Legal aid should not fund asylum legal action.

Oof, the truth. Its burns



Wiki defines it, I do not see a specific colour, because there is no colour.

Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.

Those people have hijacked another word and linked it with race.
Very stable?

Are you high?

Is kashmir stable?

Is Pakistan stable?

Was the mass forced immigration where millions were killed stable?

Was the forced famine due to British taking all the food stable?

Again very tinted spectacles being worn here.

Those problems are there own doing not the British.
You can't continue to blame another countries for problems after a long period big time.

They had sufficient time to resolve them and havent.

Those countries need to accept they are the cause and only they can have a solution. If they can't they they need to be invaded again.

The British had gone through the same when they were invaded. You don't see them crying and blaming the Romans etc do you.

If those countries have problems they have not resolved then it is their own making.
So just because you managed to get in before the door was shut nobody else is allowed in?

Seems fair.
There has to be a limit, are you suggesting that there should be no limits for anything? If you have suggested no limits for everything then you mostly would be dead along with the rest of us.
No I wouldn't. If anything I'd be richer for it.

There is plenty of land in this country not being used. Fields and fields of land.

The population of Scotland is only 5 million yet it has 100 times the land mass of London as an example.

Again it's completely ignorant thinking.

I say let them all in bar the bad ones.
Their own countries have more land and better land.

The more people that come here the more damage to our land.
I really don't think you understand the negative impact this has on everyone.

But there will be a time when you will realise that what you have suggested will have a negative impact on your life.
The only negative impact it has is on the racists and the poor.

Canada is a promoter of immigration and they are a much more prosperous country than us within a few decades without the horrible history.

All you will ever see is negatives. You have already made a stake in the ground and drawn a line.

So you have agreed that immigration impacts the poor, would it be logical to resolve the poor native problem and once that has been fix open the immigration doors for skilled people.
You can't solve the poor native problem.

You can't force people to eat nutritional food, stop drinking and smoking so their children develop well.

You cannot then force them to feed their children good food so their brains develop with age.

You also cannot force people to work hard or do well in school.

They need to want to do these things.

Rather than spending £100 a week on drink and fags they should have spent it on decent food. Rather than gambling, ******* away money in pubs they should have invested in a home in a half decent area.

The only way to solve the problem of the poor is have a benefit system that promotes working.

I believe in Canada all you get is 6 months and after that you are cut off and you need to have paid into the system first to be entitled to that.

There are exceptions of course for veterans and disabilities.

What they don't do is promote a system where its okay to be a single mother to multiple children. Sometimes as many as a football team and rake in £50k a year in benefits.

It's not the immigrants that's the problem is the British people themselves and their mentality when it comes to the poor.

If anything I'd rather have 1 hard working migrant for 100 lazy British.

In Canada all the low paid native Canadians are complaining also. But they are also the last person you will see to pick up a shovel and earn it. They are complaining all the immigration is pushing prices up. People are taking their jobs.

Entitled generation.

I'm willing to bet a lot of people who harbour I'll intent towards immigrants are people that aren't that well off financially, either that or just simply racist.

If you live in a house your family have more rights than a visitor. The same goes for the UK, the natives have more rights than the visitors( immigrants).
If the natives wish to live of the state then be it, but immigrants and asylum seekers should not full stop.
Can't you see the difference between natives and those that have no connection to the UK.

Ok I guess you agree in not giving asylums and immigrants any support no money from the state no homes etc... I 100 %agree 1gen migrants should not be entitled to anything apart from a pension if they paid towards it.
I have nothing more to say to you.

I stopped listening when you said the Indians deserved to be killed, raped, massacred, starved and worked to death. And they deserve it to be done again.

Your either a troll or a moron or possibly both.

When did I say that? it is how you interpret it, not how I see it. You cant just accuse people of what you said when I never said that.
You are also insulting people.

I gave you a very short historical view, and said every race country has been at both ends. You focus on the British empire there have been many empires that have worse human right records.

Genghis Khan had largest land based empire in world history, yet you have not said anything about his empire which was more brutal than the British by far.

As I said Indian empires also treated people very bad yet you have not spoke about that.

When people solely speak about the British empire and constantly degrade the British people about history then they are racist. You need to learn history and then you will not be able to blame the British.
Why should natives have more rights than immigrants? I fundamentally disagree with that. We should have equal rights no matter what.

So you as a home owner should not have more right and extra privilege than a visitor or a guest to your home?
The guest can do what ever he like in your home?

This can be applied to the uk, as a native you have more rights than a none native.
My home and this country are not equal. So I wouldn't apply the same criteria to both.

No, I don't think that natives should have more rights than immigrants as I stated previously.

That is how it is. If not this country would be over run and your life would be worse.
There is a social agreement in place a unsigned contract between you and the state.
So many filthy bigots in this thread. My wife's boyfriend is a migrant and it makes me sad to think of the racists in here who would disapprove.
I just know what to say to the first part comment. The 2nd part there is no race when we speak about migrant, no one can be racist against migrants.
India is a corrupt country run by those with power and money fir their own benefit.

You can buy a degree from any university.

I'm well aware of this.

These are issues stemming from their culture and history. Britain played a huge part in their recent history.

What is it in America, 50% of African American males have a criminal record. That's because of the system put in place by those in power.

The issue is none of you can understand India because you have never lived there. All you see is some news headlines.

I know how things are done over there my uncle was a politician before he passed away and now his son took his place.

When someone needed something done they would take him along. Like getting a license for a shotgun or to buy some land. Of course he would get something out of it.

I remember us going out for the day and there was a police road check going on where they stop every car and if they find anything wrong they ask for money or you go to jail. That money goes in their pockets. He happily stopped and they all knew who he was and didn't check anything instead he chatted with them for a few minutes and we were on our way.

The country works nothing like it does over here. So you cannot hold it to the same standard.

If you were born into a system like that then guess what chances are you too would be corrupt. Just like if you too were born African American in America in a place like Compton you too would have a criminal record.

The people discussing the issue on here have no real clue what they are talking about. Like I said before. You have never walked in their shoes. Judging them by the standards of your own experiences vastly different to theirs.

Its going to take at least a century for India to sort itself out possibly two or three. The problem is that so many are out for themselves because the poverty situation over there is so bad and once you have power it's easy to use it against those beneath your standing.

But please go ahead educate me more on a country I've stayed in for over a year and I speak the lingo and I've been all over goa, bombay, Delhi, agra, all over punjab and uttar pradesh.

No wonder they all want to leave its literally a mess over there. So they seek better lives elsewhere if they can. It's easy to get into the UK if you are a doctor and it's easy to buy a degree. Hell I'd do it if I lived over there.

What has that got to do with the UK?
Why should the uk accept immigrants or asylum seekers.

if it is so corrupt there then fix it like most west countries did. You think the West just became the west naturally, it was people uprising a lot of deaths by those fighting those in control, uprising that creating laws and sticking to them that made those countries great.

The UK should just close it doors not fund assistance to those who are not British citizens and send them all back.
Because it's economy needs them. Every study shows they take out less and pay more in than average UK folk do. And until Brexit was one of the four freedoms provided as being part of the EU. Those outside of the EU had to apply and gain visa's or are here for study / spouse etc.

Because every comparatively rich, Western country with any conscience does and because the UK is a signatory to the Geneva convention and the European Convention on Human Rights.
By the way Turkey hosts 3.7 million refugees, the UK 126,000 (March 2018).

The numbers claming asylum in the UK are tiny in the grand scheme of things. The costs of proving for them is tiny. This false narrative of an invasion is just that.

What should be done is every asylum seeker and every UK citizen should have an ID card (like every other EU nation does) so you can track who is legal and who isn't. Who has a right to work and who doesn't. The UK also should have always enforced rules on EU nationals staying when they couldn't support themselves. Again rules fully allowed under EU law and something many other EU countries enact.

There is no infrastructure to support people in this country, adding to the population with out having infrastructure to cope will lead problems .

Most reports are carried out with hidden agendas or those that will profit from uncontrollable immigration.

Skill immigration is very different from asylum and most none skilled immigrants.

I’d you don’t have a skill that is needed then you should not be allowed enter ther uk.
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