Lids off when buying petrol

Man of Honour
1 Nov 2007
Christchurch UK
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, seems more and more garages won't turn on pump until you remove helmet. Been riding 21 years and it's only just started happening.

My local Tesco garage wouldn't serve me yesterday, with some spotty kid announcing over tannoy for me to remove lid. I proceeded to give him the bird and ride off... taking my business elsewhere.

Had another big argument with some fat balding attendant also, in the end after I had paid with card, he went to hand card back and wouldn't let go. After asking to speak to the manager he proudly said 'i am the manager' ...*&&^er!. A few mins later of arguing about helmets, I walked out telling him the only helmet in the shop was him, much to the amusement of the other customers who I could see visibly biting lips trying not to laugh lol

Apparently some of the big chains now have this as a rule, but it seems only newer employees are enforcing it.. I can understand the reasons, but I really think it's going to far...

I'm waiting for the day when they ask this and I have balaclava on underneath, I might even then run into the shop for no reason other than buy a mars bar, I bet he *&&%s himself

with theft of fuel on the up, it seems resonable to me really. I would also think its quite rude of someone to not take it off when going into a shop / paying for fuel.
quite reasonable. if it tells you to remove the helmet on the pump then you should do so. you can go calling the manager a helmet if you like but you can bet they were laughing their asses off at you for acting like a plank in the first place lol.
they can't see your face, and you might be stealing fuel.

Besides, it'd take you all of 2 seconds to take it off? But oh no, you stormed off to a different petrol station wasting your own time.

Probably better off anyway though, I wouldn't fill up at Tescos. :D
with theft of fuel on the up, it seems resonable to me really. I would also think its quite rude of someone to not take it off when going into a shop / paying for fuel.

I pull up to pump to quickly fill up, walk in, pay and leave... I don't wanna faff about with lid, it's inconvenient.
quite reasonable. if it tells you to remove the helmet on the pump then you should do so. you can go calling the manager a helmet if you like but you can bet they were laughing their asses off at you for acting like a plank in the first place.

nah, I was LMAO

plus he lost a regular customer... his loss

I'm guessing those replying here are not bikers........
haha loving the calling the manager a helmet quote bit :D

Can imagine it being annoying as guess you would have to take gloves off then helmet then back on etc, Better than being mistaken for an armed robber though!
I pull up to pump to quickly fill up, walk in, pay and leave... I don't wanna faff about with lid, it's inconvenient.

On the flipside its inconvenienet for them when someone does that, sods off without paying for the fuel, and they cant get an ID because they were wearing their helmet.
nah, I was LMAO

plus he lost a regular customer... his loss

I'm guessing those replying here are not bikers........

i was a supervisor in a service station a few years ago and we had big problems with bikes driving off. if they didnt take their helmets off they didnt get fuel for that reason.

Its one of those funny things where you are provided a service yet you wont respect the rules and/or regulations when doing so. but apparently, its the attendants there who are the 'helmets'....thats ironic.

oh and they wouldnt care at all about losing a regular fuel customer, most of their revenue will be made from shop sales :)
i was a supervisor in a service station a few years ago and we had big problems with bikes driving off. if they didnt take their helmets off they didnt get fuel for that reason.

Its one of those funny things where you are provided a service yet you wont respect the rules and/or regulations when doing so. but apparently, its the attendants there who are the 'helmets'....thats ironic.

oh and they wouldnt care at all about losing a regular fuel customer, most of their revenue will be made from shop sales :)

I guess it's todays chav culture where people post happily on the tube not paying for petrol, make things tougher for everyone.

Man I sound like a grumpy old man.. wait, I am :p
I always used to take my lid off, I'd never expect anyone to serve me fuel while I wore a black lid and a dark visor.
I pull up to pump to quickly fill up, walk in, pay and leave... I don't wanna faff about with lid, it's inconvenient.

what happens if you use pay at pump? that seems like a better idea to me.

I'm guessing those replying here are not bikers........

nah, i'm not - used to ride pillion with my dad way back.. thats about it!

but have stormed off from a service station petrol station when they wanted my card in the shop BEFORE they'd turn the pump.
That's rubbish. A bank I could understand but not a petrol station!

For the whole ID'ing debate, I thought they had ANPR cameras these days?

@Le_Petit_Lapin: It may only take two seconds to get off, but I (yes I'm probably doing it wrong!) have to then loosen it before putting it on and then tighten it a bit - which is a few seconds of my life!!!11
I bet Tesco are dreading the credit crunch now that you get petrol elsewhere! :D

I never liked doing it either when i had a bike, pay and pump is better as you pay for the fuel before they supply it [well of sorts]
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