*** League of Legends ***

I've been playing this more recently, mainly Twitch (level 7) jungle but trying out Zoe for a bit now.

Can't remember my LoL name but let me know yours and I can add you :) I only really play blind as I'm no doubt useless versus proper players :D
Anyone still playing this? Seems very quite on here for a popular game!

I've started playing ranked this season for the first time, some of the matches are worse than blind. Anyone wanting to play duo add me 'mOrttis'. I lost my first 9 ranked games and then it placed me in Bronze III where I've won 5/6.

I've just bought Gragas, Jarvan and Sejuani to try out as Twitch jungle seems to either work amazingly or get hammered from level 2 onwards.
Anyone still playing this? Seems very quite on here for a popular game!

I've started playing ranked this season for the first time, some of the matches are worse than blind. Anyone wanting to play duo add me 'mOrttis'. I lost my first 9 ranked games and then it placed me in Bronze III where I've won 5/6.

I've just bought Gragas, Jarvan and Sejuani to try out as Twitch jungle seems to either work amazingly or get hammered from level 2 onwards.

Got burnt out of it. Must have put 7000-8000 hours into it over 7 years and now I just don't find it fun anymore. I imagine quite a few of the people who used to post here feel the same.
I've been playing since 2013. I do burn out occasionally for several months but it's always a lot of fun when I return.

Anyone still playing this? Seems very quite on here for a popular game!

I've started playing ranked this season for the first time, some of the matches are worse than blind. Anyone wanting to play duo add me 'mOrttis'.

I'll add you.
I have been playing since season 1. I still play this every day but only Arams. The actual Summoners rift I haven;t played in like 4/5 years now as I find it boring.

I love Arams though. I did try ranked like 6 years ago but hated it. I would love to find a group who only play arams though.
It seems impossible to get out of Bronze. I win my lane 9/10 times but have at least 1 complete moron on the team which most times leads to losing. Infuriating! Changed to playing top as jungle didn't seem to influence the game enough. I was playing ADC but the amount of supports that have no clue drives me nuts!

I keep going from Bronze V to Bronze III to Bronze V etc
It seems impossible to get out of Bronze. I win my lane 9/10 times but have at least 1 complete moron on the team which most times leads to losing. Infuriating! Changed to playing top as jungle didn't seem to influence the game enough. I was playing ADC but the amount of supports that have no clue drives me nuts!

I keep going from Bronze V to Bronze III to Bronze V etc

Play a diff role and carry, hard to carry as adc at the mo..

Ah just read properly.

What champs are you playing?
I was playing ADC but like you say it’s hard to carry especially with the new meta.

I’ve been playing top or mid and easily won the lane most times but then their ADC or JGL gets fed by morons in the bot/mid.

Go to champs at the minute in top lane are Mundo, Swain, Garen.

It’d help if I had mates who played the game as solo queue means a higher chance of 4 morons :D
I was playing ADC but like you say it’s hard to carry especially with the new meta.

I’ve been playing top or mid and easily won the lane most times but then their ADC or JGL gets fed by morons in the bot/mid.

Go to champs at the minute in top lane are Mundo, Swain, Garen.

It’d help if I had mates who played the game as solo queue means a higher chance of 4 morons :D

Are you part of the overclockers group? There's a few that play, I think they use Discord now vs the mumble they had before.

I play with a group of friends some nights, I'll do some duo with you if you want, I haven't done much solo this season, S1 I think I am at the moment.
Ah I didn’t know there was an OcUK group! I’ll have to join it then. Had a few games tonight with people who knew what to do for once. No doubt tomorrow will be the polar opposite!
Without being rude if you dropped the attitude of blaming your team and focused on your own performance you're more likely to climb in the long run. League is a game that can be hard carried by a single person, no doubt about it.
Attitude? Righto. I can't single handedly win a game if the other 4 people don't know how to play. I push my lane, help gank, help other lanes, go for objectives over chasing kills but if their ADC/jungle/mid is 6/0 in 8 minutes what am I meant to do?

I'm far from perfect and have bad games but most games seem to have 1-2 people with no idea how to play making it impossible to win. But then again, must just be me blaming everyone else.

Anywho, it's a game and not my life so I'll just try harder when I get the chance.
Hello Guys, just letting you know that we are still here and playing the game!

Message me if you would like Discord information, we welcome players of all skill and experience.
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I've just given this a quick go in the last few days and it's surprisingly addictive. Any tips outside the usual you will see starting out? The buying process seems pretty complex.

I would suggest not playing ADC. Its not a nice place to start as a newbie. I would suggest playing Top lane, then either Mid Or Jungle. Playing Jungle will give you more time to understand the game.

Focus on mini map awareness, at first its really hard but learning how to switch between laning and paying attention to the minimap is a skill in its own right that is often forgotten about. Also like someone else mentioned, last hitting is important so know how to farm correctly.

Regarding buying items and advice, it will come with time, but for now look at website like U.gg and Probuilds and Op.gg for buuying/builds for your selected champ.

Above all find a champion you enjoying playing and play it to death. you want to know the ins and outs of your champs, whaty ou are good at and how you play him/her.

Above all have fun and try not to tilt or take comments in chat to heart.
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