LiE's Log Part 2

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Yeah they'll do that for you, if nothing else :p.

Looking like a nice sesh. One thing I quite like was playing around with different loading on rollouts, having one day as a volume day to work on some more endurance type training and then a day with low reps and high loading. I really liked the affect that had on my core.

The deficit BSS I did on Wednesday completely ruined me and made today suck so hard, the RDLs were fine comparatively!
It's interesting to see what happens to my weight over the weekend. Few days back I was 82.9kg and this morning I'm 82.1kg!
Fuark! chest and triceps totally destroyed...

Paused Bench
130x5 - no drama.
130x4 - Bloody hard work after the previous set. The 5th went up but with fingers on the bar from the spotter.

Normal Bench
100x8 - dat pump
105x8 - redonkulous pump.
105x5 - nothing left. The guy spotting me was trying to tell me how to breath...

Dips - really focused on pinching the shoulders back and down and keeping tension there.
40x6 x3 - was hard after all the pressing before but cracked on.

Leg mobility.
Did the guy spotting you realise you just lifted over a ton prior to the three 8 sets? :p

Good effort mate. Crazyness
When I asked him to spot me the first thing he said "this is a bit light for you" :( if only he knew how destroyed my chest already was!
Heh. Just tell him :p

"Well, I have just shifted over a 1000kg prior to this you know, getting tired" :o
Legs of course. Need some help getting this squat going!
And anything else you guys want to throw in (for extra pain) ;)
Strong as an ox, very impressive, especially considering your bodyweight.

Nice work! :)

Thanks, chest strength has been getting better recently.

Front squats, but I guess you're more of a powerlifter, so...

Single leg weighted squats. :cool:

I think I just need to make sure my technique is good. My form looks fine on video but I may be making things harder for myself.

Neutral grip OHP!

Should be fun, I still don't have full range in my OHP.
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