Legal aid should not fund asylum legal action.

The Running Man's link suggests that even non-EEA migrants have a net positive in the long term vs a negative in the short term.

No its pointing out a flaw in the Oxford calculation which doesn't include the cost of their children as they assume that the children would be calculated separately.

because under this lifecycle method the cost of education is attributed to the child and expected to be offset by tax on their earnings when they enter the labour market.

This method expects the cost of education to be offset, but it cannot guarantee that.

Even less so now I would imagine if they were to calculate it today knowing that we have lads unemployment.

I also don't know if they factor in things like 50% of people getting cancer for example and therefore the extra healthcare costs this will add..
It's like a stranger breaking in to your house, then using some of your money to make a case arguing that they should be able to stay.
I think i would probably struggle to tell my daughter or niece who had just been sexually assaulted by an immigrant; Yes I fought for more immigration, knowing they were more prevalent to sexually assault someone, but at least some of the other ones didn't assault or defraud anyone yet. And besides within 3 generations they may even be a net benefit to our GDP if they don't push our health service or education or police resources to the brink...

Maybe you could justify that. But I couldn't.
How do you propose they survive then? They aren't allowed to work, which is another problem as that incentivises the slave market that we have in this country.

well since they have all paid the people traffickers approx 1000 euro a head for a berth on a leaky boat across the channel i'm sure they are not short of a few quid to pay for there ''survival'' here
well since they have all paid the people traffickers approx 1000 euro a head for a berth on a leaky boat across the channel i'm sure they are not short of a few quid to pay for there ''survival'' here

So you are saying they are all carrying bags of cash? If not their funds must be banked somewhere, which rather obfuscates the fact they often claim they have no documentation whatsoever to prove their country of origin. If they had these funds you speak of why do they not come legitimately by conventional means, and not smuggled ashore in a rubber boat? They are crooks, led and organised by more crooks and are here to milk the UK for as much as they can. And we have a vociferous forum member who openly admitted his sister was in France aiding these people. Some here appear to have a determined agenda to aid the breaking of our immigration laws, by loud support of illegal migrants, and their activities, for whatever reason.
Yeah i mean a whole grand would cover at least 1 months rent near London.

I don't care to be honest.

The very fact they have all paid a criminal gang to get them here illegally should in my opinion automatically disqualify them from settling here.

They have funded crime by paying the people traffickers that in itself should be a good enough legal reason to kick them all out
I don't care to be honest.

The very fact they have all paid a criminal gang to get them here illegally should in my opinion automatically disqualify them from settling here.

They have funded crime by paying the people traffickers that in itself should be a good enough legal reason to kick them all out

Yes, quite, there seems to be a great softening of feeling for those coming ashore in a smuggler's boat (that get caught, God knows how many do not) compared to if they arrived by conventional means to claim whatever rubbish they claim. If only the weather would hurry up and turn nasty it might reduce this third world exodus across our famous Channel.
shoot the boats anmd tell them to swim back to france...

how come when it's pirates in little crappy boats attacking cargo ships and oil tankers there boats can be shot up?

media out on the sea in there boats claiming you have to give aid if someones in danger at sea and throwing them water etc and basically cheering them on.... protecting them from the wake of other ships and such...

they arent in danger at there points why don't they make it illegal to encourage them to cross illegally ?
shoot the boats anmd tell them to swim back to france...

how come when it's pirates in little crappy boats attacking cargo ships and oil tankers there boats can be shot up?

It's against maritime law not to help people at risk of losing their lives.

You can shoot pirates in international waters (considered enemies of the human race under law) however it becomes another issue altogether to do it in claimed water.

You've also got to be morally bankrupt to suggest that in the first place.
they arent at risk of losing their lives in situations where media have given them aid go watch some vids on youtube the reporters are almost gloating about it

6mins in

yea man they are in serious danger there..... those "15 young men"
bet they have absolutely 0 respect for authority and the law since they so easily disobey it.

france must be such a terrible country ravaged by civil war for all these "young men" to escape it
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It's against maritime law not to help people at risk of losing their lives.

You can shoot pirates in international waters (considered enemies of the human race under law) however it becomes another issue altogether to do it in claimed water.

You've also got to be morally bankrupt to suggest that in the first place.

When maritime law was drawn up I dont think they reasonably expected dinghys full of Somalian immigrants sailing with intent to put their lives at risk to force help and therefore backdoor their way into a country.

Therefore it could be time to either review the law or circumvent it and face the flak, of which i am not sure there would be much.
I think i would probably struggle to tell my daughter or niece who had just been sexually assaulted by an immigrant; Yes I fought for more immigration, knowing they were more prevalent to sexually assault someone, but at least some of the other ones didn't assault or defraud anyone yet. And besides within 3 generations they may even be a net benefit to our GDP if they don't push our health service or education or police resources to the brink...

Maybe you could justify that. But I couldn't.

I hope you also keep her away from the kind of people that over index on paedophilia, you know, white males.
Here's a weird flex. I can guarantee i've met more economic migrants and refugees than all of you.

God knows why they are obsessed with the UK. Most of them wanted to earn an EU passport (Swedish) then they nearly all wanted to move to "Manchester united" or Liverpool... Poor idiots lol.

They all paid 1000s of $ Dollars to get from their African ****hole countries to Europe.
Rubber boats to Italy then fake EU passports to their port of destination, Stockholm were they claimed asylum as 15 year old kids.

IT's the same as the USA, the lure of some amazing wealth.... I mean they literally are being put in execution/concentration camps and destroyed right? am i arite.... Rite... that was sarcasm.

The whole 3rd world is coming to you and they will be cleaning up after your care home mum wets herself in 25 years time. Get used to it.

Don't mind my experience though im sure you all know better.

All the rich Syrians and Iranians moved out long time ago, liquidated their assets and opened pizza shops here... i lol....
One guy i know, still goes back to Iran for holidays, never mind hes KoS with the secret police so he says, damn.... i bet he is...
Here's a weird flex. I can guarantee i've met more economic migrants and refugees than all of you.

God knows why they are obsessed with the UK. Most of them wanted to earn an EU passport (Swedish) then they nearly all wanted to move to "Manchester united" or Liverpool... Poor idiots lol.

They all paid 1000s of $ Dollars to get from their African ****hole countries to Europe.
Rubber boats to Italy then fake EU passports to their port of destination, Stockholm were they claimed asylum as 15 year old kids.

IT's the same as the USA, the lure of some amazing wealth.... I mean they literally are being put in execution/concentration camps and destroyed right? am i arite.... Rite... that was sarcasm.

The whole 3rd world is coming to you and they will be cleaning up after your care home mum wets herself in 25 years time. Get used to it.

Don't mind my experience though im sure you all know better.

All the rich Syrians and Iranians moved out long time ago, liquidated their assets and opened pizza shops here... i lol....
One guy i know, still goes back to Iran for holidays, never mind hes KoS with the secret police so he says, damn.... i bet he is...

Yeboi, its working famously in Sweden. Do you work in the swedish prison system by any chance?


The Mission Investigation programme, due to be broadcast on Wednesday by SVT, said the total number of offenders over five years was 843. Of those, 197 were from the Middle East and North Africa, with 45 coming from Afghanistan.

These are the kind of people coming here in dinghys right?
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I hope you also keep her away from the kind of people that over index on paedophilia, you know, white males.

Rather unlikely to actually be true though is it ....?

The population of England and Wales (to correspond with the CPS data as they dont operate in Scotland) was by percentage 80.5‰ white British (or 86‰ if you include white irish, white gypsy's and white other) these figures are now a bit dated and so the the percentage of white people will actually be a bit lower by 2015/16

We don't know the ethnicity of the 24% of defendants without ethnicity recorded but its not unreasonable (unless you have information to the contrary? ) to assume they will broadly follow the known percentages ethnicity wise (so 67‰ of 24 which is an additional 16.08‰ on the 67‰ for an estimate of a bit over 83‰ which is still a few percent under the 86‰ of people who were white a few years before.)

So with 98‰ of all defendants being male then white men are likely to be somewhere around proportionally represented in child sex offender cases if not slightly under represented on a per capita basis.

And if you look at the figures for convictions for rapes (which include rape of a child) then whites also don't look to be the ones overepresented on a per capita basis.

Where offenders’ ethnicity was known, 81% of people convicted of sexual offences in 2014 were white, 7% were black and 9% were Asian in 2014. These proportions were similar over the previous four years. The government told us it doesn’t regularly publish information on the ethnicity of those found guilty of sexual offences so there is no more recent information.
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Should update international rules whereby if a safe zone and official application route are made available then anyone seeking to bypass from the country/war zone in question gets automatically declined and sent immediately to said safe zone. Immediately removes the incentive.

For example in the case of Syria then a safe zone in the North of the country or in Turkey could be used to process applications. Majority can be in refugee facilities there, successful applicants can be flown over. Don’t need to incentivise people to run a gauntlet through Europe that is biased in favour of young men. Plenty of them are the least needy of the lot.

Not to mention plenty crossing are migrants etc...
Here's a weird flex. I can guarantee i've met more economic migrants and refugees than all of you.

God knows why they are obsessed with the UK. Most of them wanted to earn an EU passport (Swedish) then they nearly all wanted to move to "Manchester united" or Liverpool... Poor idiots lol.
I was about to ask that question.

Why are these people obsessed with coming to the UK... must be our world-famous fish & chips.

Given how many Brits end up leaving for greener pastures in Europe (or Oz/Nz etc), it is a curious thing that so many of these migrants can't wait to come to Blighty.

e: And then end up in a complete **** hole, in some dire inner-city slum.
If I fire bombed your house would you go out of your way to come and live with me unless there were exceptional financial incentive to do so, or you wished to wreak revenge upon me from within? Both seem plausible reasons for migrants from countries you say we destabilised to come half way across the world to enter the UK illegally.

The simple point is many of us do not trust their motives, do not want their financial burden, do not want their potential criminality and will remain stoically dogmatic about it despite being called bigots, racists, little Englanders or Brexiteers ;)

Crack on then, those of us in the real world are fortunate enough to see that the potential can go both ways. Where you see criminals, I see an ocean of untapped talent from countries where success is generally extremely hard to achieve. This results in people who will always go the extra mile, never call in sick, are a lot more appreciative of the opportunities given to them and in most cases will outperform most natives.

But yeah, go ask Doris for another pint and whinge about all the filthy jerb stealing immigrants whilst we all out earn you and are much happier than you ;)
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