Was that a ranked game?
no normal probably get owned in a ranked game with a build like that , no survivability at all
Was that a ranked game?
dont buy anything other than skins and they will porbably have a sale on or some christmas theme ones nearer christmas
my new teemo build
check my AP, notice i have lichbane (next attack does ability power in damage) lalalala lol
I'd love to hit you with Veigar's ult :) 1 shotted! :D
Played LoL for a while and really enjoyed it for the most part. However, I stopped this week due to the sheer frustration at consistently being put with retards or leavers!
Just because you lose a tower 1 player on the team will leave complaining about OPed champs on the other team despite the fact his let them kill him 10 times on the lane.
It's so frustrating to watch your team fall to bits in a game you know you should have won!
Shame really, cause apart from that I really enjoyed the game.
Played LoL for a while and really enjoyed it for the most part. However, I stopped this week due to the sheer frustration at consistently being put with retards or leavers!
Mumble password sent to Beren and Deiwos, generally if you are a regular on here i'll (or one of the admins) send the password straight away. If you are a new poster to here or the other forums that make up our group then I or the other admins want to have a game or so with you before we open it up. Got a very nice group of people at the moment and we want to keep it that way.
A microphone is not a requirement but it helps team play considerably.