Stats also form a bit of a problem when looking at repeat offenders. The below is obviously in no way representative of the truth, I'm just using it to illustrate how numbers can be misleading.
900 white people
100 black people
100 crimes committed.
60 crimes committed by 60 different white people.
40 crimes committed by 8 different black people.
Ignoring unique criminals, you can say black people make up 10% of the population, but commit 40% of the crime, their crime : population ratio is 4:1.
The same metric for white people (60% of the crime, 90% of the population) gives a crime : population ratio of 2:3, or 0.67:1
Oh noes, black people are 6 times more likely to commit crimes than white people (4 / 0.67 = 6)
However, only 8% of the black population actually committed any crimes, whereas 6.7% of white people committed crimes.
So from a unique person perspective, black people are only 20% more likely to commit crimes than white people ( 8 / 6.7 = 1.2), a far cry from the 600% we saw in the previous calculation.