Listening to the covid inquiry

You've been shown many articles, by educated people who agree

Meanwhile you can't evidence anyone intelligent who agrees with your view.

Yet your mentality allows you to discount all that and maintain you're correct, in the face of all the independent evidence.

As I say, it's that mindset, and that level of mental discipline that allows you to hold the views you do.
No one agrees with you despite you giving it 6 hours for someone to slither in from SC so give it a rest.

By the way did you even read your Sky News link - haha seriously you joker..
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It's very amusing reading some of this. The usual guff "right said fred" plus new stuff "minimal emotional intelligence" With some quick editing thrown in. And obviously the protect the NHS rubbish as they didnt throw people back out into care homes costing 40,000+ lives while closing their door to anybody else. But lets get passed that. The government should have had measures in place rather than the knee jerk fantasy of infection control with lockdowns. Protection of the vulnerable population. Even the vaccines only offered protection against severe disease rather than the infection.
"In future, we need to focus our efforts on how to immediately put in place protocols to protect the vulnerable population during a pandemic, rather than attempting to implement impracticable measures to stifle the spread of infection everywhere, while blinding ourselves to the extensive collateral damage that comes in their wake."
It's very amusing reading some of this. The usual guff "right said fred" plus new stuff "minimal emotional intelligence" With some quick editing thrown in. And obviously the protect the NHS rubbish as they didnt throw people back out into care homes costing 40,000+ lives while closing their door to anybody else. But lets get passed that. The government should have had measures in place rather than the knee jerk fantasy of infection control with lockdowns. Protection of the vulnerable population. Even the vaccines only offered protection against severe disease rather than the infection.
"In future, we need to focus our efforts on how to immediately put in place protocols to protect the vulnerable population during a pandemic, rather than attempting to implement impracticable measures to stifle the spread of infection everywhere, while blinding ourselves to the extensive collateral damage that comes in their wake."

Well very good if only you were in charge we’d have had less deaths? Great. As a libertarian if you come anywhere near my lawn I reserve the right to shoot you dead. Ok?
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It's very amusing reading some of this. The usual guff "right said fred" plus new stuff "minimal emotional intelligence" With some quick editing thrown in. And obviously the protect the NHS rubbish as they didnt throw people back out into care homes costing 40,000+ lives while closing their door to anybody else. But lets get passed that. The government should have had measures in place rather than the knee jerk fantasy of infection control with lockdowns. Protection of the vulnerable population. Even the vaccines only offered protection against severe disease rather than the infection.
"In future, we need to focus our efforts on how to immediately put in place protocols to protect the vulnerable population during a pandemic, rather than attempting to implement impracticable measures to stifle the spread of infection everywhere, while blinding ourselves to the extensive collateral damage that comes in their wake."

Right, any ideas. Multi generational households, people required to go out to work. The country cannot just grind to a halt. Are we talking concentration camps on the Isle of Skye? Lock them up and keep them safe.

The logistics would be a nightmare. When the next unintended virus leak from our communist friends lands at our door, the actions will be the same again whoever is in power . We cannot have cocoons for 5 million people deemed st risk on a permanent standby JIC.

People will die, they always do
Right, any ideas. Multi generational households, people required to go out to work. The country cannot just grind to a halt. Are we talking concentration camps on the Isle of Skye? Lock them up and keep them safe.

The logistics would be a nightmare. When the next unintended virus leak from our communist friends lands at our door, the actions will be the same again whoever is in power . We cannot have cocoons for 5 million people deemed st risk on a permanent standby JIC.

People will die, they always do

Even the minimal help the government offered those who were officially told to shield was a joke, one of my friends who was classed as extremely vulnerable due to a well known illness found he wasn't on the list for a long time because apparently it was being left to GP's to manually go through their patient lists for people with certain conditions.
In his case if the government had simply said to the specialists for his condition (and everyone with his condition is always under a specialist and sees them routinely) it could have created the list for his group very quickly.

When he got one of the vaunted "food packages" it was, like many others nutritionally worthless and pretty much impossible for someone to use before it expired as it had items that had fairly obviously been intended for catering use (IIRC one of the items was a huge tin of beans that had to be eaten within 3 days of opening), other people receiving the packages reported things like catering size tubs of nesquik from memory.

It's even worse than just the 5 million, as you say it's multi generational households and people who have spouses and children, so realistically if there were 5 million that needed protection you'd be looking at 10-20 million once you took them into account (and possibly more external carers and medical staff are taken into account).

Any attempt to "just protect the vulnerable" is in itself going to be massively expensive and disruptive to the economy as the "vulnerable" includes a significant number of highly skilled people including the likes of medical and technical staff that cannot be easily replaced and are needed to keep things like the hospitals functioning, and if the only effort being made to protect anyone is for them, then the measures needed for them are going to have to be much more than the general measures we saw.

IIRC there were a couple of care homes that basically had a small number of exceptionally dedicated staff effectively move in to live with the residents in order to try and reduce infections, from what I remember it seemed to work but that sort of level of "protection" really doesn't scale up and requires the staff to effectively give up their personal lives for the duration.
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Something which was nice to see was that where I work and where my dad worked took some care as to employees who were shielding, or even making it possible for people who had known vulnerabilities noted at work who weren't on the official list to shield.

If there is one thing I would say about my employer their handling of the pandemic was exceptional - though the pandemic makes that easier for a company that by its nature (distribution) benefits from a situation like that than for a company which might be struggling.
Where to start?

So you are still arguing in favour of the let it rip approach
Where does it say that?

Only someone with minimal emotional intelligence could write (or rate) an article containing the line "I wrote a heartbreaking story..."
I'm glad you read it down to that line. It's a shame that that was all you could take from the piece.

Deleted all the nonsense.
But you offer nothing expect your usual BS

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As a libertarian if you come anywhere near my lawn I reserve the right to shoot you dead. Ok?
Give your head a shake as should the thumbs up
Multi generational households, people required to go out to work. The country cannot just grind to a halt. Are we talking concentration camps on the Isle of Skye? Lock them up and keep them safe. The logistics would be a nightmare....People will die, they always do
I'm not saying there would not be challenges, but with years of planning these challenges should have been overcome. You say "the country cannot grind to a halt", it did because incompetent people panicked.

and we didn't go in soon enough or long enough and that's why they are all apologising for it.
I agree something should have been done earlier, focused protection and people taking some personal responsibility.

It seems that people are happy with the lockdown response because the alternatives would be hard to do. You "lock us down quicker and harder crowd" seem to see no collateral damage. Or more likely you see the damage but are ignoring it. I just hope the planning for the next health emergency that the expert's with differing views arent locked out of the conversations.

Good luck.
Where to start?

Where does it say that?

I'm glad you read it down to that line. It's a shame that that was all you could take from the piece.

But you offer nothing expect your usual BS

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Give your head a shake as should the thumbs up

I'm not saying there would not be challenges, but with years of planning these challenges should have been overcome. You say "the country cannot grind to a halt", it did because incompetent people panicked.

I agree something should have been done earlier, focused protection and people taking some personal responsibility.

It seems that people are happy with the lockdown response because the alternatives would be hard to do. You "lock us down quicker and harder crowd" seem to see no collateral damage. Or more likely you see the damage but are ignoring it. I just hope the planning for the next health emergency that the expert's with differing views arent locked out of the conversations.

Good luck.
Are you working with the emergency experts to plan what they need to do next time? Clearly you have all the answers.
Are you working with the emergency experts to plan what they need to do next time? Clearly you have all the answers.
He should make sure he asks what happens if the next pandemic affects the young bet he’s not so keen on locking up everyone under 20 while the boomers enjoy life! The biggest single mistake we could make when learning lessons from this pandemic is to assume the next one will be the same as it won’t!

Lockdowns were of course expensive and damaging but they proved highly effective which is backed up by the vast majority of research as far as I can see. For me the biggest lesson should be that we need to invest more money into the NHS it wouldn’t have needed such drastic protection if it actually had capacity. It pretty much breaks every winter because it doesn’t have the capacity so of course a pandemic was going to bring it to its knees. The number of beds is too low the level of staffing is too low etc etc etc
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Pretty much the only country that got it mostly right was South Korea and that is largely because it is frequently ravaged by plagues from its larger neighbour. However to get Britain or France or Germany or the USA to behave like Korea will never happen we have far more disparate societies and less civil obedience to start with.
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You "lock us down quicker and harder crowd" seem to see no collateral damage

Working in a hospital I saw it immediately.
Clinics and elective operations cancelled including my own I'd been waiting for since 2014.
I also witnessed humans losing their s*** and making up complete nonsense.
Last week I made it up with a musician friend who completely lost it mentally because of his music business and started spreading CTs and it was nice to hear him say he was wrong.
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People saw what was happening in Italy, with hospitals being overwhelmed, and still think we should have carried on as normal. Amazing.
No we just needed to quarantine all the elderly and vulnerable people inside some giant moon base type thing along with all the people needed to look after them and maintain the facility, then everyone else could have just carried on and forgotten about them! Not that that really works because it wasn’t just the old or the known vulnerable that landed up in ICU although if we had shipped our PM off to some island quarantine maybe we would have been better off!
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