed like crazy. Is morgana still in it?

Morg is normally pick/ban most of the time depending on ELO. either way a VERY viable support. and a okay mid laner lowish ELO
Bronze 5 - Silver 1 is the same ELO.

Gold to Plat is the same. IMO

Bronze/Silver is unbearable

There are tons of people that get carried through elos though, I've never been in bronze but I can imagine there are a few people in there that are better than silvers, maybe even some golds. Truth be told though nobody below D5 knows the game, at best they are in an elo based on how mechanically good they are with x amount of champs.

Anyone fancy a game?
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