*** League of Legends ***

On another note i've found /ignore enemy makes the game far more harmonious on the rare times we are playing against the preschool brigades


As soon as anybody starts waxing lyrically i have taken to popping the /ignore. Even if its only small things, i wont take the chance to let somebody wind me up because it will ruin my game.

In particular, I /ignore anybody who complains when I pick Sivir, because its a sure fire test of their nobishness - guaranteed.
Dont start a game if you cant finish it. No need to ruin it for 9 other people just because mommy shouted for you.

Woah there captain righteous.

First of all it was my girlfriend who made dinner.

Second of all I think it was fine considering the other team lost a player and also it was 3 vs 3.

So don't be arrogant if you don't know any of the facts.

I havn't left a game since then if you care to know as well. :)
The point though is correct, leaving is pretty bad in this game. I always make sure I have an hour slot before playing - then again I have never left a game in 500 games :)
Having to leave a game in progress is annoying and puts the rest of your team at a disadvantage. I always try to make sure I have enough time to finish a game before I begin it, however real life comes before any computer game and if someone knocks on the door, phone rings, my son needs me etc, I will go afk until it's sorted. (Xalan)
The point though is correct, leaving is pretty bad in this game. I always make sure I have an hour slot before playing - then again I have never left a game in 500 games :)


I always have an hour slot as well.Nothing worse than some1 leaving.

I know everybody loses connection from time to time due to our fantastic UK broadband infastructure though.My router keeps reseting at the moment once or twice a day so it drops out for 1 to 2 mins which of course kicks me out from time to time if i am on LOL.
AOL have said they have been doing some work at the exchange and that the line needs to settle but i am wondering if i may have to get my spare router out and give it a try.

For some reason 4v5 can work if you can hug the tower for long enough early game you get lots of exp and gold and can level and equip really fast in comparison to the 2 opponents in the lane.
The point though is correct, leaving is pretty bad in this game. I always make sure I have an hour slot before playing - then again I have never left a game in 500 games :)

I know it is correct and I understand but I didn't leave unjustly.
No, it sounds like in that case the game was already ruined, is true. I just hate leavers ;)

Talking of leavers - Chris just d/c'ed half way through a game we were dominating in.. Ended up losing :(
Really enjoying this game but would like to play with some Ocers, anybody who plays feel free to friend Coldshivers.

Get yourself on mumble. There's loads of pretty decent people on there that would be happy to have a game with you. You don't need a microphone but if you do then all the better :)
i had the biggest noob team ever in ranked earlier..

i was playing on cho'gath and my team would not follow me or let me lead them into team fights...

we had mal , sora , panth and i think morgana running around like headless chickens chasing the first thing to apear on the minimap...

i finished the game 8/5/6 :S the only one with a positve kill ratio and i was meant to be tank but the team were to stupid to let me.

whole rating system in the game is a heap of **** when you cant help how bad your team is why should i lose rating nearly every game just because someone is stupid and feeds or someone leaves or the team dont want to work together...

i thought the devs were saying how the rating would be based on how YOU play not how bad your team mates play... i dont know whats happened to the game before ranked 70% of the time your team played well , since ranked it just seems to be every game has someone taking risks (usually tyrn commited suicide trying to get a kill) , some one who dies from there own stupidty a few times and leaves or someone who thinks its fun to die as many times as possible because they dont want to play they just want IP while they browse youtube or whatever...

i can see LOL dieing a very fast death if valves DOTA takes care of the idiots, i reported someone with video evidence after they told me to get brain cancer and die, guess what customer support did... told me about /mute and /ignore.

WTF is that the worst support ive ever had and only 1000 people banned is a joke going by the games forums theres tens of thousands of idiots who dont want to play properly yet they can still played ranked...

if you die more than 15 times in ranked you should get a 1 week ban for ranked because your obviously CRAP and probably intended to die so much
if you leave a ranked game you should be banned from ranked for a week
if you sit idle at spawn and kill less than 100 minions in game you were obviously not helping and should be banned from ranked for a week
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Having to leave a game in progress is annoying and puts the rest of your team at a disadvantage. I always try to make sure I have enough time to finish a game before I begin it, however real life comes before any computer game and if someone knocks on the door, phone rings, my son needs me etc, I will go afk until it's sorted. (Xalan)

I'm agreeing with Xalan here. Real-life takes preference over the game, saying that I think I've only ever left once... But the point is still valid. It's only a video-game after all guys.
No, it sounds like in that case the game was already ruined, is true. I just hate leavers ;)

Talking of leavers - Chris just d/c'ed half way through a game we were dominating in.. Ended up losing :(

It was in all honesty.

You just sounded rather venomous at myself but it's just the leavers as you say. ;)
I'm agreeing with Xalan here. Real-life takes preference over the game, saying that I think I've only ever left once... But the point is still valid. It's only a video-game after all guys.

i dont know why if someone leaves they cant just grab someone else from the queue to replace them , there should be a team kick vote system so get rid of any idiots aswell
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