Legal aid should not fund asylum legal action.

If the options are on the table, you pick the one you like the most. Human nature. Nobody's gonna look at their options and go "nah, I'll take the crap one tnx".

Why risk a dangerous channel crossing when you can settle in France, Germany or the Netherlands?
1/5 of crime committed by immigrants? seems like we have more of a problem with the natives. :)

1/5 is very high number. You need to see that the native population would be xx times greater than the immigrated population.

If you have 100 o total, native pop is 90 and the immigrated pop is 10.
25 are criminals of the total pop, immigrants account for 1/5 = 5 and natives account for 4/5 = 20

That is 50%of the total immigrant pop are criminals and 22% of natives are criminals.

Who do we have a problem with?
Many do. No point building a false narrative about everything.

And many don't. What kind of reasonable person risks theirs or worse still their families lives with an unnecessary danger like that?
Not someone I want to be around, that's for sure.
Why risk a dangerous channel crossing when you can settle in France, Germany or the Netherlands?

I imagine the biggest reason will be people already having family in a particular country. I don't believe there is anything massively different between the restrictions on refugees here or in France for example. I actually think they might be harsher here in general, it's 12 months until you can apply for work in the UK, whereas in France it's 6 months.
And many don't. What kind of reasonable person risks theirs or worse still their families lives with an unnecessary danger like that?
Not someone I want to be around, that's for sure.

Like most things, answering these questions from the comfort of our nice heated homes with running water, electricity, food, is missing a lot of context and reasoning.

Many might think "screw it, I've made it this far, a bit of water is nothing!" and try it anyway. Many might not. Who are we to know?
I've mostly given up on reading threads like this and I probably should do so for good. It just gives me that unpleasant feeling of being a bystander watching something unsavoury going on.

People seemingly really dislike the idea of being "taken advantage of" by foreigners, disproportionately so to the extent that they lose their compassion entirely. It's really quite ugly.
I've mostly given up on reading threads like this and I probably should do so for good. It just gives me that unpleasant feeling of being a bystander watching something unsavoury going on.

People seemingly really dislike the idea of being "taken advantage of" by foreigners, disproportionately so to the extent that they lose their compassion entirely. It's really quite ugly.

And what gets me is that I doubt these people interact with migrants much at all! If you live in a village in Devon or something you are barely going to see anyone who isn't white and British.

I might be able to understand their prejudice if their wife has been attacked by a migrant or something, not that it would make it correct.
they lose their compassion entirely. It's really quite ugly.

If there were a war in France and people fled France to come to the UK. I’d be compassionate, similarly with ROI, Denmark and any other country in which we were the nearest safe haven. It’s hard to feel compassion towards people who are supposedly leaving their nation of birth behind to find asylum due to war or other violent reasons. Only for them to shun Italy or Greece, get smuggled through lorries, drive through Germany, again not applying for asylum, camping in Calais for 3 weeks. Again not applying for asylum in France, and then again either smuggling through lorries on the channel tunnel or crossing the channel in rubber dinghies. I have very little sympathy or compassion for these people. And I’m not apologetic about that.
I've mostly given up on reading threads like this and I probably should do so for good. It just gives me that unpleasant feeling of being a bystander watching something unsavoury going on.

People seemingly really dislike the idea of being "taken advantage of" by foreigners, disproportionately so to the extent that they lose their compassion entirely. It's really quite ugly.

I am sure someone can recommend a safe space to you ;)
If there were a war in France and people fled France to come to the UK. I’d be compassionate, similarly with ROI, Denmark and any other country in which we were the nearest safe haven. It’s hard to feel compassion towards people who are supposedly leaving their nation of birth behind to find asylum due to war or other violent reasons. Only for them to shun Italy or Greece, get smuggled through lorries, drive through Germany, again not applying for asylum, camping in Calais for 3 weeks. Again not applying for asylum in France, and then again either smuggling through lorries on the channel tunnel or crossing the channel in rubber dinghies. I have very little sympathy or compassion for these people. And I’m not apologetic about that.

Well Said
I've mostly given up on reading threads like this and I probably should do so for good. It just gives me that unpleasant feeling of being a bystander watching something unsavoury going on.

People seemingly really dislike the idea of being "taken advantage of" by foreigners, disproportionately so to the extent that they lose their compassion entirely. It's really quite ugly.

And let's be honest, a lot of those who share these views were probably frothing at the mouth claiming "all lives matter". Yet, we've got one poster in here who has advocated bombing those seeking refuge.

I just can't fathom why someone who because of their religion lives in fear of their life, and have seen their friends and family killed by their countryfolk for their choice of religion, doesn't want to settle in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, when they've been learning English from very early on in school. A mystery.
1/5 is very high number. You need to see that the native population would be xx times greater than the immigrated population.

If you have 100 o total, native pop is 90 and the immigrated pop is 10.
25 are criminals of the total pop, immigrants account for 1/5 = 5 and natives account for 4/5 = 20

That is 50%of the total immigrant pop are criminals and 22% of natives are criminals.

Who do we have a problem with?

Guess I need to post this again

Stats also form a bit of a problem when looking at repeat offenders. The below is obviously in no way representative of the truth, I'm just using it to illustrate how numbers can be misleading.

900 white people
100 black people

100 crimes committed.
60 crimes committed by 60 different white people.
40 crimes committed by 8 different black people.

Ignoring unique criminals, you can say black people make up 10% of the population, but commit 40% of the crime, their crime : population ratio is 4:1.
The same metric for white people (60% of the crime, 90% of the population) gives a crime : population ratio of 2:3, or 0.67:1
Oh noes, black people are 6 times more likely to commit crimes than white people (4 / 0.67 = 6)

However, only 8% of the black population actually committed any crimes, whereas 6.7% of white people committed crimes.
So from a unique person perspective, black people are only 20% more likely to commit crimes than white people ( 8 / 6.7 = 1.2), a far cry from the 600% we saw in the previous calculation.

Without knowing what the 'unique person/repeat offender' aspect does to the reported figures, the number could be off by quite a margin.

Correct me if I am wrong, a single person can also be charged with multiple individual crimes at once, so if a 5 people are caught partaking in quite a racket, they could be charged with, say, 5 crimes each, making the stats inflated for their ethnicity.
Like most things, answering these questions from the comfort of our nice heated homes with running water, electricity, food, is missing a lot of context and reasoning.

Many might think "screw it, I've made it this far, a bit of water is nothing!" and try it anyway. Many might not. Who are we to know?

Why though? Where's the logic when they're already in a safe country?
Why though? Where's the logic when they're already in a safe country?

Common language? A lot of people will learn English at school, or be self taught, therefore it stands to reason if they are pretty good at it then they'd want to settle somewhere that they have a decent understanding of the language already.

The top five countries of nationality for asylum applications were: Iran  (4,741), Albania  (3,467) , Iraq (2,696) and  Pakistan (1,848).

Common language?

Assuming you mean these individuals speak English...which is a massive assumption...generally so do Europeans. I know I've never met a dane, fin, Swede, Norwegian, dutch or German I couldn't converse with in English. France being the exception. But I can get by with passable French.
Lets face it, if they are not willing to stay in any other eu nation, then they are economic migrants and as such should go through the proper channels if they feel their lives would be better lived in the UK. Just because they want to risk the channel crossing does not mean we should lay out the red carpet. There is plenty of compassion, just not for economic migrants.
Assuming you mean these individuals speak English...which is a massive assumption...generally so do Europeans. I know I've never met a dane, fin, Swede, Norwegian, dutch or German I couldn't converse with in English. France being the exception. But I can get by with passable French.

I am assuming it, but I don't think it's an absurd assumption due to the fact that English is the de-facto second language across the world. But, as you said - it is an assumption and not sure if it's quantifiable. But I think it does need to be considered as to why they are making the move through other European countries. Alongside other reasons.

Edit - a quick Google seems to suggest Iranians need to learn a foreign language from years 7-12, with English being the most popular..
I am assuming it, but I don't think it's an absurd assumption due to the fact that English is the de-facto second language across the world. But, as you said - it is an assumption and not sure if it's quantifiable. But I think it does need to be considered as to why they are making the move through other European countries. Alongside other reasons.

As you say, it's the defacto second language which means those countries they're moving through will likely speak it.
Guess I need to post this again

Without knowing what the 'unique person/repeat offender' aspect does to the reported figures, the number could be off by quite a margin.

Correct me if I am wrong, a single person can also be charged with multiple individual crimes at once, so if a 5 people are caught partaking in quite a racket, they could be charged with, say, 5 crimes each, making the stats inflated for their ethnicity.

If 5 innocent girls get stabbed in the face or sexually assaulted, i'm not sure it will be any comfort for them to know it was done by 1 immigrant or 5 different ones.
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