Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A1 said:
Flat Bench RP 11-15
87.5kg 10, 4, 3 (Same weight more reps)
Military Press RP 11-20
45kg 10, 4, 3 (Finally got some more from this. Stupid shoulders.)
Lying Tricep Extension RP 11-20
22.5kg 11, 5, 4 (More weight, less reps. )
Wide Lat Pulldown RP 11-20
60kg 9, 6, 4 (Same weight, more reps - just.)
Narrow Cable Rows SS 10-12
80kg 16 (Same weight more reps, <3 this dat back thickness.)

I have the most crippling calf doms I've ever experienced at the moment, I'm still walking like a cowboy 3 days later. Not especially fun tbh! Need to start on getting back to a real weight aswell so back to weekly carb loads and 1600kcal weekdays, yay.
Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B1 said:
Cable Curls RP 11-20
20kg 14, 10, 8 (Same weight loads more reps. Dunno where this came from.)
Pinwheel Curls SS 11-20
12.5kg 14 (More weight less reps. Very body english, much pump.)
Leg Press Toe Press SS 11-15
140kg 3x20 (Calves amazingly still sore from Saturday, so this was interesting.)
RDLs RP 15-30
77.5kg 14, 8, 7 (More weight same reps.)
Leg Press SS+WM 4-8, 20
200kg x 8, 140kg x 20 (Worked out how to sit and brace on this thing now, easy weight.)

Pizza GoGo has just opened up by my house, so my weekly carb load will be a 15" SuperSize pizza I reckon! And Ben & Jerry's. And Cookies.
Weight this week 81.1kg(-0.7kg). Water weight lost from last weeks binge I suspect, back to 30g carb, 1600-1700kcal/day with a refeed on Friday nights.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A2 said:
Incline Bench RP 11-20
62.5kg 10, 6, k (More weight same reps.)
Seated DB Press RP 11-15
25kg's 8, 3, 2 (Phwoar shoulders pretty knackered from Incline Bench, these felt super heavy today.)
CGBP RP 11-20
60kg 16, 7, 5 (Same weight same reps. Derp.)
Hammer Strength Underhand Pulldowns RP 11-15
80kg 10, 6, 4 (Same weight more reps. Actually felt a bit of lat this time.)
Close Grip Pulldown SS 10-12
60kgx12 (1 more rep, streeeeeeeetch.)
Couple more for prosperity. Not very motivated atm but still slugging away. Right shoulder has been completely derp'd for probably 10 weeks now, starting to think I should do something about it :/. I can just feel it's always too internally rotated, it's my mousing all day at a desk that does it imo.


Tues 18th Feb
Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B2 said:
Seated DB Curls RP 11-20
12.5kg 11, 6, 5 (Same weight, 1 more rep (eek!))
Cable Reverse Curls SS 11-20
25kg 20 (Same weight more reps.)
Seated Calf Raise SS 15
40kg 3x12
Seated Leg Curls RP 15-30
85kg 16, 10, 7 (More weight less reps, more pump.)
Hack Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
130kg x 8, 70kg x 20 (More weight same reps. This is such a bizarre machine as the ROM is so restricted it pumps you big style.)

Thurs 20th
Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A3 said:
Hammer Strength Chest Press RP 11-20
90kg 9, 4, 3 (Same weight more reps. Still ridiculously shouldery, might move to decline bench so I actually get some pec activation on this day.)
Smith Shoulder Press RP 11-20
15kg 15, 6, 5 (More weight, less reps. Still good, tbh my delts are so fatigued from hammer chest these are pretty painful. Hopefully it's gains entering the body.)
Tricep Dip Machine RP 11-20
130kg 17, 11, 7 (This thing is epic for tricep pump. It's like doing weighted dips but on easy mode.)
Wide Seated Row RP 11-15
60kg 17, 11, 7 (More weight more reps)
Tues 25th Feb
Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A1 said:
Flat Bench RP 11-15
90kg 8, 3, 3 (More weight less reps.)
Military Press RP 11-20
45kg 10, 3, 2 (Delts are just too fatigued from benching to get anywhere on this, gonna drop the weight like 20%.)
Lying Tricep Extension RP 11-20
22.5kg 12, 7, 5 (Same weight more reps. )
Wide Lat Pulldown RP 11-20
60kg 10, 6, 5 (Same weight, more reps - just.)
Narrow Cable Rows SS 10-12
85kg 9 (More weight less reps. Too heavy tbh.)

Thurs 27th Feb
Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B1 said:
Cable Curls RP 11-20
22.5kg 15, 10, 8 (More weight more reps, ish.)
Pinwheel Curls SS 11-20
12.5kg 14 + AMRAP forced (More weight same reps, kept going with forced awful form reps for the pump. Forearms like woah.)
Leg Press Toe Press SS 15-20
150kg 3x20 (More weight same reps.)
RDLs RP 15-30
80kg 13, 8, 6 (More weight less reps.)
Leg Press SS+WM 4-8, 20
210kg x 12, 150kg x 20 (Did more of an AMRAP on the 6-8.)

My diet has turned to hell, I've just lost all motivation tbh It takes all my willpower just to get to the gym in the morning let alone eat properly aswell. Averaging nearer 2200kcal a day now so getting on that fat time :(.
How are you getting fat on 2200 cals a day?

Haven't read the last few posts and keeping track of progress can be difficult on a workout like this.

What are your comparisons looking like for the main movements? as you've been through a few cycles now surely?

Because my metabolism is broken from years of faggotry. Anyway I've not trained or dieted properly in ages now, dunno I just cannot get motivated at all.

I liked DC but not as much as HST, however I think HST with DC style stretches could be bonkers. I got mad stretch marks on my lats and pecs from it, and even bruising from the lat stretch.

I plan on sorting myself out asap and actually going back to good old Stronglifts. Looking back May 2013 was about my peak and I need to get back there, both in strength and bf%.

I'll do a proper update when I sort myself out, it's so hard getting motivated or keeping motivated when you're training in a gym full of 20st juicers with 4 plate benches. Srs.
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