Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)


Seems to be the trend at the moment to sort logs out, so I'm getting back on it.

Since October I've moved house and lost all motivation for Lift Laugh Love. Dunno why just have, I still go once in a while (awesome new gym as mentioned before) but just muck about really.
Diet wise I've not gone mad typically staying <2000kcal on weekdays but not really caring at weekends. As such I've gained I THINK about 6kg of fat, so not bad for 3 months.

My 'just go and pick up heavy things' routine has had some laudable highlights though such as.....

Having to strap up for 90kg RDL's - Grip pls
A Burger King fuelled push day of much prosperity, including a 95kg 3x5 flat bench followed by a 60kg dropset of 21 reps. Much power, very lift.
I can still sort of squat, tested my 5RM on NYE at about 125kg.
New gym has a narrow cable row thing, and I love it.

Anyway onto my plans for 2014! I'm totally copying BennyC for a bit and getting on that DoggCrapp hype train!

In between New Years and now I've done a couple tester sessions to get a feel for Rest Pause etc. which looked like this.....
Note. I've swapped and subbed some stuff, but sticking to the muscle groups properly. And yes I've only done the upper body days, tweaked my knee raving on NYE, u mad?

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A1 said:
Incline Bench (not Smith) RP 11-20
55kg 12, 6, 4 (++ weight required)
Military Press RP 11-20
45kg 10, 3, 2 (about right but need to get closer to 20 total reps)
CGBP RP 11-20
55kg 14, 4, 4 (about right, smidge more weight required but damn tri's are fatigued by this point)
Hammer Strength Underhand Pulldowns RP 11-15
80kg 9, 3, 3 (First time using this machine, not sure if like)
Deadlifts Dropset 6-9, 9-12
110kgx9, 80kgx12 (nope nope nope)
A3 said:
Flat Bench RP 11-15
82.5kg 10, 3, 2 (Nice will go for more reps on this I think)
Smith Machine seated shoulder press RP 11-20
10kg 10, 6, 4 (Holy isolation batman, smith pump gains threw me well off!)
Lying Tricep Extension RP 11-20
20kg 14, 5, 4 (about right, more reps)
Wide Lat Pulldown RP 11-20
50kg 11, 6, 5 (more weight required)
Narrow Cable Rows RP 11-15
80kg 8, 3, 4 (wat)

Errrm that's about it for now, hopefully this week I'll be back on it properly and have a real update by Saturday. Diet wise I'll be trying to get back to CBL, I need to cut as always. forevercut.jpg. endo4life.jpg.

Oh yeah gifs.

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B1 This morning. Fasted as usual. DC is a nice quick routine so I might sneak an extra half hour beauty sleep OR do some cardio (groce) to help with cutting.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B1 said:
Preacher Curl machine RP 11-20
12.5kg 12, 5, 4 (++ weight required)
Hammer Curls SS 11-20
7.5kg 15 (about right but need to get closer to 20 total reps, the big stretch after the previous RP really gets you)
Standing Calf Raise (Front Squat machine) SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
120kg 12 (This is painful, can't get my scaps comfortable under the supports on this machine tbh may try something else)
Lying Leg Curls RP 15-30
40kg 12, 7, 5 (First time ever using machine, isolation is brutal I understand this BB nonsense a bit now)
Front Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
140kg x 8, 80kg x 20 (moar boar required)
Weight this morning: 81.2kg, fatties gonna fat.

Did another B workout this morning. I'm still just trying to work out each exercise, lot's of new stuff for me as up until now I've kind of been like "If I can't do it in a squat rack with a barbell it ain't worth doin'"!

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B1 said:
Seated DB Curls RP 11-20
12.5kg 9, 4, 3 (About right)
Cable Reverse Curls SS 11-20
25kg 14 (Holy forearm pump batman. I get super pumped forearms anyway I think due to my tiny girl hands and this actually painful!)
Seated Calf Raise SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
45kg 12 (Don't like this machine much. Lot's of pressure on knees and also the foot platform seems to far back to me, impossible to get a stretch at the bottom. Interesting how much weaker you are though.)
Seated Leg Curls RP 15-30
70kg 15, 8, 7 (notbad.jpg. Hamstring isolation is painful)
Hack Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
100kg x 8, 40kg x 20 (Teardrop pump followed by quad stretch = shaking like a leaf when stood up, lols.)

Not sure on DC so far. It's pretty weird, walking in and going straight to Bicep exercises makes you feel like a major phaggot, and you don't really get much pumpage throughout so I look like a DYEL the whole time :(. it is quick though and BennyC likes it so it must be true.
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Did another upper body sesh on Saturday, because ofcourse.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A1 said:
Flat Bench RP 11-15
85kg 9, 3, 3 (More weight same reps)
Military Press RP 11-20
45kg 9, 4, 1 (Same weight, less reps. Did my increasingly common trick of trying to find some over head stability with my cervical spine. Cue 2 days of not being able to turn my head.)
Lying Tricep Extension RP 11-20
20kg 16, 6, 5 (Same weight, more reps)
Wide Lat Pulldown RP 11-20
55kg 9, 5, 4 (more weight required)
Narrow Cable Rows SS 10-12
75kg 12 (Straight set instead of RP)

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^ lol response

Tasty looking session.

Hopefully the progression methods are making sense? :) it's pretty black & white.

Not really, it's not really mentioned in the SS article. Just going by feel atm.

Anyway I did a B workout this morning, I've done 3 variants of each now so more or less have my exercise selection.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B1 said:
Cable Curls RP 11-20
20kg 8, 4, 3 (About right)
BB Wrist Curls SS 11-20
15kg 20+ (Honestly what is this phaggotry. Forearm isolation feels like a huge waste of time.)
Leg Press Toe Press SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
120kg 12 (Major shaky leg time on the 15s holds.)
RDLs RP 15-30
70kg 15, 8, 7 (Moar weight required. Grip runs out way before hams though.)
Leg Press SS+WM 4-8, 20
180kg x 8, 120kg x 20 (That right, no squats. I have a very PC dominant back squat so I honestly was too much of a wuss to do it after a hamstring exercise. It's supposed to be a 'Quads' exercise anyway so dat leg press pls.)
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What's this B6, I hope you mean B3?

Basically now you've done 3 x A and 3 x B workouts you're in the position to either (depending on each lift)

- use the same weight and aim for more reps, or

- use more weight for the same/more reps (It'll be quire rare to use more weight & get more reps but does happen.)

If forearm isolation feels pointless, which is mostly is, switch it out for something else. I went full bro and use one suprinated curling motion and one semi/hammer grip motion.

B-Something. Who knows, the last B workout. Just read the T-Nation article it's got a better selection of exercises so I might swap out a few yet. But will start 'properly' next week A1/B2/A3/B4/A5/B6. Might move a few things about within the A's/B's (Bench/OHP/CGBP is too much in one session imo) but other than that I'm hot to trot.

Be interesting how much progress I make considering I'm still on perma-cut mode.
More loggage required.

Weight this morning 80.5kg (-0.7kg)

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A2 said:
Incline Bench (not Smith) RP 11-20
57.5kg 10, 4, 5 (More weight less reps, but will up weight next.)
Upright Cable Rows RP 11-15
40kg 10, 5, 5 (More weight less reps, but will up weight next.)
CGBP RP 11-20
55kg 15, 6, 5 (More weight more reps.)
Hammer Strength Underhand Pulldowns RP 11-15
90kg 9, 3, 2 (More weight, one less rep)
Close Grip Pulldown SS 10-12
65kgx8 (Back's still a bit aggravated from my cervical tense up on this weeks OHP. I should really take some time of from lifting but I'm a phaggot.)

Why you're all here:
Another day another widowmaker.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B2 said:
Seated DB Curls RP 11-20
12.5kg 9, 5, 5 (Same weight more reps)
Cable Reverse Curls SS 11-20
25kg 15 (One more rep. Almost unbearable forearm pump from these, like can't make a fist after painful.)
Seated Calf Raise SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 15
45kg 12 (Still don't like this machine. Might do all standing calf stuff.)
Seated Leg Curls RP 15-30
75kg 20, 12, 9 (More weight, many more reps. Dem isolation insta-gains mane.)
Hack Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
110kg x 8, 50kg x 20 (More weight same reps. Love this machine, I nearly fell over when I tried to stand up lol had to grab a nearby pillar thing.)

These .gifs - are it mane.

Bit confused if you're used more weight and got less reps, I would personally aim to acheive more reps at the same weight before increasing again.

If you use more weight and got the same reps, than the last time, then increasing weight again makes sense. That's just how I've done it though :)

I'm just going by intuition really. The couple exercises it applies for are where either I'm over the target reps still OR so close to them I'd rather up the weight to get lower down the target range. EG Incline Bench I'm on 19 reps @ 57.5kg so hopefully get in the mid teens still with 60kg.

I think I'm gonna drop the upright cable rows as they seem to have put my right shoulder in major snap city the last few days.
And another......

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A3 said:
Hammer Strength Chest Press RP 11-20
85kg 10, 5, 3 (More weight same reps.)
Smith Shoulder Press RP 11-20
12.5kg 12, 5, 5 (More weight more reps.)
Tricep Dip Machine RP 11-20
100kg 15, 12, 12 (Rather underestimated this. Don't like the actual dipping station at my gym the handles are in completely the wrong place. This feels strong and pumpy though.)
Wide Seated Row RP 11-15
50kg 12, 9, 7 (Something different, still experimenting a bit)
Deadlifts SS 6-9, 10-12
110kgx8, 80kgx12. (I hate deadlifts, I just can't do it at the moment but not sure what else to do instead. I just feel so bunched up in the start position I've no room to actually create power, t-rex arms.)
Weight this morning 80.5kg (== last week. Hopefully get a woosh next week as diet is consistently 1600-1700kcal)

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B3 said:
Preacher Curl machine RP 11-20
12.5kg 16, 5, 3 (Same weight more reps)
Hammer Curls SS 11-20
7.5kg 18 (Same weight more reps)
Standing Calf Raise (Front Squat machine) SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
120kg 14 (Same weight more reps, takes forever!)
Lying Leg Curls RP 15-30
40kg 15, 8, 4 (Same weight more reps. Interestingly this gave me mad calf pump?)
Front Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
150kg x 8, 90kg x 20 (moar boar required)

No gifs today, tomorrow though!
Saturday's workout.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A1 said:
Flat Bench RP 11-15
87.5kg 10, 3, 2 (More weight same reps)
Military Press RP 11-20
45kg 10, 4, 1 (Same weight, more reps but not really. Gonna drop this weight.)
Lying Tricep Extension RP 11-20
20kg 15, 7, 6 (Same weight, more reps)
Wide Lat Pulldown RP 11-20
60kg 9, 4, 5 (More weight same reps)
Narrow Cable Rows SS 10-12
N/A Had to skip these, bunch of bro's hogging the cables and was gonna be late for a HBB.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B1 said:
Cable Curls RP 11-20
20kg 8, 5, 4 (Same weight more reps)
Pinwheel Curls SS 11-20
10kg 20 (Like these a lot!)
Leg Press Toe Press SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
130kg 12 (Leg press is gash, no lower back support at all.)
RDLs RP 15-30
72.5kg 16, 10, 8 (Able to enter beast mode nicely on these.)
Leg Press SS+WM 4-8, 20
190kg x 8, 130kg x 20 (As above. Lack of lower back support scares me a bit)
Weight this morning 81kg (+0.5kg) - Diet has been a bit lax this week. Still eating my usual meals but I've failed to resist the work biscuit tin a bit, probably averaged about 2000-2100kcal a day hence the gain :(. FML.

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A2 said:
Incline Bench (not Smith) RP 11-20
60kg 12, 4, 4 (More weight more reps. Yeah buddy..)
Seated DB Press RP 11-15
22.5kg's 11, 4, 3 (Dropped upright rows as they were making my derped shoulder even worse.)
CGBP RP 11-20
60kg 17, 7, 5 (More weight more reps. Surprised myself a bit was sure the extra fatigue of DB press would get me.)
Hammer Strength Underhand Pulldowns RP 11-15
80kg 9, 4, 5 (Less weight more reps. Purposefully lowered this to try and get more mind muscle.)
Close Grip Pulldown SS 10-12
60kgx11 (Dropped the weight and went for a pause at the bottom. Like.)
How are you finding DC now you've been using it for a few weeks? Seem to be making reasonable progress from skimming through your workouts.

Upright rows are full goof. Never derp full goof.

It's good, I'd prefer higher frequency tbh so was considering a A1/B1/A2/B2 setup instead as It feels like I'm skimming the barrel exercise wise with hammer strength press etc. etc. I am making progress, it's slow though. Sometimes I get really close to going full fatty again (when I say full fatty, I mean eating above maintenance for the first time in ~4 years) and just seeing how stronk I can get but I'm too much of a pussy.

It's actually giving me DOMs aswell which is interesting as I don't think I've experienced them in at least 2 years or so lol! It's nice and quick too which goes well with these horrible cold mornings where I can't get out of bed.
Saturday's workout. This weeks weight in is going to be hilarious, Superbowl weekend I probably managed 15k+ calories since Friday night. Endo powah!

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B2 said:
Seated DB Curls RP 11-20
12.5kg 10, 5, 6 (Same weight more reps)
Cable Reverse Curls SS 11-20
25kg 17 (Same weight more reps.)
Seated Calf Raise SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 15
40kg 12 (Dropped the weight a smidge to try and get more feel.)
Seated Leg Curls RP 15-30
80kg 19, 13, 9 (More weight same reps. Something weird going on with this machine I think I was never this strong before.)
Hack Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
120kg x 8, 60kg x 20 (More weight same reps. Major quad pump followed by DC quad stretch = walking like a baby out the gym.)
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And another......

Exercise Set Style Target Reps
A3 said:
Hammer Strength Chest Press RP 11-20
90kg 7, 4, 3 (More weight less reps. Not sure I like this machine it's very shouldery.)
Smith Shoulder Press RP 11-20
12.5kg 15, 7, 6 (Same weight more reps.)
Tricep Dip Machine RP 11-20
120kg 20, 9, 7 (Hard to get the weight right on this, also very shouldery :/.)
Wide Seated Row RP 11-15
55kg 14, 8, 10 (More weight more reps)
Deadlifts SS 6-9, 10-12
Skipped these because I was in a foul mood. Did a few warm up sets but turned into a whiney bitch so left the gym in a huff. wtf.
Weight this week 81.8kg (+0.8kg) - Lol on dat Superbowl party time, easily consumed 15-17k cals from Fri-Mon last week.


Exercise Set Style Target Reps
B3 said:
Preacher Curl machine RP 11-20
12.5kg 14, 7, 6 (Same weight more reps)
Hammer Curls SS 11-20
7.5kg 23 (Same weight more reps)
Standing Calf Raise (Front Squat machine) SS 11-15
160kg 15, 13, 12 (I just prefer normal sets for these, sorry DC. I have fatboy legs anyway)
RDL's RP 15-30
75kg 15, 10, 6 (HBB hogging the lying leg curls and I didn't want to ruin anyone else perving so subbed in RDLs.)
Front Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
155kg x 8, 95kg x 20 (I manage to forget every week that I really need to up this!)

It's been a while so I think ya'll deserve some gifs :D

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