This is me, but not for the reasons you think.
I actually hate having to talk. I hate it because I'm just bad at having conversations. Knowing that I'm crap at conversations, I babble. I make the mistake of just saying as much nonsense as I can just to keep (the illusion of) the conversation going.
Actually, it's not a conversation. I lost the other person's interest almost immediately. They are now you, trying to get away. They are not stimulated or interested. Also, I know this. I know I'm floundering in an ocean of pee. I know I'm drowning in it. I just can't stop myself from babbling away, but always I'm 100% aware and fully conscious that I'm dying on my arse and this is possibly the worst conversation in the history of human communication.
I'm relieved when the other person says, "Nice to catch up. Speak to you soon!" It's a lie, of course. It was anything but nice. They weren't engaged and they had to politely listen to the worst horse poo they've heard in ages.
I'm truly, deeply sorry that I put them through it. It stressed me out as much as it bored them. I hated it too.