11.40pm: An interesting email from a law student. "The Texas judge who issued the injunction has not made an decision on the merits of the case. The injunction just halts everything until there is a hearing. The grounds for granting an emergency TRO are that the actions will create irreparable harm that cannot be adequately compensated for through monetary damages. I suspect that once Judge Jordan actually has a hearing on the issue, he will dismiss it and remove the injunction. The Texas courts probably do have jurisdiction, but they will be hesitant to take it when it will put them in conflict with English courts that are better able to adjudicate the issue. Hopefully, this has only temporarily delayed the sale and Liverpool will avoid administration, but H&G have probably bought themselves a couple more days."
11.55pm: Ignore my post at 11.35pm. I am clearly talking nonsense as David Goldstone emails in to point out that everything is on hold until 25 October as this is the hearing date in the Texas court.
=/ We cant even be put into Admin anymore ...
-edit 2-
More spelling mistakes in the legal document, lol.
Page 2 Line 5 - IA's name spelt wrong, heh.
Update at 4:54 p.m.: I just spoke with Stodghill, who says his office is being "innundated with angry e-mails from Liverpool fans." I asked him: How does a Dallas court have jurisdiction over proceedings initiated in the U.K. He says: Royal Bank of Scotland is registered to do business in the state of Texas; and, of course, New England Sports Ventures is U.S. based. Also being sued is Liverpool chairman Martin Broughton. And, says Stodghill, "We allege in the lawsuit he committed some of his tortuous acts in Texas in meetings with Mr. Hicks, so we're suing him in part based on conduct here that did harm to Texas residents."
Hicks and Gillett's £237 million debt to RBS is due Friday. So, then, what happens between now and then, as the TRO hearing is set for October 25? Says Stodghill, what happens in the next two days "remains to be seen." As in: "There could be an additional fight at the courthouse over the TRO -- that could potentially happen. There could be discussions with the board to evaluate the higher offers. The one offer they're refusing to evaluate is £100 million over NESV's. And there could be discussions with RBS."
Cry me a ****ing river, seriously.