Libya is finished, what country will be next?

29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Why don't you read the report for yourself instead of relying on third party sites? Technically the quote you made is correct. But the report also said its answer was the result of simulations rather than actual evidence.

It says nothing of the sort. It says this:

Nonetheless, NIST was able to gather sufficient evidence and documentation to conduct a full investigation upon which to reach firm findings and recommendations.

You claimed the report left the fall of WTC7 'a mystery.' Not true. You claimed the report said its answer was the result of simulations rather than actual evidence. Not true.
26 May 2009
It says nothing of the sort. It says this:
I mentioned earlier that from the way he's quoting things then highlighting parts to try and alter the context it's quite obvious that even though he claims to have read the report he's more interested in seeing what he believes than believing what he sees.
30 Jun 2007
. Tefal himself posted a link to the wrong report and so far hasn't commented further on the thread. It feels like some people think by tripping me up they win some kind of argument.

I went to my boyfriend's for the weekend and stopped caring about this thread tbh
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I'm trying to be polite. But if you're not willing to read the report and have a proper exchange about it then there is no point.

I was also being polite. You wrote "The conspiracy I see so far is people not wanting to ask questions." Which you're a part of. Suggesting that, for example, lots of people in daylight climbed a large building that was on fire to attach chains to it and demolish it by pulling it down and that nobody noticed that happening is not asking questions. It's stretching to a rather silly extent to make it possible to contort a few words into a preconceived idea. It's not wanting to ask questions, questions such as "is that really the most plausible explanation for two words picked out without context?".
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I was also being polite. You wrote "The conspiracy I see so far is people not wanting to ask questions." Which you're a part of. Suggesting that, for example, lots of people in daylight climbed a large building that was on fire to attach chains to it and demolish it by pulling it down and that nobody noticed that happening is not asking questions. It's stretching to a rather silly extent to make it possible to contort a few words into a preconceived idea. It's not wanting to ask questions, questions such as "is that really the most plausible explanation for two words picked out without context?".

Although absurd in terms of bringing a building down - there actually isn't a lot of people who had a view of the damaged side of WTC7 - there is one reporter who took extensive footage showing the damage shortly before it came down which can be found on YouTube (WTC7 - The Reporter Who Saw It All). Due to the damage, dust/smoke, evacuations and general layout the vast majority of people were restricted in terms of visibility of the south side of the building.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Russia's proxy war in Libya is escalating.

Libya’s crippling “proxy war” will doom the country to become “a haven for terrorists and extremists” absent support from the U.S., the interior minister for the country’s UN-backed government tells Axios.

Between the lines: The U.S officially supports the government in Tripoli, but has played no part in the current civil war beyond calls for a political solution. Meanwhile, Russian mercenaries are bolstering renegade Gen. Khalifa Haftar's offensive and dramatically changing the nature of the war, Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha told Axios Thursday evening in Washington.

...Bashagha says he began to hear reports of Russian involvement over the summer, including from locals who described groups of light-skinned people “taking the roads through the desert.”

“By August, they were on the front lines,” he says. "The tactics used by Haftar’s forces drastically changed. The operations were becoming very professional.”

Suddenly airstrikes were being conducted from higher altitudes and at night, he says. Russian snipers have also been “very effective and very harmful to our forces.”


Russia currently has ~200 mercenaries in Libya. Putin is following the same game plan he used in Syria.
18 Mar 2008
Nothing to be concerned about, the handwringers and putinbots will be along shortly to blame it on an irrelevant boogieman.

Almost certainly the gameplan is to weaponise the Middle-East against Europe, while controlling the terrorist elements away from Russia (which is in itself sensible), but you know why do one thing when you can do multiple and achieve multiple long term goals?
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