Lids off when buying petrol

I take my lid of at garages out of courtesy to the staff. The time it takes to walk from bike to door i can get the lid off, and get cash/card out.

If it really bothers you then use the "pay at pump" option, no agro from PFY.

Can you explain how it's courtious ?, i dont understand
Can you please stop catergorising people who work in petrol stations like this, I work there because I need to pay my way through Uni. Starting to annoy me you referring to all forecore staff as "spotty teenagers".

Not everybody is there as a career.

no, he was a spotty teenager :)
must admit i'm surprised had how strong feelings are here for such a simple thing

it annoyed me so i posted about it, and im sorry that my feelings on it annoy others here and im unable to understand other point of views

according to many here the last 21 years when nipping into shops to buy wine / fags / takeaways etc etc with lid on i've been being rude all this time

funny thing is, the current generation IMO is the rudest that has ever walked this earth.. at least that's the impression i get from the perspective of a old codger like me in day to day life

i'm generally not a rude person, but if annoyed am prone to show my feelings, if thats just a sly flip of the finger then so be it... at least i don't stick some poor guy with a knife, which seems the current way to deal with things.

over reacting, yeah for sure... but society today has gone wrong
So the opinion of anyone who doesn't own a bike is automatically invalid?

How incredibly arrogant, much like your reluctance to remove your helmet IMHO. We're all entitled to an opinion on this subject, whether we own bikes or not. Judging by the responses in this thread, the vast majority, myself included, consider the removal of your helmet when refuelling to be a perfectly reasonable stipulation. Rather than accepting that the majority appear to disagree with you, you feel the need to rubbish the opinion of anyone who doesn't ride a bike :rolleyes:

arrogant, maybe ...but not having to wear a helmet yourself makes your opinion a little less 'informed' than mine, that's just the way it is.

you won't know how truly something feels till you experience it yourself.. :). when I posted this thread was only asking if anyone else had noticed it, not so much if you thought it was right or not.. but hey, this is the internet, and it's tons of fun having heated debates, love it! :)

maybe I'll take my lid off from now on, but I bet that motorists queuing behind me will be spitting nails while I faff about with all my winter gear at the pump
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[TW]Fox;13459666 said:
How do you propose people tell the difference between you and theiving gippo if you are dressed in full leathers with a helmet on?

I guess thieving gippo's don't ride 10k shiny sportsbikes ;)
hopefully when ID cards arrive we can have a stamp on them saying 'THIEVING GIPPO'

im serious btw, it's time these spongers were classified as such...

i pass a little camp (bless) on the way to work each morning, happily sat in there converted vans opting out of society, which is fine, shame they sign on and take my money and no doubt rely on my NHS and Road network!!!!

this is worthy of another thread though...
but you cant pick on one group so you have to be strict with all.

Not allowed in the shop either with a helmet...

i think you put your foot in it there m8, pick on one group ?

we never arm the pumps down here to bikers. But thats partly because we plagued by chavs on mopeds stealing £100 of fuel a week (consider the size of a moped tank before you say thats peanuts ;)).

the way you talk sounds like you are in charge of some kind of missile when in reality you work in a 'shop', bet you annoy a lot of motorists at your garage.

just got into work here, stopped at a garage, filled up and payed with lid on.. then walked into local convinience shop for some food, with lid on... girl in there didn't think i was rude, I'm just another customer.

in fact the only place i won't walk into with lid on is a bank, but thats understandable :)

if I just walked in a shop and someone barked at me 'lid off', I'd probably turn 180 degree's and walk straight out and never come back
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yup, a group. You can pick on kids on mopeds and let bikers get away with it (they still steal too you know).

and if your unhappy with having to take your helmet off then i dont really care if you walk out of the shop cya go waste your time going to another shop ;)

next thing ill hear is people upset that they had to take balaclarver's off while shop lifting. :rolleyes:

and im not incharge of a garage or shop, but theres strict rules to go by. Anyone refusing to take off there helmet will be asked to take it off or leave, and if they kick up a fuss we can get them removed because they will be tresspassing.

How can you compare a shoplifter with a customer on a bike coming to fill up ? ROLLEYES BACK AT YOU :D

I'd love to know what garage you work in....

I'll come fill up, remove my lid when told and put petrol in...


I'm gonna put lid back on and walk in to pay and see what happens... :p, gonna throw me out ?

only kidding, but you sound a right jobsworth, why be such a stickler for rules when your working in a garage, it's not likely to be your chosen career path... no offence. luckily 99.9% of garage workers use their brains and let you fill and pay with lid, your in the minority by a factor of LOADS, does that tell you something ?
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that they are whiney old men that are upset that they have to show there face to buy fuel.

Much like people getting so upset about being ID'ed for buying alcohol... ;)

much like as in nothing like ?, not been asked for ID for alc for over 22 years..

why the personal attack? why not attack all the store managers, regional mangers HELL the company director for making these rules?...... Sigh:rolleyes:

and i dont work in a garage at all so :p the jokes on you ;)

come down mate, you wont find "my petrol station".

your right, I was having a go at you as you proclaimed to working in a garage and not letting anyone in 'your' shop with a lid on... now you turn round and say your making it up, the jokes on me ?

if those managers were here I'd have a right dig at them, you were next best option, turns out your just some dude winding a dude up who's posting his opinions with other dudes on a website :)
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