this is my first ever gaming laptop,
i knew the fans would be loud, but blimey i was not prepared to the racket they make, gonna have to wear headphones if i play games on this thing (i got it to use with fusion 360 mostly... it's fine with that)
but i had to try it with the train simulator (TSW2) maxed every setting out, was getting about 100fps and around a 9Ms response time (i assume that's what it is, goes upto ~16Ms if i drop to 60Hz)
i got the same performance when i hit 'FN Q' and put it into quiet mode, just the fans went down to a more reasonable level.
Interested in this GPU undervolt thing, it might do what i need, as i don't seem to be taking the gpu too badly running TSW2,
faffing about with remote monitoring atm, got HWmonitor pro running on a tablet, but it's all lines of text, i kind of want something with a few dial gauges... but not as basic as trigone remote system monitor (maybe as it's an old lenovo A7600F tablet thats stuck on android 4 thats the reason for the basic graphical 'gauges'... plus it cant read any cpu temps it seems)
I just want to be able to look over at one of the tablets i have mounted either side of the laptop.. one i use with Touch Portal for keyboard shortcuts in fusion, other is free... and quickly see what temp everythings running at, and the overall frequency of the cpu maybe... rather than the list of all it's cores which takes up a whole page.