---Left 4 Dead 2 Thread---

Fail on new survivors you should be able to create your own character, not got a problem with them releasing another so soon most games only get 10-20 hours of my time and LFD1 got around 60.
Take a look at this group and join the chat, haven't said anything, but it's funny to read some of the comments on it: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/L4D2boycott

Wow, this is typical internet whingeing. People love to be part of active groups which serve no purpose other than to speculate and complain.

The few people here who defend the decision to make L4D2 seem to not understand what everyone is upset about. I've tried to summarize the most common issues I've heard people having in hopes that it clears things up:

* Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered

Waves of update plus a whole new method of gameplay, new map and constant fixes? Seems pretty good to me. A lot of companies don't bother. And it didn't cost anything to the users.

* Valve put little faith in L4D1 since they almost certainly started working on L4D2 right after release

So what?

* The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games

Of course they'd know that, having played L4D2 and thoroughly familiarised themselves with the gameplay.

* The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes

And the developers told them this?

* The new character designs seem bland and unappealing so far

Clutching at straws, here. What would they like? Flying dragons that shoot steel balls from their eyes?

* L4D2 is too bright to fit in with L4D1's visual aesthetic

You've seen one map. One test map. And even then it's your personal opinion.

* The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked, though the differently orchestrated music is otherwise welcome

Turn it off then.

* L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before

L4D1 isn't going anywhere. It will remain as popular for years to come. And even then Valve is a business. Maybe no-one's noticed but the economy is not exactly at its peak. L4D made them a huge amount of money, why not make more? They're not Samaritans giving gamers stuff gratis so they've got something to do with their vacuous lives.

* The community has lost faith in Valve's former reputation for commitment to their games post-release

No it hasn't, you just felt like starting a group to have a moan and see your name down as leader. Yer! Stick it to the man!

The irony here is that most members who join this group will end up buying L4D2 anyway.
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Fail on new survivors you should be able to create your own character,

i like that idea :D can give people the option of uniforms and stuff like hair dos and glasses, lol can just see elton john in a pink suit with the big gay glasses chopping zombies up with a chainsaw
i like that idea :D can give people the option of uniforms and stuff like hair dos and glasses, lol can just see elton john in a pink suit with the big gay glasses chopping zombies up with a chainsaw

Hehehehe :D

I'd lol at seeing the "only gay in the village" wearing bright blue lycra on a zombie killing spree
That group might be a bunch of whingers but it doesn't necessarily mean they dont have any valid points.

Gabe Newell promised regular updates. So far I count 2:

  • A balancing update - which should have been sorted during the beta
  • The addition of 1 map and 1 new game mode, and the opening of 2 existing maps for versus (which certainly should have been there on day one)

Now I can forgive Valve for not having these things on day one. But to say that constitutes satisfactory new content, I disagree.

I'd be happy if content were to continue to trickle out over the next year, but that isn't going to happen. L4D2 brings nothing new to the table apart from changes requested since day one.

There is no new engine (a slightly tweaked Source engine doesn't count). Valve have been listening to feedback since last year - the most popular requests were:
  • Different characters to choose from
  • More maps
  • More weapons and maybe and additional tier of weapons
  • Melee weapons
  • New game modes

Rather than incorporate these in L4D, or rather than release an SDK like Bethesda would have done, they have decided to milk the L4D cash cow a mere 12 months after the initial launch.

Let us be clear than plenty of other companies do this kind of thing, and more besides. But Valve has been held in esteem by the gaming community, and we expect better.

Yes they are a company and yes they must try to make more profits - but never bite the hand that feeds you.
I assume you didn't Buy Left 4 Dead based on game content that was promised down the line but instead for the awesome game content already included. We all know Valve's massive support for TF2 but that doesn't mean they have to do the same with L4D.

Were you annoyed you had to buy Half Life 2 Episode 1 as you had alreay both Half Life 2 and so shoud be given the episodes free?
I bought it because it look like it could be a good game, and Valve have a history of refreshing content, providing new maps and allowing the community to provide new maps & mods.

I've really enjoyed my L4D time, but I'm getting bored. 4.2 Maps (counting Last Stand as one fifth), 8 weapons and 2 game modes. It's becoming a little tedious.

If this were another game from another company, I'd probably be satisfied that I just about got my money's worth.

But this is Valve; apart from the fact that I can't resell my valve games like I did with Bioshock, Crysis, Far Cry 2, ET:QW, BF2, etc, I expect better from them to start with.

They are perfectly entitled to start behaving like EA, but if they do, I will start treating like I do EA.

If you feel differently, you can campaign against Valve putting more resources into L4D and have them put it into L4D2; and feel free to buy L4D2.

Talking about HL2; I didn't like the idea of episodic content, you pay more for less. But I bought them nevertheless, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. But is L4D at £20 worth the same as The Orange Box at £20?
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I am more than happy with this announcement. I have easily put a few hundred hours into L4D, and therefore considered it to be very cheap entertainment having bought it on release for £25.

I think that if Valve had added all these changes to the first game, then the steam boards would be full of purists moaning that the game has changed for the worse.
Either way, I look forward to realease and trying out these new features.

It somewhat annoys me to see so many people assuming that they have a god-given right to a steady stream of DLC when these games cost so little to begin with.
Sure they promised some DLC, and they delivered. Survival mode added a new element to the game, and kept me busy for another few weeks.

L4D may have been a little short lived in content, but the replayability and the teamwork was there and that's what counts in my opinion.
Everyone keeps banging on about free content, am I one of the few people that sees Valve games as an investment nowadays?

There is no finished multiplayer product from them. Take TF2, they released a working game with a fair amount of content and listened to the community to help release fun, refreshing updates.

We come to Left4Dead and we are faced with a similar situation, however this time the game is lacking in features and the add-ons are no where near as plentiful. I even paid more money for Left4Dead!

I for one will not be buying the game, mainly because the original never really hooked me. An sdk on release would have interested me, however completing the same game modes over and over again with little variation (Shiva tactics yay! Shotgun tactics yay!) holds little fun for me. Valve should have stuck with L4D and worked around these problems, rather than running in completely the opposite direction. Adding 1 hit kill novelty weapons and fire spewing shotguns does not equal fun.
I was just thinking about what kind of pricing L4D2 should be and suddenly thought what if valve integrate all the characters and maps from L4D into L4D2 and if you buy L4D2 you can then pass on your L4D copy to another person or friend.

That way you get to pass the old game on to another potential customer for valve and you still get to access all the features, maps etc from L4D.

Thought it would be a great way for valve to promote L4D2 as the email the other person gets could be marketed towards L4D2, loads of those people will install L4D and then eventually they may buy L4D2.
An interesting link that I have found for more information on this game: http://www.zombicidal.com/l4d2/#AID

It appears to be updated as time goes on.

God I'm looking forward to this... Though now I've watched the videos the melee weapons look pretty overpowered to me.

Nice link, sums up everything nicely.

I can't really tell with this game, at first I was slightly excited, then I went a bit critical as all the negativity kicked in, and now, after reading that, its looking better again. I'll have to see closer to the time if they release a demo.
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