Lids off when buying petrol

My local Tesco garage wouldn't serve me yesterday, with some spotty kid announcing over tannoy for me to remove lid. I proceeded to give him the bird and ride off... taking my business elsewhere


I always used to take mine off just out of politeness, especially when entering the kiosk.
Just to add, certainly doesn't take 2 seconds for me to take my helmet off and then put it back on, as I wear glasses, and need to rather carefully remove them, then stick them back on again. Probably a 1 min job in total.

I always used to take mine off just out of politeness, especially when entering the kiosk.

Don't agree, how is it not polite to have a helmet on ?

I once got refused petrol until I stepped off bike, with the tannoy announcing it was a fire hazard. The dude in shop then explained fuel could drip on hot engine.... :rolleyes:

edit: I've noticed with age I'm less and less tolerant to stuff like this, if things annoy me I make sure I let them know and just leave... if that means 'the bird' at some jobsworth, then so be it. Makes me feel better :)
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I never take my helmet off and have only been asked to do it once. It's a bit of a pain because you need to take your gloves off to get your helmet off, then remove balaclava and then you gotta put it all back on again :rolleyes:

It's not like you're going to steal petrol once you have walked into the shop to pay.

I worked part time in a tesco petrol station when I was a student and it was not policy to ask anybody to remove their helmet. I never did ask anyone too, I never thought it was rude either.
Try pulling up for petrol, filling it and then walking in the shop wearing a pair of tights or a balaclava on your head.

See how long it takes for you to get arrested.

You know why they do it and its a reasonable request.
my old mum has worked in service stations for a few years
most of the pump runs are cars and not one has been nicked because she could see thier face
It just isn't imo. You're dealing with someone who can't see your face. I don't think it's polite. Sometimes it can also intimidate people etc.

Still don't get it, I'm the customer, I don't have to look 'respectable' and show my face to them to pay for some petrol and leave.. hell most these kids at garages can't even string more then 2 words together without losing interest.

If they are intimidated then they are paranoid
I usually take it off anyway to save the hassle getting served etc but to those saying its a 2 second job, its not, it takes far longer.
With my lid on, I can leave my gloves/balaclava etc on, takes seconds to fill up. When I have to remove my lid, I have to remove my gloves/balaclava, even the lids a bit of pain as its a D ring strap. Then the gloves take about a minute to get back on due to the stupid inner lining.
Still don't get it, I'm the customer, I don't have to look 'respectable' and show my face to them to pay for some petrol and leave.. hell most these kids at garages can't even string more then 2 words together without losing interest.

If they are intimidated then they are paranoid

Unfortunately you do have to look "respectable" to a point. Try walking around a shop looking at the floor with a hood or hat pulled right over your face and see how long it takes for security guards to take an interest. If you are hiding your face there is a high chance you are trying to do so for a malicious reason as far as the average member of the public is concerned.

The moan about having to remove your gloves a bit bizarre.
How are you going to take out your wallet, find the correct debit card, operate the chip and pin and then put it all back whilst still wearing gloves?
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