LG 34GK950G, 3440x1440, G-Sync, 120Hz

I am getting "The OnScreen Control update can be applied to one monitor only. Disconnect the connected monitor and try again." message after I didnt have the USB cable connected the first time. Any suggestions on how I can install the firmware without getting this message? Thanks.
Daniel at LG can you help me install firmware for 34gk950f? I keep getting "The OnScreen Control update can be applied to one monitor only. Disconnect the connected monitor and try again." message after trying multiple things.
Daniel at LG can you help me install firmware for 34gk950f? I keep getting "The OnScreen Control update can be applied to one monitor only. Disconnect the connected monitor and try again." message after trying multiple things.
Have you got a second screen connected to your graphics card? Make sure you have only the LG connected preferably by DisplayPort and the usb cable also connected. Try a different USB port from the pc perhaps too and make sure to give it time to install itself before you attempt the firmware update
Possibly a laptop? Things getting mixed up with internal screen maybe. Changing primary display may help if that is the case.

Another here giddy at the thought of his F being on it's way v.soon :)

Hope you get your firmware sorted.
Daniel at LG can you help me install firmware for 34gk950f? I keep getting "The OnScreen Control update can be applied to one monitor only. Disconnect the connected monitor and try again." message after trying multiple things.

On my primary PC I kept seeing that message if I connected the DP and USB. With only the DP cable it would fail after that step. Connecting both the DP and USB to my secondary PC worked immediately. No idea what the cause was. Both have the same version of drivers and Windows but one has a 1080Ti on a Z370 chipset versus 1060 on an older one (worked on latter).

Try another PC or laptop if you have the option.
I only have the LG 950 f connected it's not like I'm using multiple monitors so I don't understand the message.

To install the firmware you will need to connect the USB 3.0 cable that comes with the monitor to your PC/Laptop as well as DP/HDMI. The firmware will upload via the USB connection.
Hey everybody!

Since stock starts to emerge again i was curious which model to get. Then i stumbled across the sweclockers review of the g and f model. They came to the conclusion that the g-version is better, because of less motion blur and less ghosting https://www.sweclockers.com/test/26...ync-eller-g-sync-lika-men-anda-inte/4#content (and other reasons i dont care much about tbh or that have been fixed since). Then i started looking at the tftcentral review again and noticed that the f-version was in 17 out of 25 transitions too slow for a 144hz monitor, while the response times of the g-version are only in 5 transitions too slow. Unfortunately there is no ufo-test comparison at tftcentral which i could've additionaly looked at. Which leads me to my quesion to you folks, did anyone of you own both models and can confirm that motion blur and ghosting between these two is pretty similar in actual gameplay? Would hate to spend an additional 250€ if there is no meaningful difference.

Motion blur comparison: https://cdn.sweclockers.com/artikel...2MGQxZWY2ZDVjYzNmM2E1ODRlNTE4MTFjMTFiMjI5NSJ9
I did connect with USB cable and still get message


I assume you have the USB connected and you have the latest LG software installed?



Can anyone take some photos of their monitors at their desk? Is 34'' enough? I'm not sure if 38'' is still where its at?

BTW every jealous of owners of this monitor.
Can anyone take some photos of their monitors at their desk? Is 34'' enough? I'm not sure if 38'' is still where its at?

I've had both (the 38UC99 also) and I must admit the 38in is definitely next level with its size and 3840x1600 resolution...

This F is pretty ****ing epic tbh, but the upcoming LG 38in may just be the only monitor on the horizon that will one-up it. I'd wait (if you can). And get saving, I expect it to be £1600+ at least.
I've had both (the 38UC99 also) and I must admit the 38in is definitely next level with its size and 3840x1600 resolution...

This F is pretty ****ing epic tbh, but the upcoming LG 38in may just be the only monitor on the horizon that will one-up it. I'd wait (if you can). And get saving, I expect it to be £1600+ at least.

Thanks. Any links for that monitor? I'm definitely interested..
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