LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Nice work mate, strong as usual!

Form is beginning to break though, it's definitely time for a deload. Butt wink for reps isn't a great sign, and notice how your hips shunt forwards in as you get to the hole (lol) and you lose torque in your feet as they rotate inwards. You might be able to get away with that long term, but you might not.

SMed, a belt would not have helped T1Cybernetic. Belts don't negate injuries or bad form.
Cheers ice, any tips for tightening things up? Only thing I can think is try and stick my butt out more.
I'll spend deload week really working on form and stretching - any stretches you think will help ?

I think this could be my hamstrings being tight still.
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No, I've not got one, To be honest I didn't think I would need one as I was progressing well and I never had a problem until I had 3-4 weeks off due to a holiday and a few other things, When I returned I must have tightened up a bit because I all of a sudden have some tuck at the bottom of squats.

I took things easy for acouple of weeks to get back to the heavy numbers and them bam, Injury :(
No, I don't think for a second that a belt will negate chronically bad form, and the use of a belt can be controversial to some. I wear a belt, but I'm not super invested in either side of the debate. One can certainly progress and get strong without one.

As far as actual data and research into wearing a belt for safety, there seems to be some mixed findings. Most of which is inconclusive with respect to primary injury prevention. One aspect that does seem to have a bit more sway is in secondary injury prevention - ie you already have a ****ed up back but you still want to lift without further injury. In this case, there may be an actual benefit to wearing a belt for your heavier reps/sets.

In my own experience, anecdotally of course, I've had a "slipped" disc, ie disc protrusion for a number of years. Got it long before I ever started lifting. For 2-3 years I was walking with a limp, wincing with pain every time I got up or down or in/out of the car. Shooting pain down the back of my left leg for years. It would come and go, and one time it went away for about 6 months.

I coincidentally started lifting then, and used some cheap ****** Golds belt. I progressed okay, but after a few months I lost my belt. A few weeks after that, my sciatic pains came back. Got it imaged, and the vertebrae in my lower back are all out of alignment (this was true before I started lifting). ****.

Took some time off, pain went away, came back slowly but with a good powerlifting belt. Been years now, and for the most part the pain hasn't been back. I've had one brief episode of pain that lasted for about 2 days, but nothing like the months or years that I'd had before. I put this down mainly to proper training and strengthening the supportive muscles in my lower back. And maybe a little to proper belt use. There is a 'right-ish' way to wear and use a belt.

I always do my warm-up and lighter weights without the belt. I will belt up for the last warm up set/rep before my work set. Wear the belt fairly tight, take a deep breath before your rep, push your abs hard into the belt and hold a strong Valsalva for the entire duration of the rep. I don't know came up with this exhale/eccentric inhale/concentric ******** - probably never lifted "this heavy-ass weight". :p

Belt use also has a another benefit - you can lift more weight. Not only that, but some argue you can actually progress at a faster rate as the belt enables you to work harder as a whole. The belt doesn't technically help lift (in the sense that knee wraps do), but it just enables you to stay tighter and provide a more stable platform to lift.

But if you're having some mobility problems and chronic form issues, the belt is not going to help that. The belt isn't necessarily a solution to a correctable problem. Sort those out first.
Cheers ice, any tips for tightening things up? Only thing I can think is try and stick my butt out more.
I'll spend deload week really working on form and stretching - any stretches you think will help ?

I think this could be my hamstrings being tight still.

I've always gone of the basis of really pushing your butt out before the lift.

But as you say, could be tightness somewhere (more than likely)

Get some videos on the deload week buddy, will be able to see if it's just the weight then :)
I normally do push my butt out, I advocate it anyone I speak to, but recently I've just been getting into the groove of lifting with what feels comfortable. The butt wink is easily fixed, I just won't hit as much depth, but with the butt wink I never have any back pains.

I need to keep hammering my hamstrings and hip capsule.
Cheers ice, any tips for tightening things up? Only thing I can think is try and stick my butt out more.
I'll spend deload week really working on form and stretching - any stretches you think will help ?

I think this could be my hamstrings being tight still.
Smash your medial hams as well as well as glutes, quads (particularly the head on the outside of your knee) and regular hamstring. There is some limitation to your ankle ROM which you should treat, even though you don't really want to be pushing your knees any further forwards.

On deload week try lots of light and slow goblet squats, and also do this:
Thanks will do. I'll let you know how I get on and get a video of my light squats on Friday.
ice quick question for deload week. The warm-up weights are pretty much the same % of 1RM as the deloaded weights, so I guess I should just do the 3x5 and skip warm-up?
Here's what the deload looks like today.

Military Press
Warm-up: barx8x2.
Working Sets: 27.5x5, 32.5x5, 40x5

Shoulder Press (5x8): 40x8x5
Face Pulls (5x10): 15x10x5

I'll knock these out in about 25 minutes tops, then I'm going to hammer the stretching.
Yeah it doesn't look like you need to worry about warm ups too much. As long as you aren't loading anything significant onto cold tissue you'll be fine.
Hehe! I'm always dubious about using my ball etc in the gym...

I get funny looks when warming my shoulders up :o
I got accused of touching myself a few months ago while doing some soft tissue on my hamstrings, didn't really know what to say so I just smile at the guy and ignored the comment :).
It was a good session, sailed through the deload weights in 25 mins then spent a good 35 minutes doing mobility work. I did get a few looks when I was doing some band work off the power rack but those in the know knew what I was about. Legs now feel good and my squat retest showed some improvement.
I love the odd looks I get doing mobility work! Sitting on a lacrosse ball for glute stuff is particularly good.

But at least people can vaguely work out what's going on there, when I use my bands as make-shift compression wraps I think people are just completely confused.
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Yea gave the other one a shot today but think I didn't get it quite right.
Will keep hammering away... things are going to get sore!
It's a little tricky to get right, but you'll know when you get it! Part of it is trusting that you aren't just going to rip the tendon insertions out of your hip. You can practice by just holding on to a pole.
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