Showing side by side comparisons like this offers very little value because there are so many variables that can impact perceptible results. What we know to be be true is that the monitor exceeds sRGB gamut by 30% therefore it's not suitable for sRGB production work without using a LUT to limit gamut.
While I agree with most of your post, I completely disagree with there being little value in side by side, cloned, comparison posts. If we were talking about photos of a single monitor taken at different points in time, then your reasoning would be valid. However, when the picture taken includes both screens cloned, side by side, the discussion becomes different. Especially when calibrated to the same white point, etc. It would be correct to suggest that looking at any given color is subjective, but the relative appearance is what is important in this instance. Any image modifications by the camera should/will affect both images, except for the variable of viewing angle which won’t cause that much variablility in an IPS display.
The specific question I am trying to address is if gaming in wide gamut is as much of a disaster as some people imply. I would suggest, from the images posted, that the relative differences are real but subtle and the some statements out there on the internet are grossly over-exaggerated. So if you are currently running 100% sRGB, the relative differences of moving to wide gamut are small.
As far as posting some photos, yes that is on my to-do list. Again, not for the absolute color rendition, but for the relative color rendition.
Anyway, if you are doing color important work, you should probably be using color managed applications anyway. But I will post how “regular” internet content might look