LG DM2780D 27" 3D monitor

8 Nov 2006


There is an issue with some (or possibly all) of these screens being supplied with the incorrect glasses.

Many describe it as purple ghosting, but for me, being colour blind, I can only sometimes say the ghosting is purple, but there is certainly ghosting.

You can test this by simply tilting your head 45 degrees to the left - if the ghosting reduces noticeably, you likely have been supplied the wrong glasses.

Myself and others are currently hounding LG to try and get to the bottom of this, but it's slow going.

Will update when I have more solid info.


Someone has set up twitter account dedicated to this problem. While I do wish he would calm down a bit, the more of us that join might help along this matter.


Apparently one of the responders to this twitter account phoned up and spoke to someone who stated they were aware of the issue, and were simply sending him the correct glasses.

In my couple of calls I have not spoken to someone who has acknowledged the problem.

My glasses were posted to LG and received last week (around 21 Feb or earlier) for them to test, but they do not have this particular screen available to them right now.

Just emailed them (28 feb) only to be told they were still with spares department and they couldn't give my any kind of eta

Apparently Potnoodles complaint was acknowledged by LG as an issue and they are sending him glasses once they have received copy of his receipt.


07/03/2012 Receive 2 sets of glasses from LG, along with a few other people. The glasses they sent were correct, and ghosting is all but gone. The glasses should read "3D monitor glasses" on side, not "Cinema 3D".

The boxes for both correct and incorrect glasses all seem to have model number FPG-200F, so based on that it's hard to tell if you have the correct ones or not.

I have still contacted Watchdog, even though they have sent me correct ones, because I don't want this to be a hassle for other people. I want LG to educate their support staff and to contact re-sellers of affected units to try and get in touch with purchasers where ever possible to get them correct glasses.


Some example pics can be found here: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=21413509&postcount=71

That's about half way down page 3.


Update 16/03/2012

While some people seem to be finding it easier these days to get the correct glasses (LG are obviously becoming more aware of the issue), some people are still being made to jump through hoops for cheap glasses!

I am going to suggest to anyone who finds they have the wrong glasses to make a submission to Watchdog - Watchdog



Found this on one of the major etailers for what I consider a really good price, but having not liked LG products in the past was a bit dubious.

Anyway, had it couple of days now and must say am really pleased with it.

I didn't want an active shutter system - I just didn't like the idea of this flickering in front of eyes, no matter how quick.

Not had a chance to play all that many things in 3D, but tried Wipeout on PS3, Gears of war 3 on Xbox

Wipeout was pretty good and Gears 3 was better than expected.

On the PC had brief looks at Skyrim, Deus Ex, Dirt 3, Crysis.

Skyrim looks great, but performance is abysmal.

Deus Ex looked good, but struggled to find best settings.

Dirt 3 looked awesome, and was a pleasure in 3D.

Crysis just didn't like 3D at all.

I knew that 3D on PC would be hit and miss, with using Tridef (which came with tv/monitor).

Picture quality is above what I was expecting. Probably surpasses the iiyama 27" I just sold, which itself was pretty good.

There are tons of options for controlling settings very finely.

Overall, for £280, I think this was an awesome buy.

Can't wait to pick up uncharted 3 now :)
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I've seen teh same monitor and I may just flog my Iiyama 27 & get that, seen it for £240 last week, most likely at the same place as teh price went again.
Think I'll do a little bit of a review on this. Info is quite thin on the ground.

Skyrim looks superb in 3D, so I am torn between playing it at 2560x1440 IPS, or on this screen.

Had a quick look at Dead Space last night, and that is great for 3d with everything being so claustrophobic, though shadows looked a little off to me.

Killzone 3 on PS3 was pretty rubbish in 3D. Far worse than the other 3D console games I tried.
No they are 60Hz at the native refresh rate. 85Hz may be the maximum supported refresh rate at a lower resolution, but that's not much good.
How does this do in movies? I'm curious about its performance in 3D movies compared to active 3D solutions. I've read that the performance for 3D films was as good, if not better than active 3D monitors.
I will give Pirhana a go in 3D this weekend and report back. Not expecting miracles on a 27" but guess it'll be alright.

One thing I have noticed, since updating to drivers which support 3D with crossfire, I have tried BF3 and DE:HR's in-built 3D support. But neither wants to run 3D at 1080p. If I drop to 720p is OK.

However, using just tridef, I am able to run 3D in 1080p.
Sorry, did say would report back on 3D movies. Did try piranha, and it was pretty decent.

I think a screen this size is better geared towards gaming though.

Though I think LG have supplied the wrong glasses with this set.

There was a this bit of purple ghosting going on, which was sometimes barely noticeable, but sometimes very noticeable.

Turning my head 45 degrees to left pretty much eliminated any ghosting when it was there.

Some research into this and other people have found the problem on the LG monitors. They use slightly different polarised glasses than the cinema or LG's larger 3D tele's

LG support was not much help, but I did get the ball rolling on returning the glasses for them to check.

In the mean time though, I have a pair of the Zalman monitor glasses on the way (should be here today) which apparently are the correct polarisation for these monitors. Once I have tried them, if I find they work properly, then will send others back to LG with detailed info and hopefully they can start rectifying this.

Despite this ghosting, I am still very much enjoying playing in 3D. Skyrim is excellent.

Though there are some games that either don't work well, or at all. Such as Crysis 2 - it won't let me enable 3d in-game, and using Tridef, the shadows look very weird.
purple ghosting

HI i have the same issue with the purple ghosting some of you have mentioned but my model is actually a cinema 3dtv DM2780D there is also exaclty the same model number DM2780D which is branded as flatron DM2780D 3D LED monitor tv. please check my twitter page about the issue twitter.com/LeeGoodbody

Also email me if u want more information i have videos and performed many tests which i have sent to LG. Am in talks with lg and dealing with the top people in the company
Hi, I am a new user who has purchased a DM2780D for my 12yr old at xmas, (the idea of running his tv,pc & ps3 through this display plus having glasses that wouldn't cost the earth if they were stood on was major factors) he hasn't been playing 3d much now as he was complaining that he sees purple shadows often & has to turn the 3d way down to take it away, Uncharted 3 really bad, after reading posts can anyone confirm if Zalman glasses help?
The Zalman glasses I tried were the incorrect ones I believe.

Should have tried the ZM-SG100G, but got the ZM-SG100C.

Now I can't find the SG100G's anywhere for reasonable price.

I still need to post my glasses off to LG, but I guess because I have fashioned my own working glasses, I am in no hurry (but I really should get on their case)

Join the twitter of the guy above and voice your concerns too. More the merrier.

Uncharted 3 has to be one of the worst cases of ghosting I have seen in 3D. Apart from having the correct glasses, things you can do to reduce this are:
1) when in 3D mode in game, press "Qmenu" button on TV remote and adjust viewpoint all way to left.
2) In game settings, drop the 3D depth
3) On tele, try lowering contrast and/or upping the brightness.
Whats your FPS in 3D 1080p. I thought you was only limited to 24fps at that res, due to limitations in the HDMI spec?

I dunno know the technicalities of all this stuff. I know that I am supposed to be limited to 1080p 24Hz, but game ARE running 1920x1080 and at 60Hz using tridef. Don't know if it knows to only pass half the info through per frame or what.

Skyrim runs up to 60 FPS happily (capped by vsync), and it's definitely not misreporting the refresh rate, because 24Hz feels horrible for gaming.

However, like stated before, if I use a games build-in Amd HD3D support, I can not run at 1920x1080 at 60Hz - then it does indeed drop to 24Hz.

Used to love the HDMI spec once upon a time, but it is just far too limited for todays uses.
HDMI can happily run at 60Hz at 1920 x 1080. Don't get confused with encoding limitations of Blu Ray 3D and some 3D playback standards for consoles. Due to the limitations of LG's FPR technology, however, you will only ever see a resolution of 1920 x 540 at any given instance when viewing 3D content. More about that here.
I do understand that about passive tech, but I don't understand why AMD Hd3D doesn't give me the same flexibility as Tridef - i.e. why does it only allow me 720p at 60Hz, where Tridef will allows 1080p at 60hz?

On a side note, how long before the new PS 3D monitors out? Have been impressed enough with this passive 3D screen (despite glasses issue) that I want to get one of the IPS screens when out.
I don't really have experience with AMD HD3D so I'm not sure. By PS 3D monitors do you mean the PlayStation 3D Display? If so it uses a VA panel, not IPS, and isn't supposed to be very responsive. For low framerate console gaming this isn't such an issue, but for PC gaming it is.
I don't really have experience with AMD HD3D so I'm not sure. By PS 3D monitors do you mean the PlayStation 3D Display? If so it uses a VA panel, not IPS, and isn't supposed to be very responsive. For low framerate console gaming this isn't such an issue, but for PC gaming it is.

Sorry, typo, meant IPS - the new DM92, 82, 52 ranges from LG
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