*** League of Legends ***

God, had a ridiculous team there. Had both inhibitors down and the main turret but they kept running off to solo and they got killed and we lost... :mad::mad:
God, had a ridiculous team there. Had both inhibitors down and the main turret but they kept running off to solo and they got killed and we lost... :mad::mad:

I just had somat similar.All my team sucked ass really bad i was 18/4/3 or something along those lines and they all had 1 or 2 kills each.

Very anoyed :(
Gotta agree with you on the laning partners bit there. So many times in games people will want to lane with each other just because they are friends. No harm in that but sometimes it just makes no sense, and obviously it's rare that you can reason with people!

Just had a quick look at the rotation for this week and it's looking pretty sweet! Was waiting for Mundo to come up just because he's awesome, also I'll be interested trying Lux and seeing how she compares to Morgana.

Depending on how this week goes I might splash out on Kassadin just because he looks like awesome fun for solo games. Although I'm coming upto lvl 20 now and really should save up to get a rune page for my MF, choices. :cool:

Well I understand as i would like to lane with my friends but only really if their champion compliments my own. Seeming as I play Taric mainly I don't have a high physical or magical damage output.

But most people don't seem to realise this and expect you to be able to one hit someone. Tarics don't play like that. they give you surviveability with the buffs and aura you build them around.

Like the other night I was playing with some randomer and he kept complaining I didn't heal him enough. I tried to explain that in order for me to heal him quickly he needs to leave me some minions to hit to reduce the cooldown on the imbue ability as it is like Amumu's tantrum but in reverse. As long as I autoattack something whether it a minion or tower or champion each strike reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds. But he just kept farming the minions so not only could I not heal him fast enough when we got attacked but I got very few minion kills which means I was under-levelled and hadn't built enough of the team supporting items I needed to, to fulfil my role as support. All I got was chat aggro so i just try to do the best I could in that lane.

What frustrates me playing Taric as much as I try and build so many team helping items like Aegis of the Legion, abysmal scepter, mana manipulator, Debuff armour heavy champs, peeps don't seem to realise that I don't have enough slots available to stick on items which would help my physical or magical damage output. And believe me I tried. AD or AP Taric doesn't scale well and even if I could I believe this would lower his effectiveness at buffing the team and debuffing the enemy.

I will have to play with some of the ocuk boys soon.
dont forget to facebook tristana for Riot girl skin ;)
:D. starting to love Ryze, his burst dmg is insane, can easily take down champs 1v1 and team fights he contributes massive aoe dmg.

Ahhhh man I hate Ryze, I managed to take him down twice in my last game though but bloody hell it was close. :D
Hey, Just wanted to say I love this game, I started playing yesterday cause I saw this thread. I tried HON a while ago when it was in beta but there was a lack of practices modes and the incredibly large learning curve, which is surprisingly difficult when you are being shouted at constantly on your first ever game :P
Anyway so far I am enjoying this, mainly cause of the bots so I can learn on my own :)
Also enjoy the weekly rotation of free champions, makes it more diverse and cheaper :D
I know this was slightly off topic from current conversation but just wanted to say I was loving this game so far.
Looks like I'll be buying LeBlanc tomorrow, she looks fun to play but difficult to master which should suit me.

I think I'll also be getting some RP for that Nasus skin, since Nasus is my favourite champion.
After being in a game with Magnets, or maybe it was l0lh3h3, kicking ass with Kassadin last night I bought him today. I've played a practice game but will want to try him out with some mumble peeps tonight.
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Just got 17 kills 5 deaths with tristana! :D

Trist is awesome! What makes her shine for me is the rocket jump, being able to place yourself easily in team fights, good escape mechanic and a fairly decent chasing skill all rolled into one little button :)

I thoroughly recommend trying Miss Fortune out if you like Trist. Not quite as easy to play imo but oh so worth it for the insane giggles when you activate your ultimate :D

Here's a snapshot of what she's capable of :cool:


Best i've ever done in terms of pure ratio (excluding games where I just don't die obviously!), carried the team a wee bit :D
Trist is awesome! What makes her shine for me is the rocket jump, being able to place yourself easily in team fights, good escape mechanic and a fairly decent chasing skill all rolled into one little button :)

I thoroughly recommend trying Miss Fortune out if you like Trist. Not quite as easy to play imo but oh so worth it for the insane giggles when you activate your ultimate :D

Here's a snapshot of what she's capable of :cool:


Best i've ever done in terms of pure ratio (excluding games where I just don't die obviously!), carried the team a wee bit :D[/QUOTE

I enjoy MF but Main Tristana -- Trist seems to be far more powerful Mid/Late game than MF..

MF seems to kinda fall off mid/late game in terms of ulti damage etc
I play both although admitedly I haven't played Trist in a fair while now but I think they are very close to each other they both have a skill to increase attack speed, a heal debuff, both have a mediocre slow with limited range but Trist can escape far easier and has longer range.

Both are hugely good ranged dps characters. MF definately has the edge earlygame, her double-up REALLY hurts. What do you think makes Tristanas mid/late stronger? You reckon it's just sheer damage output and greater range?
I play both although admitedly I haven't played Trist in a fair while now but I think they are very close to each other they both have a skill to increase attack speed, a heal debuff, both have a mediocre slow with limited range but Trist can escape far easier and has longer range.

Both are hugely good ranged dps characters. MF definately has the edge earlygame, her double-up REALLY hurts. What do you think makes Tristanas mid/late stronger? You reckon it's just sheer damage output and greater range?

Tristana's Attack speed is 90% for 7 seconds
MF = 50% for 6 seconds
Double Up = Great harassing skill early game however late game generally its very situational and doesnt get full use.

Explosive shot = Better lane pushing ability + Damage over time meaning if you fight and both are low hp you generally get the kill. + great harass if enemy gets near the minions

Rocket jump = AOE slow + Damage landing + escape mechanic + refresh on a kill

Make it Rain: can be useful against fleeing enemys ( wish it was a bit stronger )

Trists Ulti = cant hit more than 1 target to push them away (great help for team fights)
combined with rocket jump can push them into tower or team.

MF Ulti = Late game its not all that powerful and it is easily shut down by a good player/Team Although Earlygame if it comes off is awesomely powerful

The big thing with Tristana her skills are all viable all the time and she is a more consistent damage dealer and Her range late game makes her very hard to kill.
tristana carries better because she will destroy single targets late game. rapid fire + big auto attack range + items = dead.

MF fits very well into lots of teams though a few well timed aoe's combined is also gg (think galio, amumu, sona, morgana etc.). plus shes an insanely good mid laner... almost too good.

ashe , shaco , akali , katarina LOL

i picked katarina just to show how stupid they were choosing those 3 chars... it would have been total face roll for the other team people need to turn there brains on when selecting characters
ashe , shaco , akali , katarina LOL

i picked katarina just to show how stupid they were choosing those 3 chars... it would have been total face roll for the other team people need to turn there brains on when selecting characters

I would have still played it tbh.I like a challenge :)
A fear, 3 slows and a stun (2 physical 1 magic) vs a relatively low dps team with 1 fear and 1 taunt. What did make me laugh in that pic though was the "even with alistar" like alistar is a hero ever worth picking....ever.

You could have had shaco jungle, akali mid, mord solo top then ashe + a sensible hero with a stun south.
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