Lids off when buying petrol

Unfortunately you do have to look "respectable" to a point. Try walking around a shop looking at the floor with a hood or hat pulled right over your face and see how long it takes for security guards to take an interest. If you are hiding your face there is a high chance you are trying to do so for a malicious reason as far as the average member of the public is concerned.

totally different, I wear a lid coz I'm on a BIKE, and it's the law. hell the fact I pulled up on a bike, fuelled up and walked in to pay must indicate all is ok.

no 'robber' to be would fuel up then go in and rob them also :)

how can that be compared with some chav hoodie shoe gazing...think your going to far dude! :cool:
Don't know if anyone else has noticed this, seems more and more garages won't turn on pump until you remove helmet. Been riding 21 years and it's only just started happening.

Now i actually work in a petrol station and its generally standard procedure to ask customers who are wearing a helmet to remove because:

As someone already said, fuel theft is on the rise.

The intrest of customer and worker safety, people need to be easily identifiable.

You can't hear what some people are saying when they're talking.

My local Tesco garage wouldn't serve me yesterday, with some spotty kid announcing over tannoy for me to remove lid. I proceeded to give him the bird and ride off... taking my business elsewhere.

Had another big argument with some fat balding attendant also, in the end after I had paid with card, he went to hand card back and wouldn't let go. After asking to speak to the manager he proudly said 'i am the manager' ...*&&^er!. A few mins later of arguing about helmets, I walked out telling him the only helmet in the shop was him, much to the amusement of the other customers who I could see visibly biting lips trying not to laugh lol

Good riddence you left, nobody deserves to be insulted and abused because you can't be bothered to take your helmet off becuase its an "inconvience" to you.

tbh i find in a lot of these situations when the angry person leaves, the customers usually laugh/shocked at how its so pathetic that people get so upset/angry over something so not getting worked up over.
That's rubbish. A bank I could understand but not a petrol station!

For the whole ID'ing debate, I thought they had ANPR cameras these days?

@Le_Petit_Lapin: It may only take two seconds to get off, but I (yes I'm probably doing it wrong!) have to then loosen it before putting it on and then tighten it a bit - which is a few seconds of my life!!!11

and what use is an APNR camera if the bike has been nicked?
Good riddence you left, nobody deserves to be insulted and abused because you can't be bothered to take your helmet off becuase its an "inconvience" to you.

tbh i find in a lot of these situations when the angry person leaves, the customers usually laugh/shocked at how its so pathetic that people get so upset/angry over something so not getting worked up over.

to right I get angry, I just want some petrol, like the old days.. the whole world is going mad I tell ya :), if people laugh at me getting frustrated then good for them, I brightened up there day :)

most garages don't enforce these rules, just a few jobs worths...

if the whole thing in the winter took me less than 1 min I'd be happy, but I'm so done up in waterproofs and leathers it just one big PITA, and I feel sorry for those waiting behind.

ok, maybe I sound rude and a obnoxious *&^% here, but as I said, the older I get the less patience I have for this kind of rubbish.. just sick of the way society is going

no-one trusts anyone these days...if people cant show me some courtesy and give me a good customer experience, I'll let them know and leave.
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It's a bloody faff trying to secure your lid in a petrol station, they don't accommodate them safely enough for me to warrant fully removing it and risk damaging it.

I used to have to raise mine over my face and let it grip over the top of my head like a proper gangter y0. My local BP didn't mind when I rode though, the guys are really sound and lots of people don't bother removing them today.
to right I get angry, I just want some petrol *edited* an am far too lazy to remove my helment. This inconveniences me greatly having to go the effort of putting it back on

I honestly dont think you realise how much of a plank you come across. So far the only reason you've given for not removing your helmet is that its too much effort to put it back on again.

Therefore your reason is just that you're lazy, as for giving the V to the person who asked you to remove your helment, jesus get over yourself. You state in one breath you can understand the reason why, but then abuse the people that do so.
It's a bloody faff trying to secure your lid in a petrol station, they don't accommodate them safely enough for me to warrant fully removing it and risk damaging it.

Why is it. Take it off then place it down the lifted curb besides the pump.

I used to have to raise mine over my face and let it grip over the top of my head like a proper gangter y0. My local BP didn't mind when I rode though, the guys are really sound and lots of people don't bother removing them today.

That sounds more like it could fall off and get damaged?
to right I get angry, I just want some petrol, like the old days.. the whole world is going mad I tell ya :), if people laugh at me getting frustrated then good for them, I brightened up there day :)

most garages don't enforce these rules, just a few jobs worths...

jobs worths.....heavens forbid they do their job, eh?
Why is it. Take it off then place it down the lifted curb besides the pump.

My local stations have no little curb, it's about 3/4" deep round the base of the pump. Plus, putting it on the floor near fuel spillage or near where you're filling up on the floor can damage/corrode the lid and also make it smell like fuel.

That sounds more like it could fall off and get damaged?

My lid was pretty secure up there, but it beats putting it on the floor. Still a risk, but then at least I had the chance to catch it.

EDIT: BTW I do agree on the security risks somewhat. I built up the reputation as a regular customer so it was never a big deal after a couple of times, but it is pretty difficult to manage your lid safely. Most stations are pretty tight so you risk kicking it, knocking it on the bike / pump or getting it contaminated with spilt fuel.
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Yeah it's a pain taking the lid off, but I do it when I go into the shop. I don't see why you should take it off to arm the pump though, that just seems stupid to me, though in the summer it's nice to get some fresh air around your ears!

It's a bit 50/50 for me I'm afraid mate! :o
I honestly dont think you realise how much of a plank you come across. So far the only reason you've given for not removing your helmet is that its too much effort to put it back on again.

Therefore your reason is just that you're lazy, as for giving the V to the person who asked you to remove your helment, jesus get over yourself. You state in one breath you can understand the reason why, but then abuse the people that do so.

You dont understand no...


- Take off gloves
- Fill up
- Pay
- Put Gloves on
- Leave


- Get off bike (I dont usually do this while filling, as tank is at bad angle to fill it right up, and it just takes longer)
- Remove Gloves place on tank
- Undo D Link (with cold hands this is a right muddle)
- Take off lid and balance on a sloping seat
- Unzip waterproofs
- Unzip Leathers
- Take off Balaclava
- Fill up
- Walk in and pay
- Rince and repeat the above in reverse....

If you were waiting behind, or if it was you and you had better things to do with your life you would be annoyed as well.

Think I'm a plank if ya want, I'm venting my feelings here... could not give two hoots if you agree or not :)

Come to think of it not sure why I'm bothering fighting my corner here... but it's fun trying :)
Yeah it's a pain taking the lid off, but I do it when I go into the shop. I don't see why you should take it off to arm the pump though, that just seems stupid to me, though in the summer it's nice to get some fresh air around your ears!

It's a bit 50/50 for me I'm afraid mate! :o

Yah 50/50, worth a debate though :)
I'm with you flukester. I never remove my lid. It would be a right pain.

Get off bike
Remove gloves
Remove glasses
Remove helmet
Remove earplugs as they half fall out
Put glasses back on
Get back on bike to fill it up fully
Back off bike
Pay for petrol
Put earplugs back in
Remove glasses
Put helmet on
Put glasses back on
Put gloves back on

Absolute pita. Luckily though ive never been asked to remove it. If I was I'd just ride to the next garage assuming I wasn't on fumes.
You dont understand no...


- Take off gloves
- Fill up
- Pay
- Put Gloves on
- Leave


- Get off bike (I dont usually do this while filling, as tank is at bad angle to fill it right up, and it just takes longer)
- Remove Gloves place on tank
- Undo D Link (with cold hands this is a right muddle)
- Take off lid and balance on a sloping seat
- Unzip waterproofs
- Unzip Leathers
- Take off Balaclava
- Fill up
- Walk in and pay
- Rince and repeat the above in reverse....

If you were waiting behind, or if it was you and you had better things to do with your life you would be annoyed as well.

Think I'm a plank if ya want, I'm venting my feelings here... could not give two hoots if you agree or not :)

Come to think of it not sure why I'm bothering fighting my corner here... but it's fun trying :)

and you dont get off the bike when you do have your helment on ?

your just adding extra steps to make it look worse than it is.
You need to ride a motorbike to understand the frustration :p Post the same thing on a bike forum and pretty much everyone would agree with you.
and you dont get off the bike when you do have your helment on ?

your just adding extra steps to make it look worse than it is.

I dont get off to fill up as bike is on sidestand and the wrong angle.. I can't fill it right up!

I have to get off as I cant reach the floor to put lid on tarmac (not that I'd want to do that on a forecourt)

I cant put lid anywhere except the seat, how can I do that sat on it (the tank has filler that needs to open you know, so cant be used to rest my lid)

You can say sorry if you want mate :) ;)
For all those saying it's a reasonable request, where shall people put their helmets and gloves? The pumps provide no clean area to keep the helmets where they would not get damaged due to a fall.
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