Lian Li O11 Air Mini

There is a video on you tube for different fans and rad postions,it seems that combination

280 rad front (intake)
2x140 bottom intake
1x120 rear exaust
3x120 top intake

Is the best combination,but im not sure in my case its possible,i have 3080 suprim x which is 33.6cm long,artctic freezer 280 is 3.8cm thick plus fans are thick 2.7cm,all is 40.1cm,case is long 40cm,maybe to swap arctic p140 fans on rad with lian li case front fan which are 2.5cm blah im not smart,they say case is supporting 280 front rad,yes but obviously not arctic 280 :)
This looks so much nicer than the 011 air. If my 011 air looked like this I'm not 100% sure I would have changed case a year later.
Sucks but a good choice there is enough heat on case manufacturers that they should not want to let anything slip by or they'll be roasted for it

Agreed at least they are taking on board peoples concerns about the heat, i don't mind waiting a few more months until they get it right. Correct decision was made to delay it.
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