LG 34GK950G, 3440x1440, G-Sync, 120Hz

I cant comment on any models not bought within the UK, but as has been stated the review samples don't have this issue (from the Uk perspective)

Maybe that's why we wait a little in the UK.....? I don't know, cannot possibly comment, but I do know we do usually wait till 1 month after some EU markets to take stocks

I guess its because we already know how hot you guys are on things!
I cant comment on any models not bought within the UK, but as has been stated the review samples don't have this issue (from the Uk perspective)

Maybe that's why we wait a little in the UK.....? I don't know, cannot possibly comment, but I do know we do usually wait till 1 month after some EU markets to take stocks

I guess its because we already know how hot you guys are on things!

Yep. We should wait for the review by @Baddass, who has an UK sample unit.
The glow in the bottom left corner does appear worse than you would want, but all those shots of the 950G appear to be from a slightly higher position than I would typically view from (i.e. the monitor height is too low).
I just got a DP cable and it is a joke, so there will be no scanlines testing today :p It is losing signal where 5 times less expensive 10m HDMI cable was doing perfectly for over a year. So I will have to get a different one which will take time because the market for long DP cables is obviously not very popular and it generally takes few days for the cable to be shipped.

I will bring my brother's small PC upstairs again when I receive Alienware AW3418DW and I will compare side by side with 950G for scanlines, right now not much point on making an effort.

The glow in the bottom left corner does appear worse than you would want, but all those shots of the 950G appear to be from a slightly higher position than I would typically view from (i.e. the monitor height is too low).

It only looks like that on camera, everything is recorded while sitting on a chair and then the top bezel is slightly above my eyes. This is exactly how you use the display ergonomically, eyes in line of a bit below top bezel and a slight tilt.

The left bottom corner comparison with UC98 says it all, the difference is so huge that I wouldn't be able to make UC98 look as bad as 950G no matter the angle or camera position. This is how huge the difference is.

I expected 950G to be similar with glow to UC98 or a bit better, and with all other improvements it was meant to be worthy upgrade even despite 2x price difference, and it almost was, maybe not proportional to the price difference but the upgrade is generally there consistently for everything except glow and bleed, but so what if the glow makes the display unusable for anyone with at least minimum requirements. If only it had comparable glow to UC98 I would have easily kept it, but the difference is horrendous. And this is for 90% certain the panel characteristics so it doesn't even make sense to try another unit.
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Any news on the 950G review?
Not that it will change anything but I am curious about the lag and any other potential differences.
End of the week hopefully.

Since this unit that krzy bought was before the actual release we don't know for certain how the actual product will be. As far as I could understand the unit that badass is reviewing did not have this issue from straight ahead and I really don't care about viewing angles that much.

I still have hope even if krzys unit is horrible. Also thanks again Krzy for the throrough work.
The glow in the bottom left corner does appear worse than you would want, but all those shots of the 950G appear to be from a slightly higher position than I would typically view from (i.e. the monitor height is too low).

True but it's clear from his shots of the UC98 which are at the same angle that the 950G is considerably worse.
End of the week hopefully.

Since this unit that krzy bought was before the actual release we don't know for certain how the actual product will be. As far as I could understand the unit that badass is reviewing did not have this issue from straight ahead and I really don't care about viewing angles that much.

I still have hope even if krzys unit is horrible. Also thanks again Krzy for the throrough work.

Actual product? I have a retail sample from official distribution. There is no reason to believe that latter units will be better or that the unit to unit variance is going to be that drastic, because it is never the case. Especially that even Baddass himself confirmed the glow characteristics I have discovered, so small glow when looking from the left and much bigger glow when looking from the right, so it is most certainly characteristics inherent to the technology used, so it is is not going to vary between units. Generally glow is constant and is not varying between units, only backlight bleed is, quite significantly, but my unit has little bleed as shown on initial pictures.

Before I proceed to the second part, strait away I want to say that I don't mean to question anyone's credibility, I am not a reviewer myself and I don't even have the equipment to present what I saw in a scientific way, I just describe the characteristic of the display based on what I see, on my I think I can say rich experience with all kinds of displays and also based on direct comparison with a different screen, 34UC98, that was the first iteration of UW3 panel just like 950G is the first of UW5, that was also bought early, and that was also compared side by side to all real alternatives on the market, including UW2 panel (U3415W, two units), and both iterations of SVA 3440x1440 panels, the first SVA (S34E790C) and the newest QD SVA (CF791), so I have direct comparison with anything worth mentioning.

So as for not seeing the glow on review unit when viewed up front... I suggest going back to the moment when I posted first pictures, and specifically to the part when Baddass admitted that he "wasn't actively looking for glow" and then updated his review with the picture made from another side. This is exactly what I was talking about somewhere earlier when I said that reviews feel like if reviewer just made measurements (which are of course very important, nobody is questioning that) and never actually looked at the display, never used it and never tested it in practice. This is much more of a cause for a huge disparity between reviews and what you get from actual retail units than alleged cherrypicked review units, because there is very little that you can actually cherrypick. Like I said, I am not fighting with anyone or anything like that, what I am saying is that what you saw in this thread since when I posted first pictures of my 950G is kind of the small clash between theory and practice.

True but it's clear from his shots of the UC98 which are at the same angle that the 950G is considerably worse.

And this is the point that most posts are missing here. People respond like if I just posted some random overexposed pictures of 950G and made a fuss about it and based on that they make all kinds different excuses on why my posts are not accurate. While in fact I posted a direct comparison with a different display of the same type, also 3440x1440 IPS from LG, that is also two times cheaper and much older, so it has no reason to be better. I also have nothing against LG, I am actually a fan of their products, they are very good at offering some exclusive deal making features or just being the only good option. I have two LG TVs (55EG9A7V and 55B7V), LG phone (V30), LG display (34UC98) and now I bought another LG display even despite the fact that it is 50% more expensive than relatively close alternatives like AW3418DW or X34P. It is pretty obvious that I would love 950G to be great, the problem is that it just isn't. I know that after so much waiting a fail of this display would be a massive disappointment, but... what else can I say.

ugh im really getting nervous. im starting to lean towards 2560x1440 area to be honest. im tired of this ****

And what do you expect to find there? Garbage AUO's AHVA panels that have even 10 times more bleed and glow than IPS ultrawides? Or maybe TN panels? ;P
In some respects it's definitely worse than the UC98 but in the videos I find myself preferring how the glow looks on the right side of the 950G? In particular at 0:26 on the 950G clip, the glow on the left side looks worse here but better on the right side.

For a $1.3k+ monitor it's a disappointing result regardless, and if I dropped down that much cash on an upgrade from what you had before I'd be pretty upset.
In some respects it's definitely worse than the UC98 but in the videos I find myself preferring how the glow looks on the right side of the 950G? In particular at 0:26 on the 950G clip, the glow on the left side looks worse here but better on the right side.

For a $1.3k+ monitor it's a disappointing result regardless, and if I dropped down that much cash on an upgrade from what you had before I'd be pretty upset.

Like I said somewhere before it isn't really my problem, I will just return a display without any consequences. Time spent on all of this this ordering, testing, discussing and arguing, and then retuning, is also never lost or wasted, because it is a very valuable experience. If there is anyone who has a problem, it is LG. A big one apparently, which is disappointing because before getting 950G I really enjoyed all products that I ever bought from them and even though I am very skeptical about being a fan of some manufacturer, I could say I am a moderate fan of LG, and this was earned completely objectively just with their good products and nothing else. But now unfortunately I got inherently flawed and very overpriced display from them. This is mostly why I am skeptical about being a fan of any particular manufacturer, they are all far too inconsistent.

Also for the glow comment, right side is not better than on UC98. Look at the comparison pictures posted below videos. This is exactly how it compares in reality and I can comfortably sign under it.

I might have missunderstood but as far as I know this monitor is not yet officially released yet? Maybe they don't have an official release date. The big retailers in Sweden have no clue when this is being released. Maybe it varies from country to country.

Badass only confirmed that he saw issues from the sides right? If he couldn't see it from the front there is no issue as we talked about before. And he had to actually look for it to find it. Maybe I missed something and I haven't read the update on the F-review. But I think that is a big difference where it is very obvious on your unit. I would be very surprised if he missed the glow that your unit showed. But heck, what do I know.

I have a very hard time beliving that LG would release a monitor where all the monitors have a cloudy mist covering half the screen, that is why I still feel hope for this monitor.

Edit. Read the update by badass. As I understand it he can see it towards the edges on dark content and sitting a bit closer to the screen? I guess we can clear this up pretty easy. @badass is the glow on your units as bad as on krzychowiecs unit?
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Might get the omen ultrawide ascan get for £740 and it's VA panel it's only 100hz but I have VA now and I know what to expect from a VA panel I just really want gsync.
Might get the omen ultrawide ascan get for £740 and it's VA panel it's only 100hz but I have VA now and I know what to expect from a VA panel I just really want gsync.

VA certainly has more appeal when you see IPS glow this bad! I can't help but feel this has something to do with how early he got it, but we shall see when it becomes more widely available in November.
I am unsubscribing this thread for now because I get dozens of notifications per day and it takes too much of my time. I have posted what I had to post for now. I will be back once Alienware arrives to post some results of things I didn't test yet, like G-sync scanlines.
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