Lids off when buying petrol

I'm not a biker so you're correct there but I did used to work in a fuel station and if you'd have flipped me the bird you would have been on the station **** list.

:eek: :D

I think I got my point across so I'm not gonna post any more about it.. though clearly I'm right here (joking!)

Don't even get me started on you Diesel drivers who flood the forecourt, I'll save that for another thread :D
Would you serve someone at OcUK who refused to remove their bike helmet?

I don't think OcUK sell petrol, but if they did...

No-one in their right mind would go 'shopping' in a helmet, it isn't comfortable. Petrol is to keep your vehicle moving, you're not stopping to browse some store or make a social visit.

I often walk into 'convenience stores' (notice the name ;)) with lid on for a bottle of wine or nip into chippy / takeaways. Generally no-one has a problem, it's not rude, it's just easier that way.
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It's also good manners. But hey, that doesn't mean very much these days to some people.

Basically, you're a lazy oik. I hope you get banned from all filling stations in a 10 mile radius.

Good manners ?, I treat others how they treat me, and though technically they are following there own rule, which is there prerogative, it's not exactly what I would call customer service.

When customer service levels fall below how I expect to be treated, like being singled out on busy forecourt by some chimp on a tannoy, I let them know what I think... it's disgusting tbh.

Maybe I'm a grumpy old man :)
No he didn't he was rude and unnecessarily gave the staff abuse. This is what is getting peoples backs up.

Why is it that a perhaps small minority of bikers think everybody owes them a favour. It really gets on my ****

It was *&^ing with rain, I was soaked and cold. Just coming home from busy day at work... I got angry, I just wanted to ride in as I always do and leave like all the other customers.

But no, I was singled out and was sat there like a lemon with the filler nozzle in tank and no petrol for me.. of course I was frustrated.

Maybe flipping the bird was rude, but made me feel better.. I was after no favour ?, just some petrol. Don't understand what you are saying.

For the record I'm probably the most polite, mild tempered person in the world, but everyone has a point sometimes where they see red. Plus I hardly over reacted. (im sure the dude behind counter won't be needing therapy)
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Plus bikers that turn up in helmets never hear what we ask them so have to repeat it which wastes everyone elses time, plus when they ask for stuff it comes out muffled so we cant hear it which also annoys people.

not there for a convo, I say a simple pump number then pay... if I wanted a good convo I certainly wouldn't try it with the attendant at a petrol station, no offence, but i just want petrol.
I just do out of courtesy, during the troubles anyone doing that would have been in trouble lol so i think the makority of bikers my age take em off.

What's courteous about removing a lid ?, plus I don't live in a war zone, it's Christchurch, home of the infirm :)
Who sais anything about a conversation. ARE you are one of those people who come in without saying their number, assuming we know where they are. Never had to ask a question?

Like I said, I walk in, say pump number, pay, say thankyou and leave. Who the hell expects more from a petrol station ?.. never had anyone mishear me.

If you do, your in the wrong job.

edit: hold on a minute, you don't work in tesco express garage in Christchurch do you ;p;
As neither. It's been in the news for a couple of years and most shops have had signs up saying it for a couple of years as well. It's standard practice, they might just be enforcing it more these days. Get over it it's not hard taking a lid of.

Just as I thought, you have no experience of either.. in which case your just making assumptions ;)
this is my final thoughts on this.... from the perspective of some guy who chooses to travel on 2 wheels rather than 4.

- there are no posted rules at the garage about helmets
- most garages let you fill up fine
- sitting there with filler in and then being told you ain't getting fuel is bad customer service
- taking lid off is a PITA especially in winter
- taking off lid means I have to put bike on stand
- the bike on stand means less fuel in tank
- walking into a station to pay with lid on is not rude
- I'm not in a garage to make polite convo with some spotty teenager, who probably can't string more than two words together anyway without getting even more bored than he already is
- a helmet is NOT a hat you wear out of choice, it's something I have to wear by law
- a 10k sportsbike and some power ranger in 1k worth of leathers is VERY unlikely to fill up with 12 quid of petrol then ride away, even less likely to fill up then rob the place
- taking off a helmet is in no way being courteous to somewhere operating a till
- flipping some dude the bird for *&^ing you off makes you feel better :)

just my 2p, though obviously this thread proves most of you think these new ways of garages to behave is all good

your prolly all the same kinda people who approve of the recent case of a convicted criminal on a rooftop sit requesting a KFC as it was his human rights ;)
That's a stupid argument I used to ride and I know what shops are doing. Theres signs on a lot of doors. It's also been discussed in a lot of threads before. how come riders are punished for hoodie wearing chavs and why are muslims not included... It's nothing new and no need to throw a wobbly over. Your attitude stinks. Giving someone a finger..

And you've never given someone the finger in your life ?

When the red mist descends people do all sorts... I chose to ride away, but I let the guy know in the only way I could without making a scene.

Rude, yes it was abit... but I don't regret it, he understood how I felt, which was it's purpose. I wonder how many bikers he *&^%ed off that night, what a giggle huh.
all youve acomplished is generating the same reaction from the people here that you did from the people in that petrol station.

well done;)

if you had any idea you simply wouldnt say that.

I thankyou :) ....well it's to be expected, I ain't gonna change my views and neither are others here.

I guess we all have to agree to disagree on this... :), everyone can have there own opinions on stuff (even if they are wrong ;))
Not in a car or on bike and very rarely outside of joking around at work.

- none have signs up

- not missing my £10 doesn't mean I have to be treated like a 3rd class citizen

- I find taking off lid in all my winter gear a PITA

- tilt a bike with one hand while filling, are you insane ?

so in your 'biker days' you used to get off bike, put your lid on oily forecourt, tip up your bike with one hand while balancing filler at rim of tank ?

sorry, you just sound like a fool... (IMHO)
they aren't wrong, it will be on a label stuck to the pump. try reading it next time - it's amazing the amount of people who dont.

I had the pleasure of dealing with all sorts of people in my time at a service station. peopel swearing at me, sticking the finger up, people smoking on the forecourt, people going absolutle banana's because we wouldnt switch the HGV pumps on for them in their little ford fiesta's even though it stated on the pump that a) its for hgv's and b) you need to bring your method of payment in for those pumps BEFORE you fill up.

All of that gets ignored and what you end up with are people like you, causing a scene and looking like an absolute berk. you think your proving a point but really, they're all laughing at you. way to go you - id wager those spotty teenager are more mature than you are. id say prove me wrong but this thread wouldnt help you one little bit.

Some rules make sense, some don't, if I don't agree with it I don't put on a British stiff upper lip and ignore it...

I guess there is very little pride in working at till in a petrol station... gotta get ya kicks somehow. I don't mean any offence, just a guess.

Maybe I looked a berk, couldn't care less, but I felt one being picked on by some idiot who wouldn't bend his precious rules for a customer in front of a busy forecourt.

I don't profess to being 'mature', I love a good rant / discussion on the web like most of you here.. but IRL I'm the most laid back dude in the world, up to a point.. the point where people walk over me for no reason, then I get mad :)

ps: prolly old enough to be your dad sonny
Hang it on the bars.. Why would you balance filler, stick it in..
your just trying to make things more complicated than it is. it's not hard. The people at the tills can't do anything. It's policy.

- you cant balance a lid on sportsbike clip-on , fairing / leavers in way

- If you stick a filler in a bike it clicks off, you have to leave nozzle at rim.. if you stick filler all the way in the handle damages your tank, or at least gets to close for my liking. Also don't want to risk the heavy filler / cable distorting the seal around filler, MC Tanks are not very strong.
Again your an idiot. The persona t the till has no choice, he is following company policy. What do you expect him to do..

99% of people ignore policy and use their head... if I was some chav on a clapped out scooter in a shell suite then I agree.

People like this have a name, Jobsworths, they are well known to annoy others :)

I had a choice, ride away.. which I did.
I drive a car and I find it annoying I have to take off my seatbelt open my door and get out the car, I normally try and wave someone out to do it for me.

Jeez I had a moped when I was younger and never had a problem with it, are you lazy or something?

great argument, i don't sit 'in' a bike, and it has no doors or seatbelts :rolleyes:

not sure why i even bothered replying tbh ;)
And the OP's attitude is some thing that wont help bikers and how they appear to others. Matey boy in the garage may think all bikers are like the OP and give em all grief in future.

From my perspective the gimp in the garage gave me grief.. it felt that way from my end, which is that of the customer.

I'm never gonna cave in and undress / follow orders of a forecourt monkey, maybe it's abit of pride as well that comes into it... but I aint being treated like some 2nd class citizen by a spotty teenager.
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