LG 38GL950G - 3840x1600/G-Sync/144Hz

mine arrived today, so as soon as I've finished WFH (and tidied my desk somewhat) I'll be leaving 60hertztown forever!
I hadn't noticed the issue so just to tried to recreate it by setting display to power off after one minute in windows and by enabling deep sleep on the screen itself - power went off, it gave a warning about no signal and about going into sleep mode and then it promptly turned off. I gave it a couple of minutes before wiggling the mouse, and although it took a few seconds to come back on it did and the refresh remained at 160hz according to the on screen FPS counter and the display settings themselves. Obviously this was a quick test, so maybe it needs longer but it seems not to happen. What firmware version are you on? I'm pretty sure mine is on 1.20 according the the LG ultra monitor gear software (assuming that is indeed the FW and just the lighting software client version).

Thx a lot for the test mate.

My energy options in Win10 are "classical" : high performance mode with "by default" settings.

In fact after a few minutes of inactivity the screen goes in sleep mode by itself and it is when I re-use my computer that sometimes (50% of the times I would say) when I check the screen settings using the screen OSD I can see that GSYNC is at "OFF" and Hz at "100". If I then switch off and on the monitor I have the 144Hz / GSYNC mode ON back as intended.
mine arrived today, so as soon as I've finished WFH (and tidied my desk somewhat) I'll be leaving 60hertztown forever!

Oh boy are you in for a treat.

These are back in stock here in the states as well, I'm still not sure given my entire build is focused around absolute silence and I think the fan noise would drive me up the wall. Anyone know any decent videos of it to show how loud it is?
Oh boy are you in for a treat.

These are back in stock here in the states as well, I'm still not sure given my entire build is focused around absolute silence and I think the fan noise would drive me up the wall. Anyone know any decent videos of it to show how loud it is?

No noise. None.

Noise = Faulty unit it seems.

As an aside it's nice to see new owners in here. Enjoy guys! :)
Folks... in Faster FPS mode, do you experience any "flickering/strobing effect" in some games or is it my imagination? E.g. GTA 5 on certain parts of the game like the headlights being shone on the floor....
Yep Cavallino, that's what is happening and what you're seeing. Variable backlight is global dimming based on what's on screen, so if you don't like it turn it down or off - shouldn't affect anything response wise, just the overall brightness and I think it's meant to help out with contrast for things like HDR content as the panel doesn't have local dimming. For me, it reduces the brightness and I quite like that. It might be good to test the other modes to see if I prefer them with time. The manual says it can cause some haloing on dark backgrounds as a result of what it's doing and that it's part of the design intent (ie: not a bug, but a compromise)

As for the response times question, I think this is more about potential as each marginal gain subtracts from the overall latencies that exist. Image processing and input lag, refresh rates, pixel response and off times and the frame rates themselves. I'm not confident I'd be able to tell from a blind test, but probably side by side you'd be able to tell. I think that the pixel measurements are really only a part of the whole responsiveness equation and really the proof is in the pudding (which is delicious by the way :)) - probably competitive FPS youthful gamers will notice the most, although like most good things they won't be able to enjoy the luxury until their wages have improved and their senses have dulled. I'd have loved the setup I have now as a competitive CS player 20+ years ago, although back then I had a 24" 160hz CRT so its wasn't the worst thing ever.

lovingbenji - NPs, if I experience it I'll report back but so far so good for me.

JF - Cheers matey, not used a forum for blooming ages. Used to spend way too much time in forums chatting about expensive stuff I couldn't afford but really wanted. Either PC stuff or cars mostly. This is well handy because there's so little info elsewhere about this screen so lurking for about 3 months helped me pull the trigger on this badboy. I really wanted IPS again. I do like VA, but IPS is my preference overall.

Rock - as a jump from 60hz to even 100hz, you're in for a real treat - hope you have a nice GFX card to cope with the resolution, but at least you'll know you won't need to change monitor for a long time. This one's a keeper for sure. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Even moving windows around on the desktop is nice on a high refresh screen :)
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probably competitive FPS youthful gamers will notice the most
Are you confusing pixel response time and input lag (responsiveness)?
You don't need to be a twitch fps player to notice blur on any moving picture. Input lag is more subtle and you feel it more than see it. And it takes motor reflex experience to notice a problem.
loving the screen so far, while it's not that much physically bigger than my previous one, the lack of bezels makes the viewing area seem a lot bigger

* my god it's smooth, I've settled at 160Hz 8 bit colour (my 2nd screen is 4K/10Bit so can use that for the rare occasion i do any demanding work)
* no issues with it turning off/on, pops straight back up to 160Hz (deep sleep is set to on)
* the sphere lighting is hit & miss, audio sync seems to need really loud volumes to be noticeably in sync with the audio, video works better. I've left it on gentle cycle currently
* It did not like my existing routed DP cable (Lindy 5M DP<>Mini DP (with a Mini to Full DP adaptor at the PC end) it just kept cycling to no signal, the one provided is fine but not long enough (currently running over my desk) so have ordered the 3 meter one recommended earlier in his thread

CS:GO, WreckFest & PUBG all run great (Will try CoD:MW / Warzone once the new patch is downloaded), not really noticed the performance dip with the extra pixels but would be worth it anyway


Are you confusing pixel response time and input lag (responsiveness)?
You don't need to be a twitch fps player to notice blur on any moving picture. Input lag is more subtle and you feel it more than see it. And it takes motor reflex experience to notice a problem.

Not really, what I'm trying to convey is that there is a whole chain involved which affects the input lag aspect, but also how responsive the pixel changes will be in practical terms beyond just the pixel response potential itself so processing speed, refresh rates etc. I think pixel response potential is the most important bit for the blurring aspect, but also how quickly the images move on screen. I am completely guessing at what 8ms vs 4ms vs 1ms would look like in reality, but the typical response for this quoted to be 1ms screen is about 4ms in reality anyway (under the better scenarios, so high refresh rates and frame rates) and if it turned out a screen was measuring at 8ms measured then I'm not sure what that would look like in reality, but that the most likely person to notice would be someone who's well into their tech and more likely a game with bigger faster movements.

I'm quite amazed at how much input lag people will tolerate and not notice. Wireless controllers are pretty bad, most modern TVs have plenty of processing going on, and older non gaming monitors etc must be pretty poor by modern standards... I used to have a screen with 30+ ms input lag and a quoted 5ms response and I was quite happy with it. I'm sure it blurred, but I never really questioned it. It only had to run at 60hz though, so wasn't being asked of a great deal. Maybe 8ms would be much more noticeably bad than I'm aware, and at the higher refresh rates probably it gets more obvious when the weak link in the chain are the pixels themselves.
Stupid question time: Does anyone here know if there's an inf so that the monitor isn't simply recognised as a a pnp monitor in Windows?
Folks... people who own this panel, can I confirm do you see a "vignette" effect at the top and bottom, ie getting darker at top and bottom, especially against brighter backgrounds?
Sometimes when you stare in the middle of the screen it looks quite dark at the top/bottom edges?
Mr G - I don't know of one, but if there were one available I'd use it. Don't think it's required tho.

Cavallino - I took a pic of my screen with a solid white desktop background so you can judge for yourself, as I'd say not really but technically the answer is yes and the panl uniformity shows variances in the TFTCentral review too.
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