*** League of Legends ***

It seems impossible to get out of Bronze. I win my lane 9/10 times but have at least 1 complete moron on the team which most times leads to losing. Infuriating! Changed to playing top as jungle didn't seem to influence the game enough. I was playing ADC but the amount of supports that have no clue drives me nuts!

I keep going from Bronze V to Bronze III to Bronze V etc

i would suggest playing something that can engage fights easily (with hard cc), do good damage while being quite tanky, and easy to play (so you dont having worry about doing something hard and mess up).

i am silver easily every year since i started in season 4 (i only really play the placements because i dont enjoy solo queue that much, i just want a ranked border. so i just go 5-5 or 6-4 and gets placed in silver 5 and leave it there every year). but i was placed in bronze 4 after going 8-2 in my placements thanks to playing flex queue with my friends previous year, which destroyed my mmr.

anyway i climbed from there to silver 5 in about 50 games with a 80% win rate with hercarim. you can probably do it too, just play stuff like him, kled, lissandra (with aftershock), orin or anything like these lot and you will win a lot of games easily even from a losing position. mute everyone as soon as the game starts also helps
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Thanks for the tips :)

I’ve managed to make my way to Silver 3 in 5v5 solo, 3v3 flex and 5v5 flex! Quite happy with that in my first season and the level of team mates has increased from the bottom of Bronze but I do still find the odd game where some one has absolutely no idea how to play the game and yet then are S2.

For the placements next season, am I best duoing with someone of a similar level or finding a much higher ranked partner?

I don’t really get the MMR system as yesterday my team had an MMR of around 1300 (with an unranked level 25 player) and we were against a team that had 1500 MMR (with a Plat 5 player), seemed a bit imbalanced.
well, in flex anything can happen. i am silver 3 in flex now, in one of my games, i had a plat and a high gold in my team and they had three bronze.
Well I finally managed it…a pentakill…and it didn't even go down as one :(

Probably doesn't count as it was Nexus Blitz but boo to you :D

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Talsworthy and a load of others are still active I believe. They are on Discord, not sure if it's my place to give out the info so best to message him.
Apologies not so active on here anymore. I have sent Omega a link now :) We haven't been playing league so much lately. Never seem to get enough to make 5 and have a total dislike of playing with people outside of discord. We're not great but we just want to have fun :)
Apologies not so active on here anymore. I have sent Omega a link now :) We haven't been playing league so much lately. Never seem to get enough to make 5 and have a total dislike of playing with people outside of discord. We're not great but we just want to have fun :)

I’ve just recently joined Discord and I’d be up for a few games. I used to play jungler, and also top and middle although much has changed since I last played! Give me a shout if you see me on Discord. I’d happily join if you don’t mind some learning on-the-fly!
this game has the worst players in solo queue ranked.
Lose a lot of games because we're winning then team turns out to be kill hunters who never go for objectives, we have no team work, people refuse to group up and we lose even from like a 20kills lead.
so many feeders wtf people have barely any will to survive just constantly make trades they obviously will lose, never stay safe on tower after a few deaths just keep trying to 1v1 auto click or something, no retreat no surrender.
Smurfs everywhere in low leagues.

some god like leesin earlier in bronze1.
checked his stats on the web and hes played like 12+ different champs on all he's got crazy high winrates and KD of like 20/6

see loads of complains about smurfing on the internet, it destroys the fun just as much as someone who would constantly walk to the enemy base every time he's alive.
How can RIOT not consider it to be griefing when they are clearly doing it to either destroy others fun or boost someone whos probably paying them

all this crap really makes me wonder why I play the game sometimes.

lost count the amount of times the jungler does 0 ganks, never tries to take drake. even when its like YI or someone who can do the drake at lvl6.

often I would just play yorick for backdoor wins and cos I know I can take the drakes every time and herald but I'd rather play support but then I'm relying on other people.
I can set up some easy kills then see ADC only last hitting minions when I pretty much give them a free kill, or I initiate and I have the most passive ADC ever, no one wants to play aggressive even though it's the easiest way to win the lane, even if I'm on a support with crazy good poke I'm thinking half the time I should just start killing the minions cos he's never going to carry

only success recently seems when I can be morgana and then it's easy to QWE and save someones life and give them a kill whilst roaming
forgot how much fun zilean can be and people seem really surprised at the damage he can bring.
"lol zilean the carry" in all chat etc

after I start as support and end up with like 800ap if the game goes late :D
double bomb stunning in team fights seems like pure cancer but feels so good watching 50-90% of peoples health bar disappear.
enemy can focus who they want I'll just throw an R on the guy and watch him come back to life. whilst I lob another 2 bombs on top of his reanimating corpse.

Weird thing is when I was playing rakan, galio, ornn, morgana or whatever I never saw anyone playing zilean even though he pretty much dominates the lane, brings extreme terror with his bomb stuns or E slow and you pretty much uncatchable just flying around at the back of team fights.

Shame I don't have a good skin for him and the ones you can buy right now are crap anyway
forgot how much fun zilean can be and people seem really surprised at the damage he can bring.
"lol zilean the carry" in all chat etc

after I start as support and end up with like 800ap if the game goes late :D
double bomb stunning in team fights seems like pure cancer but feels so good watching 50-90% of peoples health bar disappear.
enemy can focus who they want I'll just throw an R on the guy and watch him come back to life. whilst I lob another 2 bombs on top of his reanimating corpse.

Weird thing is when I was playing rakan, galio, ornn, morgana or whatever I never saw anyone playing zilean even though he pretty much dominates the lane, brings extreme terror with his bomb stuns or E slow and you pretty much uncatchable just flying around at the back of team fights.

Shame I don't have a good skin for him and the ones you can buy right now are crap anyway
Zilean is defo in a ok spot rn. Only problem is that you need a long range adc like cait or ashe as his bombs push the wave.
I started playing this a little while ago, not done any ranked games yet as don’t have the 20 champs required, might just have to go load up on cheap bp ones :)

Been playing with Jhin a lot lately, with a good support it’s great fun, with no/poor support it’s a mixed experience ;)

Tend to switch between Jhin as adc or Veigar in mid.

Not really ever played top, tried jungle and would like to get better at that as I suck at the moment.
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