*** League of Legends ***

just owned as AP cho'grath lol.

crazy damage so im never going tank on him again :D
rupture was doing 900dmg and his util over 1k so it was instant death for one person and most there team under half health after my aoe's :p

7man killing spree at the end :eek: my team died from not retreating when i asked so just me in defence , killed 3 of them at our tower , 2 more came so i killed them to :D still on almost full hp lol, killed another 2 that respawned as i solo charged to there base by this time the rest of my team had respawned and joined me.

pretty epic dmg on cho when you dont try to tank him and because its cho most people just assume you arent to be focused
Been playing this for a week or so now and just found this thread randomly :)

Going to join the ocuk channel and see if there are any newbie-ish folks who fancy a game later! Im only level 13 so i think you level 30 lads would give me a bashing tbh :D

Starting to find random people a little frustrating in that they either get super stupid aggressive at the start and die over and over, and then when things dont go wonderfully every few minutes you see surrender votes.. Would like to find a couple of non-whiners to play with anyways..

Currently finding I like playing as Akali and Xin Zhao though i enjoy Rammus too as long as there are people bright enough to take advantage of the openings i provide..

PS. I downloaded the game a while ago and never got around to playing it, me and a couple of mates then tried it a week or so ago and they downloaded it then, I seem to have Rammus unlocked and none of them do, any ideas? :)
As a level 13 you'd be able to play with us, you'd just ensure we have a few low levels against us as well.

In terms of the unlocking, you can either you purchased points rp, or earned points ip to unlock further champions. IP you gain when you play games. Hopefully that assists. Bear in mind you want a fair amount of IP to get your tier 3 runes at level 20 :)
i had the biggest noob team ever in ranked earlier..

i can see LOL dieing a very fast death if valves DOTA takes care of the idiots, i reported someone with video evidence after they told me to get brain cancer and die, guess what customer support did... told me about /mute and /ignore.

This is disappointing although not unexpected. Depending how much you'd care i'd post this to the forums - without the evidence or names and see what arises. Should fan a nice flame :)

The other stuff, any random game is going to occur like this - unfortunately you have no way of telling how good your team is until you're with them. Also depending on what champions they ended up with may have a huge affect on how well they can play that champion. Whilst most know how to play 3 chars well only a few can play a large number well. The only good thing about solo ranked is you guarantee not being against premades, I did wonder if it was more sense in solo to hook up with a buddy - certainly means you have at least one other player you can rely on.
I would to get some pre-mades done as the solo queue isn't that great.

Feel free to add me if you're up for it, I go twisted fate just now. :)

LeJosh is my summoner/account name.
just owned as AP cho'grath lol.

crazy damage so im never going tank on him again :D
rupture was doing 900dmg and his util over 1k so it was instant death for one person and most there team under half health after my aoe's :p

7man killing spree at the end :eek: my team died from not retreating when i asked so just me in defence , killed 3 of them at our tower , 2 more came so i killed them to :D still on almost full hp lol, killed another 2 that respawned as i solo charged to there base by this time the rest of my team had respawned and joined me.

pretty epic dmg on cho when you dont try to tank him and because its cho most people just assume you arent to be focused

Nice job, thing most people go tank is due to there being better Ability Power Champs but thats what makes this game unique is everyone has there own take on each champ.. :)
Wow I won a game using my fave Tryndamere build with 30 kills and 11 deaths. Also we were 3v4 but my toon was levelling faster than all the other players.
Then you get Exhausted once and you are boned...

Also Kara, it's "mcknight27" in-game ;)

His ulti gives him a speed boost and he can't be slowed, no idea whether exhaust bypasses that but I'd assume hitting R as soon as someone does it would allow you to make a quick getaway.
does this ever get balanced? doesnt seem as balanced as hon to me

yea but certain chars have been op forever...

usually the latest champion is overpowered so people buy it and then its nerfed after a week aswell... almost every time this happens
does this ever get balanced? doesnt seem as balanced as hon to me

Without ever playing HoN I can't really comment on that aspect but for LoL I would say the balancing overall is ok. So there are a few standout champions who can really hurt in the right hands and really it's more about the general team composition than individuals. For instance my favourite char is Miss Fortune who is a ranged dps char, sometimes I will completely decimate but I will also get completely stomped sometimes!
does this ever get balanced? doesnt seem as balanced as hon to me

I always understood it to be the other way in that in Hon a carry really can carry a team whereas in LoL whilst Carrys are still important they can't do it all by themselves.

Balance is pretty good imho - team composition is where it is at :)
Tals>I would agree with team composiston. I think it also helps if your laning partner has some idea what your picked champion can and can't do. Also it helps if you know what the opposing team champs can and can't do.

Atm I mainly play as Taric for team aura support.

I do enjoy this game and play regularly but I do find the general audience mindset to be a little lower than I was expecting.

I don't mind playing with newcomers to the game and if you take the time to explain what they can and can't do and some of them take it well. but other people seem to be of a younger age and then it like a torrent of abuse or general trash talk. I am not really bothered by it as I don't get involved but I can imagine there are some decent people who would like to get into the game if it wasn't for some people being generally abusive just because they are new players.
so what is mumble and how do i get the server details? ive been level 30 for a while now and wouldnt mind getting involved in some premades
so what is mumble and how do i get the server details? ive been level 30 for a while now and wouldnt mind getting involved in some premades

Add me (talsworthy or maybe tals ;) ) or Mcknight onto your friends list - also if you join the ocuk channel ingame you can hook into us.

The main rule we have is we don't rage and we play for fun - it's only a game after all :)
Tals>I would agree with team composiston. I think it also helps if your laning partner has some idea what your picked champion can and can't do. Also it helps if you know what the opposing team champs can and can't do.

Atm I mainly play as Taric for team aura support.

I do enjoy this game and play regularly but I do find the general audience mindset to be a little lower than I was expecting.

I don't mind playing with newcomers to the game and if you take the time to explain what they can and can't do and some of them take it well. but other people seem to be of a younger age and then it like a torrent of abuse or general trash talk. I am not really bothered by it as I don't get involved but I can imagine there are some decent people who would like to get into the game if it wasn't for some people being generally abusive just because they are new players.

Gotta agree with you on the laning partners bit there. So many times in games people will want to lane with each other just because they are friends. No harm in that but sometimes it just makes no sense, and obviously it's rare that you can reason with people!

Just had a quick look at the rotation for this week and it's looking pretty sweet! Was waiting for Mundo to come up just because he's awesome, also I'll be interested trying Lux and seeing how she compares to Morgana.

Depending on how this week goes I might splash out on Kassadin just because he looks like awesome fun for solo games. Although I'm coming upto lvl 20 now and really should save up to get a rune page for my MF, choices. :cool:
Add me (talsworthy or maybe tals ;) ) or Mcknight onto your friends list - also if you join the ocuk channel ingame you can hook into us.

The main rule we have is we don't rage and we play for fun - it's only a game after all :)

ive added ya mate, im hnz in game :)
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