Yeah lucky maybe isn't the right word. But you are now in an excellent situation where you are the leading team and can capitalise on your position by improving the ground without sacrificing current players or reducing money spent on new ones.
New stadiums cost upwards to 1billion now. And Arsenal have never recovered from the move.
I think the apartments Arsenal built on the old site didn't make them as much money as they thought, as the housing market crashed when they were ready.
I would have preferred they built a stand like the north bank at the clock end. And then filled in the corners. Surely we could have fit over 50k then.
As I said, it was just the situation Liverpool found themselves in. The circumstances meant that the best solution was to redevelop Anfield. Had we been in London then maybe it would have made more sense to pay £1bn and build a new stadium.
Re Arsenal, the stadium move is an excuse for your decline, not a reason. Increased matchday revenue more than paid for the finance costs of building the stadium and Arsenal have sat on a mountain of cash in the bank for years. I remember reading something a few years back that Arsenal had profited (not just sales revenue) by near £100m from property sales and iinm Arsenal still have an undeveloped plot on the books too. The only negative, from a financial pov, linked to the stadium move was locking yourself into a long deal with Emirates but that was more than made up for by the increase in matchday revenue.
I've speculated before that it's possible that Arsenal's lack of spending is more likely linked to what Kroenke's doing in the US.