Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)

29 Jul 2004
A bit about me....

24 Years old, Embedded Software Engineer. Always been a fatty, don't wanna be 'that guy' but I genuinely think I am genetically pre-disposed to be a bit chunky. Hate on.

Anyway, around halfway through my industrial placement year I thought I might aswell sort my **** out. That was honestly it, there was no eureka moment or some scare that made me drop the weight. I just felt like I might aswell do it while I had a year 'off' from the temptations of Uni and had a vague routine with work times etc.
I'd never been that bothered by it, I don't think it held me back socially or professionally. That's not to say I don't much prefer my current state though!

Part 1 - Weightloss
You can actually see my Original Weightloss Help Thread here. That was November 2009.

My ROUGH weightloss timeline was something like this.

'Started' Nov 2009 @ 133kg
Lost motivation around July 2010 @ 113kg (Didn't really know what I was doing then looking back, and had just moved house so could no longer walk to the gym)
Picked it up again around Oct 2010 @ 116kg. I felt for sure I'd dreamer bulk more in that time but it wasn't too bad.
Carried on good and proper until June 2011, when I finished Uni (First Class :p. For everyone that whinges they don't have the time around uni etc) @ 94kg.
Had a brief break around a month where I monged out then started my first real job, got back on it August 2011 @ 94kg.
Kept going until around April 2012 @ 74kg. Felt a bit small and icky to be honest, though far from low BF%.
Since April/May I've been recomping with a look to gaining a little weight, and now sit around 79-80kg. I feel 'comfortable' at this weight, but recognise I need to cut down to 70kg really to be nearer a 'normal' weight and intend to this probably in the 2nd quarter of 2013.

I was never 110% focused on losing the weight. Slow and steady wins the race, social life (beers & food with my homies) would always come first. And it was done through the final year of a Computer Systems Engineering degree & my first year in a 'real job'. No excuses fellow fatties ;).

I'm not really one for pics, but here's a couple.
2009/2010 Ish





May 2013 @ 75kg
As you may have guessed, there aren't many to pick from :p.

How I Did It
For the first ~6 months or so I did about half an hour cardio & half hour weight machines. I feel ashamed of myself thinking back to that now! No surprise progress was slow and inconsistent. When I got going again I was free weights all the way. I've done zero cardio since Oct 2010 (lol, y u mad tho?). I've done mostly a 3-day split, a short burst of 4-day split to make sure I hit 80kg by Christmas 2011 and then a stint of Stronglifts at the end.

Started calorie counting properly for the 94-74 drop aswell. It helps. I generally cut on 1800kcals, though it did dip to 1600 for a while. feelsbadmang.jpg. Always a 40/40/20 split p/c/f, or thereabouts. Had a cheat MEAL at least once a week, sometimes weekends would turn into drunken cheat days but that's life :p. Oh I also started IF Leangains style from July 2011 onwards. Eating 12-8, training 0830-0930 fasted before work. I like it, and will always eat like it from now on I think.

Noobs, read these....
How to lose fat for Noobs - Wavelength BB guide <- Read this first tbh.
The Hierarchy of Fat Loss by Alwyn Cosgrove <- GOAT Article
Harsh's Worksheet (4chan /fit/) <- Some bro'ness about this one but overall very good.

These along with Steedie's nutrition sticky and GordyR's bodybuilding sticky and you will be armed with more than enough knowledge to drop the weight and do it right :).

Part 2 - Lifting

I can't be bothered to write so much about this one.

Although I lifted for most of my weightloss, being at a deficit meant not a lot of progress was made.

So as soon as I stopped cutting weight, I started Stronglifts.
Did it for 3 months and finished about

Bench 75kg 5x5, estimated 1RM 90kg ish. I train early o'clock so no spotters, did 85 un spotted and it wasn't a real grinder.
Squat 117.5kg 5x5, estimated 1RM 130+. As above, no catchers on squat rack, did 125 un spotted.
Deadlift 140 for 1. Crap at deadlifts tbh, never quite cracked the code.
BOR 62.5 5x5
OHP 47.5 5x5

After this I missed the pump and feeling of higher rep workouts, so went to a 3-Day Split that looked like this.
Flat BB
Incline BB / Decline BB (alternated weekly)
Cable X-Over
EZ Bar Curls
Incline Hammer Curls

Deadlifts (just 1x5)
Chins supersetted Seated Pulldown machine
Seated Row machine
Lying Tricep Extension (Rippetoe style) alternated with Cable push down

Calf Press on Leg Press machine
Seated DB Press
Lateral Raises
Sometimes would go mad on the Leg Press just for jakes. Had strong legs from carrying round my fatass for years, remember on my gym induction day I max'd out the machine at 550lbs. Trainer bertstared hard.

Changed to this but kept the strict logging and progression of Stronglifts, only applied to 3x10. Was good, except I really neglected squats. I just can't squat unless I'm doing it 3x a week, sitting at a desk all day it takes too long to get my hips back into a good mood for squatting.

Did this for 3 months again and ended up somewhere around....

Bench 75kg 3x8
Squat 95kg 3x10 (As I say, neglected hard. Sometimes would make day 3 a shoulders + core fest, for my sins :()
BOR 57.5 3x10
Seated DB Press 27.5's 3x10
CGBP 57.5 3x10

Now I've gone back to Stronglifts until at least Christmas. Gonna actually go for true 1RMs this time.

So really this first post is a retrospective for those looking to lose weight really, and how I did it. From now It'll turn into an actual log hopefully. Anyone with specific questions please ask I'm happy to help, I almost feel like a personal trainer/nutritionist compared most of the numpties out there trying to give weight loss advice.
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Updated the OP a bit. Can't be bothered to write anymore! Will 'log' here sporadically as I log daily in a notebook anyway, will prob do it at the end of each fortnight or when something epic occurs.
First actual log entry! I'll probably keep these weekly as my routine is nothing fancy at the moment.

Stronglifts, B, A, B this week.

Great workout this morning, still on the build up to previous 5RM's but FINALLY got through the OHP barrier.

Weighed in this morning, 79.2kg.

Seems 2600 on training days, 2000 off days is bang on for maintenance.
Training Day:
170 P
240 C
110 F

Off Day: (Generally excludes weekends, where anything goes UNLESS I've had a bad week)
170 P
160 C
70 F

Will stick with it until Christmas time.

Squat 95kg 5x5 - Easy
OHP 45kg 5x5 <- SO happy with this. Been stuck on 45kg literally since the beginning of time, got through it today on my first go. IIRC my previous Stronglfits I deloaded OHP twice and still couldn't get it. Last 2 reps were real grinders but I made it! Hoping now 45 was a mental thing and I'll get 47.5 somehow!
Deadlift 110kg 1x5 - Still don't like deads, though these felt plenty strong.

For your time

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ITT: Maintain your test levels whilst at work!

Real talk though, I went to Amsterdam on business about a month ago. They REALLY need to put a gym in the red light district, I felt like a bull after perving through the streets for 20 minutes or so!
This weeks update.....

Nothing much to report, this week was Stronglifts A,B,A. Weighed in this morning again at 79.2kg.

Finished on
Squat 102.5 5x5 <- Starting to struggle to hit depth now, but close enough that I don't mind carrying on anyway :p
Bench 72.5 <- OK but starting to feel heavy, be surprised if I get 75 5x5 my first go. I'm really struggling to get my chest in the game lately, it's just delt + tricep central.
BOR 62.5 <- My back is the only thing that progresses properly, love rows.

I did manage the 47.5 5x5 OHP on Wednesday aswell, very happy with that. Wasn't much of a grinder either, hopefully that plateau is well and truly smashed now.

For your time
Choon + Awesome Vid

Weekly update time.

Forgot to weigh myself this morning, oh well my diet's been inconsistent this week as I've been off work playing Halo in my pants.

Workouts this week, Stronglifts B,A,B.

Today's workout was bloody hard but I made the numbers, honestly surprised. Went out on the beers last night and it took me AGES to warm and actually get my body working properly, nervous system just wasn't doing anything I told it to!

Squat 110kg <- Getting tough, but confident after the weekend and proper rest I'll be ok on 112.5
OHP 50kg <- Missed this on Monday, but smashed it today! Very happy with this, OHP has always been a weak lift for me but I seem to have cracked it lately. Holy trap DOMs incoming.
Deadlift 125kg <- DOHx2, Mixed grip x3. My grip is awful, sigh.

I also got the 75kg bench on Wednesday, again very happy with this as it was what I finished SL on back in.....May?

For your time:


I have a question for you Chris.

First off, well done for sticking with it to build yourself back to good health and thanks for opening this thread up for questions.

Did you just throw cardio to the side and notice most of your weight loss was from the energy being burnt off by weight training?

Yes. Cardio is a tool to create/extend a calorie deficit or improved cv fitness. Good resistance training is pretty good with the latter and I preferred to create the former with tighter diet.
Crap workout week. Had a heavy weekend at the end of a week off and just not used to less sleep yet. Skipped Monday, hit my target Wednesday (Including 5x5 77.5kg bench which felt great) but had the worst workout of my life today :(.

Squat 115kg 5x5 <- Hit this but gonna deload anyway, wasn't great.
OHP 52.5 5/5/2/3/2 <- Felt damn heavy
Deads 130kg <- Pah! Cranked out 2 then nearly fainted at the top of the third! Never experienced that before lol, nearly dropped the bar then sat down for like 5 minutes trying not to pass out!

In hindsight, probably should have taken the whole week off as a rest. Oh well **** happens, hopefully I'll get some good rest this weekend and get back on it next week!
I was intending to finish the split tomorrow, but just gonna leave it and sleep and eat!

What your all really here for ;)


Felt two gifs were required this week :p.
Weighed in this morning at 80.1kg. Still gaining on 2600 training days / 2000 off days, endo4life. Not too fussed but hopefully won't go much past 80kg, intend on cutting to 70kg after Christmas.

Workouts this week were SL A, B, A


Squat 115kg 5x5 <- Deloaded to 110kg on Monday after last weeks shambles. Aimin for 130+ 1RM by Christmas, feeling confident.
Bench 82.5kg 5/5/5/3/2 <- Blast! Did his 80kg 5x5 on Monday though, happy with that (BW 5x5 Bench Achievement Unlocked!)
BOR 70kg 5/5/5/5/5 <- Feeling good, maybe too much body english going on but think I'll go one more before deload.

For your time, I present to you the latest PB POWAAAAAAAH! Song. If this doesn't hype you up I don't know what will.
Dunno why this is such a glitchfest, weird. In full winter mode at the moment, hat and beard nom sayin?

Happy with this, depth isn't bang on every rep but I can assure you it's as deep as I can get without toppling over backwards :p. At the time the couple slower reps felt like FOREVER, but I can see in the video they're not that slow which is encouraging.
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Weekly update!

Gonna log all my sessions from now, as I'm at the point where I'm missing lifts and deloading etc.

Weighed in this morning at a whopping 81.0kg. Getting annoyed now! kcals and macros are exactly the same as always, but my body seems insistent on gaining some winter fat :(.

Squat 117.5 5x5
OHP 52.5 5/5/4/5/2 <- Doh! Deload to 45
DL 120 1x5
Squat 120 5x5 <- Video above
Bench 82.5 5/5/3/3/2 <- At the top end of my strength I have an annoying habit of relying on my shoulders. If the bar speed slows and it feels like a grinder, completely subconsciously my left scapula unpins, shoulder comes forward and I'll finish the lift. Problem is it's all delt and it leaves me in a **** position for the remaining reps. This happened on the last 3 sets here, very frustrating.
BOR 72.5 5x5 <- Grip starting to run out here, probably a bit much body english aswell. May deload.
Squat 122.5 5x5 <- PB
OHP 45 5x5 <- EASY! My previous 5RM and it felt light weight baby!
DL 125 1x5 <- I hate deadlifts.

What your all really here for!

Lil something from the saviour of hip hop this week.

And while we're mixing things up a bit, a blonde!

Still not read the carb backloading ebook, I couldn't 'obtain' it last time I tried so totally forgot.

I've been training on an empty stomach for well over a year now, find it has no effect on energy/focus etc. whatsoever. Honestly I just can't be bothered to get up even earlier to get a decent breakfast in me before going to the gym. Plus it lets me use some more calories in my lunch & tea.
I did read it, I just chose to half answer Fluttershy instead :p. I'll have a listen, and give it a spin for December perhaps. It's pretty much impossible to tell the difference I expect, without bloods & fancy equipment etc. My only concern would be breaking the fast early (even thought It's little calorie wise, it's still a sugar dump) might trick the rest of me into 'It's eating time!' and I'll be stupendously hungry at 0930.
Not gonna get near ketosis with IF anyway, and I'm far from low carb in the feeding window.

EDIT: I see what your saying, for someone who is combining keto + IF. That would get you joocy in no time.
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