I'm willing to use my 55 B8 as a PC monitor. I've done some reading and it appears that some OLEDs have some of a "broken PC mode", which alters gamma curves and stuff.
Here are an example quote from Doom9:
User j82k: "As I wrote in the madVR thread I was trying to use pc-mode on the LG C8 using ycbcr444, which seemed to work ok for SDR.
But that didn't last long, watched an HDR movie and noticed problems with the near-black range. Looking at an HDR black clipping pattern it looks messed up in pc-mode compared to non-pc, switching to full/limited RGB didn't change that.
What I also noticed is that in SDR the gamma curve is different (darker) in pc-mode even when using the exact same settings as in non-pc mode.
So I'm back to standard hdmi input mode. Getting 444 chroma on this TV seems to be impossible without some major issues."
Does anybody know if this has been fixed? Does it occur on your set?
Thank you,
EDIT: sorry for posting this on a C9 thread.. I did so because you guys seem knowlegeable about OLEDS + PCs in general.