I'm getting what I suspect is a power supply failure on my 65C9. Often when turning on the TV, the red led will flash and the the normal click can be heard several times before it turns on, on worse occasions it wont turn on at all and needs the power turned off at the wall for a minute before it will turn on.
Struggling to find a replacement power board though, and there's basically nothing I can find online about repairing it. I can happily swap out bad capacitors which certainly sounds like the issue. But the lack of information about it seems odd. I can find drabs of information about other models but virtually nothing on the C9. I'll keep an eye out on ebay for a week weeks and see if one turns up. But I may end up having to dismantle it and order some capacitors in if none turn up.
Anyone here repaired or replaced the power supply on their C9?