I would like to see the other side of this ? how you got the barbs through ? did you cut the case to get them through, I was thinking of doing this myself to my case, then I could get a 360mm in the top instead of a 240mm, the restriction at the moment is the barbs stopping me from putting a 360mm in the top, the other issue with how you have it, is you cant have push pull on the fans.

This is what I had to do with a dremel, its a bit scrappy but cannot really see it unless you know it is there.

Coming from an old Mountain Mods UFO, I did wonder if everything would fit. Also first time with hardline.

Need to redo a couple of bends and support the fittings around the drainport (twisting around the rotary fittings with the weight). Overall though no major dramas happy with the case. Sadly the missus wants one now.

Camera flash was quite harsh looks better in normal lighting.

XSPC AX 360 rad. (40mm thick)

And no the fittings don't fit at the bottom either. You need to dremel either top or bottom.
Basically, you need a rad where the ports are further into the middle of the rad, not on the outer edge. Bitspower Rads work fine. XSPC not so much.
looking really good @M@rt , is that a bust filter on the back end of the case?

Yes. I have dogs & cats so belt & braces covered the back holes with one of the supplied filters cut down to size, if warm enough the magnetic edging peels of still sticky. The supplied filters looked to restrictive so I bought a better one for the top intake and will see how it goes.
Yes. I have dogs & cats so belt & braces covered the back holes with one of the supplied filters cut down to size, if warm enough the magnetic edging peels of still sticky. The supplied filters looked to restrictive so I bought a better one for the top intake and will see how it goes.

Just got through DEMCI basic 360 fan one

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £23.47 (includes shipping: £3.48)​



will have to have a measure but seems 420 version maybe a better fit or one from a larger 360 rad like XSPC version. will test tonight on the bottom. one in picure was from the top but all 4 are the same size in the case
getting there been a joy working on this only gripe i have with this case is the lack of grip anywhere to move it that middle gap does'nt help

nopj8tw.jpg tfmVwJT.jpg

Looking good dude=)

Coming from an old Mountain Mods UFO, I did wonder if everything would fit. Also first time with hardline.

Need to redo a couple of bends and support the fittings around the drainport (twisting around the rotary fittings with the weight). Overall though no major dramas happy with the case. Sadly the missus wants one now.

Camera flash was quite harsh looks better in normal lighting.


Very nice chap! How are the temps?
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