Lenovo Legion Go

With the original Ally (Z1 Extreme) now down to £450, I'm sure it wont be long before the X gets a discount. Especially with Black Friday/Monday whatever coming along soon in November.

My personal view is Asus needs to shelve the White original model, replace it with the X at a much friendlier price point, then I honestly think they would dominate the sector, especially if Steam OS has already been given the go ahead for the Ally (whatever that actually means in real life).

It is great though to see all these different models, and being spoilt for choice.

The white model Z1 Extreme and none Extreme have been on life support since the MicroSD issues and then the issues with stick drift too that people always complain about and Asus digging their own graves with the RMA issues. Then the none extremes terrible performance and silly price from the start and then they had to slash the price on it when the general public realised they may look the same but don't perform the same and the Z1 was actually a very clever way to rip people off that are not very tech savvy or parents thinking grab that for the kids as it looked cheaper for the same thing ... but the kids know :cry: and get the parents to return it.

Agree if Asus, can't believe I'm saying this.. but if Asus had priced things right from the start they could have been market leaders in pc handhelds, just look at how much these companies discounted them since the release and they still make a decent profit don't be fooled, look at MSI with the Claw £800 it came out at and now £500 with $50 steam voucher and a $60 free game currently on offer, So really £400 for the device now with the extras.. and nobody wants them and I even returned one when it was on this same offer as it was so broken it was unreal.. Now waiting for the same mess with their new 8" version as the problem is not the hardware but the software that makes it work and it comes down to Intel and their GPU drivers.

Imagine an Ally X at £450-500 now ? they wouldn't be able to keep them in stock and take over the handheld market like Sony with PSP did back in the day, I feel like these handhelds are attracting more of the older generation that grew up on PSP,Vita, Game Gear and Game Boy etc and of course younger generation too that see how cool these devices are and the access to their pc games and all the games their parents played and talk about.. The retro gaming thing is what has also made these types of handhelds wanted in the market again.

Nostalgia sells ! and sells very well that's why Vinyl records are back.. who would believe that ? that grew up with them and the issues they had.. once CD came out I remember all us music lovers threw them out or took them to a charity shop and replaced all our favourite albums with CDs. Tape stayed longer because of Walkmans and people could record onto them, but they died off too and funny enough coming back too. Digital mp3 players and ipods killed the Tape Walkman off in the end and tape decks, then recordable CDs nailed the coffin shut on tape machines.

I hope you understand what I mean, I know I went off topic but to me these changes in peoples buying habits all come down to certain hobbies they grew up with that died off but come back later in life in a new more modern form just to be able to access the same stuff they used back in the day and it encourages the young generation around these adults to check what all the excitement is about and fall deep into the hobby too. Look at some of the younger generation with handhelds now they don't have one they have a collection of them now and even trying to collect all the retro ones that's why retro games and consoles shot up in price when they were worth nothing and even charity shops wouldn't take them :cry:.. I know I tried ...

Okay long wall of text again.. but in short yes if one of these companies gets the almost perfect device out at a sensible price they will make a killing right now in the handheld market and become a market leader, but some are just too greedy as we see and giving specs that are not worthy of 2024-2025 devices.
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MSI Claw 8 Ai+ with some hands on and performance parts in their too AMD vs Intel new SOCs .. But we know Intel... Does look nice for an 8" larger device, but the worry is Intel Drivers for graphics. The MSI Claw I returned was a real mess of a device.​

EDIT :- Ouch new MSI Claw re-review with all latest updates.

Soon landfill or given away...Reasons right there why I sent it back and he's being kind and not talking much about how bad it stutters in almost everything, even with the latest updates to BIOS and drivers.

His previous review when released :-


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Hope they work on the power use - the CPU performance is surprisingly good and while decent under heavy loads at idle or light to medium utilisation power consumption could be improved a lot. Also hope they focus on bumping up the GPU performance as that lags behind what the CPU can offer.

While I wouldn't say no I don't see the need for 12C/24T, I'd rather have those resources shifted to the GPU.

EDIT: I see they are claiming up to 300% improved battery life.
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Yeah, the battery life would be something, but for me this level of performance is all I personally need in a handheld PC for now.
The Z1 Extreme is pretty amazing. Wild amount of CPU power to be holding in a handheld.
Yeah, the battery life would be something, but for me this level of performance is all I personally need in a handheld PC for now.
The Z1 Extreme is pretty amazing. Wild amount of CPU power to be holding in a handheld.

I've got mine alongside still using the original GPD Pocket with the 4 core Atom Z8750 so the CPU performance comparison is a bit shocking, though the GPD still is quite useful.
Yeah, I keep my Ayaneo Air as it's just so much more portable. One to throw in the bag and not think about. The Legion Go is a fantastic handheld, but it takes up a good amount of space if you take it with you.
This may interest you :-



Again another handheld pc console device that can't get all things right... 16GB RAM again...says up to 2TB SSD but says it has a 2280 sized M.2 and may come with different sized ssds.. But has a 7" 144Hz Freesync VRR display, but looks like a device also for a child and very over the top gamer type... Specs are in the videocardz link and 8840HS not a 8840U so maybe just a cut down version with the AI rubbish fused off or AMDs binning them that way with the NPU disabled that is not needed for a gaming device anyways.

No price yet but we will guess £800 for UK and $750 for USA. Because we always get ripped off here. Anyways another miss by another big company that makes the devices. So far Asus are sat pretty for the 7" mainstream device with their Ally X, if it was only priced better, at £800 it's a nope from me.

EDIT new video with new information too :-

Just a rebranded handheld it seems from another company and Acers silly childish colouring added to it.

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I do like my Legion Go. I wish it had better 'docked' support. That portrait panel can be a pain for example. I still think the GPU doesn't have enough grunt, so I welcome a Z2. I don't see need for 12c, but I think they are playing with numbers here if it is mix of big and little cores.

RAM needs more channels to open up the GPU as well. Games like Horizon Forbidden West are basically unplayable at any settings level.

Definitely prefer the bigger screen and it is pretty much the reason I didn't get the Ally, as the screen is too small for my middle age eyes now lol.

I did enquire with some companies about 32gb ram upgrade but those doing it actually didn't recommend it as the ram chips were unreliable. (China sourced I believe).
Definitely prefer the bigger screen and it is pretty much the reason I didn't get the Ally, as the screen is too small for my middle age eyes now lol.

That's the main thing holding me back on the Antec Core HS. The specs are fantastic, but the screen is smaller than my phone's...

Legion Go 2 when?
Out of curiosity what performance software do people here use for monitor FPS and the like?
Maybe unpopular opinion, but for these handhelds I just don't.
If the game doesn't feel good, I'll drop resolution or settings. Gaming on a portable I just don't really feel the need to have these metrics wasting screen space.
What is looked on as the best of all these handhelds ?

IMO that depends on what people want - personally I lean heavily towards the Legion Go due to it seeming to have the best build quality and support so far, despite some issues. I really appreciate the larger screen, ability to detach the joycons, flip out the stand and use it for non-gaming stuff and/or gaming with a travel keyboard and mouse. But it is a bulkier and heavier unit than some of the others (though I don't notice it personally in use) and not as purely gaming optimised as say the Steam offerings, etc.

I find it so useful I'm having to resist the urge to buy another one, though they seem to be low/out of stock at the moment, and I'm trying to be disciplined and hold out for the next generation as if they do it right they should be much better devices i.e. at least 32GB RAM, etc.

Out of curiosity what performance software do people here use for monitor FPS and the like?

MSI Afterburner if I'm tweaking, etc. most games these days have a built in FPS counter and/or can use the Steam one, etc. but I mostly only bother when setting things up.
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IMO that depends on what people want - personally I lean heavily towards the Legion Go due to it seeming to have the best build quality and support so far, despite some issues. I really appreciate the larger screen, ability to detach the joycons, flip out the stand and use it for non-gaming stuff and/or gaming with a travel keyboard and mouse. But it is a bulkier and heavier unit than some of the others (though I don't notice it personally in use) and not as purely gaming optimised as say the Steam offerings, etc.

I find it so useful I'm having to resist the urge to buy another one, though they seem to be low/out of stock at the moment, and I'm trying to be disciplined and hold out for the next generation as if they do it right they should be much better devices i.e. at least 32GB RAM, etc.

MSI Afterburner if I'm tweaking, etc. most games these days have a built in FPS counter and/or can use the Steam one, etc. but I mostly only bother when setting things up.
Thanks buddy , i was planning a Steam Deck but with these other offerings im not so sure now.
What is looked on as the best of all these handhelds ?

I don't think there is a "best" to be honest. They all have advantages & drawbacks.

Ally - I'd say this is now the basic no-frills Windows handhelds of choice. Following its price cut, it's around £150 cheaper than the Legion Go for similar performance. You just forgo some of the Legion's more interesting features - the larger screen, the detachable controllers, the track pad.

Ally X - this is probably as close to a "best" device as you can get. But it's £800 :cry: At the end of the day, it's just a regular Ally with 32GB RAM, a larger SSD, larger battery, and a minor redesign. At the heart, it's still the same Z1 Extreme processor powering things. It needs a hefty price cut.

Legion Go - largely covered above. Offers interesting features, but it's more expensive than some better performing rivals. Personally, I'd love to see the Legion get the Ally X treatment.

Antec Core HS - great value at £550, especially if you're quick & get the accessories bundle with it. One of the top handhelds for performance & it has a built in keyboard. However, the screen is only ~6", or about the same size as a smartphone's screen.

MSI Claw - plagued with issues. Best avoided.

Steam Deck - the most "console-like" experience of all these handhelds, with a great screen & best in class battery life. However, the latest Windows handhelds are a lot more powerful.

Also, while the Linux OS is great for getting maximum performance out of the hardware, there's a growing gap between what the Deck can handle and what the latest Windows handhelds can do. Running on Linux also has some drawbacks. Many common Windows tools simply don't have compatible Linux counterparts. Mods can be more difficult (or in some cases, impossible) to install. And if you want to play Game Pass titles, you have to either dual boot Windows, or stream them from the Cloud.

I'm happy with my Steam Deck. But I'm reluctant to say it's the best. The reality is that the hardware simply cannot handle some 2023 & 2024 releases. And this is a problem which is likely to get worse in the coming years. It's also disappointing to have to jump through hoops to play Game Pass titles.
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Also to add to above the Ally original has the SD card issues that burn out the card and slot. The legion go also has SD card issues but the issues are it is very slow and causes loading issues and stutters, but doesn't burn out or burn the card out.

The legion go also seems to have issues with booting from sd cards or usb sticks too even when told to boot from one, it just ignores it and boots straight to windows.

As can be read here :-

and on amazon reviews one of the largest complaints from users is the slow stuttering sd card.

Then on here where the support mention it and don't really offer a fix and state some people seem to have the issue and others don't but the issue is there just them avoiding it as they tried some new drivers and power setting fixes but still the same issue. :-

"SD Card Stutter: We've worked with both SD reader vendors and our ODM and in-house engineers and just about everything that can be done about this has been: updated drivers have been released to Space/Windows Update that minimize SD card sleep/wake time, and instructions on how to disable modern standby have been made available. It's a situation where the majority of users seem to not be impacted and the ones that are, many of them have found success with the available resources."

Also the issue if you set dead zones on the sticks too low on the left stick it causes issues too.

"LT / LS interference w/ Lower Deadzone Settings: This is due to the hall effect (magnetic) actuation of the LT and LS as well as their proximity on the left side with the offset joystick locations. Easiest solution is just to move the deadzone setting back % by % on the left stick until the interference is gone. It seems to be more prevalent with the lower deadzone settings (<5%) that are in most cases lower than they realistically need to be. This is another issue that is not impacting a majority of users."

So far what their support state and the anger from many users regarding very slow updates for graphics drivers and other issues. 6 months it took them to release a amd updated graphics driver for it. This is the biggest thing that put me off it and the SD card issue too and not allowing you to boot from sd card or usb stick for other os's.

I have been even looking at it again while on sale for £600 and just still puts me off and thinking may get a second Antec Core HS in white to go with my black one and make one an emulation device and other pc games or even a Steam Deck OLED as an Emulation device only and use my Antec Core HS black as the pc gaming device. Still thinking but feel like I'm just going to grab a second Antec Core HS at this rate and the new devices coming are not worth their price and still the same 16GB RAM silliness too. The only one worth considering if it was priced right is the Asus Rog Ally X with 24GB ram but not at £800.. needs to come down in price.. Also currently the original Ally is £450 and with all its issues maybe worth a try and just not use the SD card and hope for no stick drift and replacement sticks are easy enough to get too.. was thinking that other day too and turn it into a emulation device only too. Will see as the Zotac Zone at £850 is a no.. and I would like an OLED screen device and the Steam Deck OLED seems to be the only sensible one and feel if I don't get the white Antec Core HS I will grab the SD OLED and turn it into the emulation device.

The legion Go was so close to being the perfect device too, if it only had more RAM and fully size 2280 SSD slot and options of other controllers too as the controllers are meeh too with too many buttons in the way on the right side and the left side issues with the D-Pad being set so low and unusable and the issue of interference with the hall stick and trigger. There really is no one perfect device sadly yet. I would have loved out of all the devices to be more perfect would have been the legion go but its not and has more issues than I would like and their support seems to either have given up or too slow, 6 months for a graphics driver update for their gaming device is silly to me.
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Ally X - this is probably as close to a "best" device as you can get. But it's £800 :cry: At the end of the day, it's just a regular Ally with 32GB RAM, a larger SSD, larger battery, and a minor redesign. At the heart, it's still the same Z1 Extreme processor powering things. It needs a hefty price cut.

It actually has 24GB RAM not 32GB the ALLY X.
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Not had any SD card issues on my Go - but I don't run games off it - I did test a couple of games without issues. Possibly if I used it more as some do for running emulated games off of the SD card I'd encounter those problems I dunno. For all general use of the SD card I've not encountered problems on mine.

I did have the speaker sound issue briefly - wasn't happening out the box but did initial updates and it was present and I was like "oh no" but then did the next lot of updates and it was gone so probably firmware version/specific software combination dependent - I use headphones 99% of the time with my Go anyhow.

The Ryzen Z SoCs unfortunately do have slow updates (not just a Go thing) as they need to be vendor customised which is something AMD could do well to avoid in future - I've not had it have any real impact so far but those who like to always be on the latest software / features might find it a negative.

I dunno what the general experience of the Ally is - but what I've seen from people I know in person who own them I'm surprised there isn't a bigger drama - everyone has had to replace theirs at least once due to hardware issues or quality control problems.
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