You mentioned the screen, how is gaming on it with a smaller screen is it massively different to the ROG? Or do you find yourself holding the Core closer to see it better?
I was holding it about the same, if you have a 6" phone it is basically that size screen. My eye sight in recent months has suddenly changed and I never had issues with eye sight and don't wear glasses, but anything with small writing at about a 10" to a foot away from my eyes will come into focus any closer it blurs now

What I just tried now is I just held it where I felt comfortable and natural and I can see it clearly. So I don't feel like I'm bringing it in closer than I would naturally have it anyways. Also the screen is down when I did this and when screen up and angled towards me and means the screen is slightly more away from me and same position and didn't bring it closer or adjusted how I was sat or holding it. It is more comfortable to use with screen up and angled though.
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