Leeds meet thread **19th Feb**

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Otacon said:
I think i speak for all of us when i say..

What on earth are you on about :confused:
just realised that i pressed the "quick" button on pyro's post but didnt click on "include quote message in reply" doh!

he was talking about something, cant remember now!..
Roberta said:
knee sliding Grease stylee (well done that man!)



Roberta said:
Other noteable moments were Trojan's jaw dropping when a lady bent over in Fudge with a lovely bottom cleavage (I did dare him to stick a wedge of lime in it but he wouldn't.

That was fantastic :D Would have loved to stick something in it (ooer!) but didn't fancy getting a) lamped and b) kicked out!

Piggymon said:
Trojan - He of the mobile phone pron !! .. Hope you sorted her out

I can't quite remember exactly what I said to you and Desmo as I was more than a little intoxicated by that point (I blame those creme egg liquer things)! From what you've both said however it seems I said probably a bit more than I should have done :o Ah well ta for listening to me going on, and I apologise if I either bored the pants off you both or made no sense whatsoever! Oh and I'm taking her out tonight by the way ;)
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