*** League of Legends ***

dont buy anything other than skins and they will porbably have a sale on or some christmas theme ones nearer christmas

I spent a tenner or something the other week to get a couple of weeks of XP boost which has definitely helped me get to 20 so quickly.

It'd be cool if some of you guys wanted to do some team games as I'm getting fed up of playing random games where half your team goes afk.
just did a random ranked game...

ended up 1v5 because my team were a bunch of leavers... wonder if europe will ever see the banning spree the american server got a few weeks ago..

US forums were full of people crying about 222year bans.. riot dont seem to care about all the people wrecking the eu servers so far
Hey all, been playing for a week or so... thought I would give it a try before posting. Very fun little game, up to level 7 now - bought sion with IP as he seems to be a reasonable tank - Good early game play and with certain items seems to build reasonably end game too... However as I am over in NZ I am playing on the US servers - many others on here?
bringing eve back to ranked games, i was last to pick in a solo ranked and the entire team thought i was joking when i selected evelynn, then complained when i locked it in :)

still fun times to be had, went ganking at around lvl 5 which is a bit later than i hoped. Trynd also had a good game once he came out the jungle fairly uninterrupted, their jungle yi was shut down and denied a lot of kills by good warding. Not played ranked in a fair while though so where i used to be high ranked people have just played more and raised the bar so this game was mostly just 1500-1700 :(

there is no denying that the majority of eves out there are terrible and contribute nothing to the team and just get easy kills or even worse, just kill steal.

of course you can get good eves, but your typical eve is pants and probably the same guys who pick teemo and yi :p
Yeah they did but sometimes it just really doesnt help, positioning positioning positioning ;) eve is a great tower diver too where you can be seen anyway but recovering all your health lost due to the tower when you kill the hero is often amusing.

Won another the other day where the opposing team bought at bare minimum 12 oracles, granted i was trying to wind them up aswell and they all wanted me to die so a lot of gold was spent on countering eve to very little effect.
I had an annoying game over the weekend with a couple of idiots on my team just screaming kill steal at me the whole time.
I play as twitch at the moment and these idiots took tanks each but wouldnt initiate any fights or anything.It was late game so i was stacked full of phantom dancers and bloodthirsters and was pretty much critting every attack.
As these douche bags wouldnt attack or anything i saw that 4 of the enemy team was attacking a tower and they where just watching i teleported into the reeds(thank you mushroom)and stealthed,Moved out to get a good line of sight of all 4 and hit spray and pray.As all hell broke loose and they realised they all turned to flee so ofc at this point they have a few stacks of venom so i hit debiltating poison so they can't escape.My team mates then decide to join in by this point.Im still firing my missiles and by now they have the full stack of 6 venom in them so i decide to expunge and it kills them all.My team then starts flaming me saying they where going to get the kills and that im a kill stealer for using expunge.
Yet when i say that i initiated the attack and slowed)all before they joined the fight) them im told thats what im supposed to do but not expunge lol.

So where do you guys stand.I play to win but wouldnt let some1 else do all the fighting and then jump in and get the killing blow.
But as i was in the fight from the start i feel i have every right to use any of my abilities.I try to do the best for the team.

Probably just a couple of kids not enjoying somebody getting more kills than them as it will make their epeen shrivel and the ladies wont think they are cool.
every hero has a role, if the person isnt playing that role effectively then they should be ignored .... now all we need is a change to make it so you dont get matched up with people on your ignore list. Having stealth heroes initiate a team fight is dumb, having them initiate a 2v1 is great.
Mumble password sent to Beren and Deiwos, generally if you are a regular on here i'll (or one of the admins) send the password straight away. If you are a new poster to here or the other forums that make up our group then I or the other admins want to have a game or so with you before we open it up. Got a very nice group of people at the moment and we want to keep it that way.

A microphone is not a requirement but it helps team play considerably.
my new teemo build
check my AP, notice i have lichbane (next attack does ability power in damage) lalalala lol



I'd love to hit you with Veigar's ult :) 1 shotted! :D

Played LoL for a while and really enjoyed it for the most part. However, I stopped this week due to the sheer frustration at consistently being put with retards or leavers!

Just because you lose a tower 1 player on the team will leave complaining about OPed champs on the other team despite the fact his let them kill him 10 times on the lane.

It's so frustrating to watch your team fall to bits in a game you know you should have won!

Shame really, cause apart from that I really enjoyed the game.
Played LoL for a while and really enjoyed it for the most part. However, I stopped this week due to the sheer frustration at consistently being put with retards or leavers!

Pretty much why I ditched ranked, in normal mode my elo is quite high that I get to play with some of the top5 players from all ladders on US side, its rare to get bad players and its really fun, shame you still get trash talkers. Just finished a game with Locodoco and a guy was trash talking him so hard.

Got to play with Zileas not long ago too, our team was something like 2-22 in the first 20 minutes but we did a epic turn around and won, Zileas sent a friends invite afterwards but havent got to play with him since :(
Mumble password sent to Beren and Deiwos, generally if you are a regular on here i'll (or one of the admins) send the password straight away. If you are a new poster to here or the other forums that make up our group then I or the other admins want to have a game or so with you before we open it up. Got a very nice group of people at the moment and we want to keep it that way.

A microphone is not a requirement but it helps team play considerably.

Had some great games with the guys on Mumble last night. Learnt a lot from the 4 or 5 matches I played, even if I did suck for the majority of those matches. Being able to time ultimates together is so much fun :D

Oh, and my username is Deiwos86 for anyone who wants to add me :)
We had a great game on mumble last night, we had been pushed heavily back to our inhibitor towers. We lost the middle one with inhibitor. Luckily we had been slowly pushing ourselves just not as clearly as they had. Then 2 team fights later - shockingly on our empty mid we got the game back in our favour and the win. As a team I think we worked well in the latter stages - even if it was painful getting there.
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