LG 38GL950G - 3840x1600/G-Sync/144Hz

To be honest I was leaning more to the LG and can live without proper HDR for a few years longer while the tech improves.

But that resolution though..I play at 2560x1440 and get around 80-100 fps on ultra in most games.

3840X1600 most likely 50 - 70 fps ? gulp :O

Why would you care about 50 - 70fps when Gsync will work all the way down to 30fps for the LG monitor? 30fps will feel as smooth as 60 with GSync, unless ur playing competitive games that is.
Coming from someone who has a gsync monitor there is a huge difference from 30fps to 60fps just as there is a difference between 60 and 144fps
The LG all the way. I've got 3 38" Ultrawides now and I wouldn't use anything else.

175Hz and the new allegedly independently verified 1ms response times, at higher resolution and less money is where it's at.

I couldn't care less about HDR while it needs FALD to work. I'll get on the HDR bandwagon when monitors ditch independent back lights.

Just out of curiosity spoffle :

Have you tried a custom 3440x1600 resolution in super demanding games ? Does it work ? Technically it should scale down the size to around a 36 inch ultrawide monitor with minimal blurring if at all.

Would be nice to know even if there a few small black bars .
Just out of curiosity spoffle :

Have you tried a custom 3440x1600 resolution in super demanding games ? Does it work ? Technically it should scale down the size to around a 36 inch ultrawide monitor with minimal blurring if at all.

Would be nice to know even if there a few small black bars .
I haven't tried that specific resolution, but I've tried others. They have black bars on the left and right. No blurring though because it's still the same vertical pixel count, and the monitor and GPU controller panel was set to 1:1.

Such a small difference isn't going to give much in the way of FPS though.
Coming from someone who has a gsync monitor there is a huge difference from 30fps to 60fps just as there is a difference between 60 and 144fps

But in single player games. Do you feel a huge difference in motion smoothness between say 40 and 60 wirh gsync on? Last time i had gsync 40fps felt like 60 when it was enabled. Im not talking about fast paced multiplayer games here.
To be honest 60fps feels sluggish to me as well. I am happy around 75-80 fps minimum anything less and it's noticable of how less smooth things feel.

I guess it is the curse of the high refresh gamer 144fps is so so smooth . I believe I will give the x35 a chance as the lower resolution will give me more opportunities to increase frames on ultrawide.

So same reply as always.
They're always useless... it's kind of hilarious that those people who are on the front for line for customer queries about products are the last to actually have any information about them.

I just realised I started this thread nearly a year ago ha! Odds on this monitor releasing before the year is out...? :D
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