*** League of Legends ***

Totally agree with this, best place for the lane is just outside of your tower range. So you can jump to tower if they try anything plus your tower then doesn't steal kills from you (and gold!).

Only rule I do when 1vs2 with Mundo, even got a double kill with fortify last night in the first 10mins which gave me a great boost early game. Just happy they didn't surrender at 25mins :cool:

I love it when I'm playing Morg and people decide to try gank me at my tower. Root 'n Destroy :D

Anyone else play Kassadin? Just got him yesterday and looking to see what other people build? Tried a few things and I've had the best luck following my usual Morg build: Dorans Ring/ Meaji/ Sorc boots/ Rod of Ages/ Zhonyas. End game I usually have 600+ AP which makes a beastly nuke!
Gonna have my account suspended one of these days, ranked game laning with xin after it took about a minute of convincing that he should be south lane with eve as eve solo = no ganks around the map. He then proceeds to save skills and stay out of every fight until he can dive in a take the kill, then he does the same every time i try to get blue. Then he goes off to feed for a while, then we lose :\

aparently ive been a naughty boy...

Greetings arknorocuk,

We have received multiple complaints concerning behavior on your account. To be effective in our goal to make League of Legends an enjoyable experience for all, we will be investigating these complaints and all recent behavior on your account. For privacy reasons, we cannot discuss details about the reports made against your account. This includes what behavior was reported, who reported it, or how many reports we received.

At this time, no action is required from you. It's important to note that if you've been following the Code of Conduct and the Summoner's Code, you shouldn't experience action taken against your account. In the uncommon instance that action is taken, you will be notified in a separate email. If you are unsure why you were reported or what behavior is acceptable, please consult the Summoner's Code and the Code of Conduct.

The most common complaints we receive are for the following behavior:

* Intentional disruption of game play
* Excessive time spent idle in game
* Verbal harassment

One of our primary goals is to foster an environment in which all players can enjoy the game as much as possible. If you have any questions that this email didn't address, please send them to [email protected].

probably idiots reporting me because they think im a kill stealer...

had some tool playing shaco the other day, i died 3x on WW early on and he called me a feeder and went afk at spawn insulting us all game long...

i ended 21-5 lol we won the game 4v5..

idiot still said he was going to report me , btw had people threaten to report me because i didnt run off kill hunting with them or they kill chased and died and because i didnt die trying to save them aparently i should be reported
idiot still said he was going to report me , btw had people threaten to report me because i didnt run off kill hunting with them or they kill chased and died and because i didnt die trying to save them aparently i should be reported

I'm a pretty decent LoL player and I also get told that i'm going to reported in pug games. I sent riot a lengthy email about the issue part of their response was "Thank you for coming to ask about this. We directly investigate player behavior and take the necessary actions. I can’t disclose the disciplinary actions taken against any player for privacy reasons. We investigate all reports of course, and those people threatening to report you for nonoffensive actions can be disciplined themselves."
Anyone else play Kassadin? Just got him yesterday and looking to see what other people build? Tried a few things and I've had the best luck following my usual Morg build: Dorans Ring/ Meaji/ Sorc boots/ Rod of Ages/ Zhonyas. End game I usually have 600+ AP which makes a beastly nuke!

i think archangels/zhonyas/mejai is pretty standard for kass. add in a good defense item like banshees veil and hes a beast.

i feel that kass is one of those heros who doesnt need ap that fast so he can afford to go survival/mana items early game. a lot of kassadins i see rush catalyst (build into RoA/banshees later on) so that they can uphold the harass, then go onto mejai's, tear, then come the rest of the ap items.

standard core i see on kass is something like mana crystal + pots -> catalyst/tear -> boots -> mejai -> boots 2 -> ap stuff
Had some great games on Mumble the last 2 nights as Malphite. He's an absolute beast! Ended the last match with 12/4/25 or something stupid like that.
Regarding the email you received arknor, Riot has sent out around 35,000 emails to the owners of accounts which have been reported for various reasons. They will be banning several thousand of those over the coming weeks, but I would assume that number wont be going over 5,000.

I think it's a way of warning those that have been reported to change their ways, to avoid having to investigate/ban so many people. They will instead focus on the most severe cases and remove those players from the game.
I love it when I'm playing Morg and people decide to try gank me at my tower. Root 'n Destroy :D

Anyone else play Kassadin? Just got him yesterday and looking to see what other people build? Tried a few things and I've had the best luck following my usual Morg build: Dorans Ring/ Meaji/ Sorc boots/ Rod of Ages/ Zhonyas. End game I usually have 600+ AP which makes a beastly nuke!

Catalyst,Lv1Boots,Meji,Sorcboots,Tear, (depending on how game goes catalyst can be turned in to ROA or Banshee's) Finish archangels staff
Then build zhonya's.

I never run clarity. always cleanse and Teleport. kassadin is a great assasin and teleport = easy kills + great utility.
Cleanse rocks because the only time you die as kass is when your silenced mixed with banshee's = so hard to kill

Generally with most teams ive come across i end up running banshee's instead of ROA. mana Yellow Magic pen red.
just been told im beeing reported again by captainrambo

because i didnt suicide trying to get kills with him lol...

idiot called me a noob the whole game then said he and the friend he queued with would report me...

i think his real problem was me playing poppy laning with gankplank vs kennen and morgana wantecd to switch lanes so we could fight olaf and WW which obviously makes more sense right?

so veigar and mal could fight tristana and morgana which surely is the better option?

people rage about any kind of crap ill be glad when DOTA2 is out atleast valve know how to look after a community
just been told im beeing reported again by captainrambo

because i didnt suicide trying to get kills with him lol...

idiot called me a noob the whole game then said he and the friend he queued with would report me...

i think his real problem was me playing poppy laning with gankplank vs kennen and morgana wantecd to switch lanes so we could fight olaf and WW which obviously makes more sense right?

so veigar and mal could fight tristana and morgana which surely is the better option?

people rage about any kind of crap ill be glad when DOTA2 is out atleast valve know how to look after a community

If I was using a mage I could think of better people to lane against compared to Morg and her shield.
If I was using a mage I could think of better people to lane against compared to Morg and her shield.

so you would rather have kennen and morgana pushing gankplank and poppy against a tower until it dies than have someone who can actually fight them?

viegar and malz werent doing great against olaf and WW as it was...

it it asking to much for atleast one person who can do ranged attacks to switch lanes?

i could understand if we only had to hold top lane for a short time while the mages won bottom but they werent winning anything
dont understand how it can be 0 when ive won 200 ranked games :S

Well seen as your not even showing in any ladder ranking and a customary search of your profile turns up that you haven't played any ranked games I'd say that your very clearly lying, and from the spouting off your doing in the thread I'd doubt your even holding a 1:1 in normal games.
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wierd cos ive done like 200...?

over 350 normal your sure your looking at the right person


Sorry to say this but on your ingame profile it shows nothing.
Even crap runes etc.

On the league of legends ladder on which i have found all of the guys who play on mumble who have played ranked no problem you dont exist.

On lolbase.com (yes can be out of date but for thoroughness) it shows your elo as 623.

So either your high elo is on the US servers which which through process of elimination we know its not. or your full of complete and utter Crap.

Sorry to say but im going for the you talk complete crap one.

You seem to be the only one who in most games people say there reporting you which you say its because of them being noobs but seriously ive played loads of games and not once been told im getting reported etc.
Ill be honest its not something i would come posting about.

I dont think im the only one that would rather you just be honest instead of talking rubbish about your elo etc to try and justify posts that one more than one occasion have came in for constructive criticism.

Sorry to rant but there is not need to lie to make yourself look bigger and better than you are. my Elo isnt high but i havent played loads of ranked games as i preffer to wait for a full team and jump into ranked when we have a good team to play together.

The guys that know me know i like to have fun etc but dont like people who talk crap for no reason. Your more than welcome to join us all on mumble sometime for some games but make sure you join us being honest because there is no need to be anything other.
No hes definitely playing/played ranked as the match history was showing ranked games but with it not showing it does lean towards either the profile being messed up or <1300 rating.
Well, there certainly isn't any ranked games in his Match History now but at least we know we have the right profile because it's all Poppy.


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