Local Gym - closing Spa pools to save money?!

6 May 2009
Membership prices have recently risen and today have been emailed this from Nuffied!

Are they legally just allow to close services which members pay for? Frankly it doesnt affect me, but that's because I think public Spa pools are gross. Many members will not be happy. These Spa pools have been available for over 20 years and never turned off, although one has been broken for some time.

Spa pools closure – conserving energy through the autumn and winter

I’m writing to let you know that we will be temporarily closing our spa pools from Monday 3 October for the autumn and winter months. This is to ensure that we can conserve energy and allows us to keep our swimming pool, sauna and steam room open as we know that our members highly value and benefit from these facilities.

Our fitness and wellbeing centres use a significant amount of energy and like you, we’ve been faced with considerable rising utilities costs throughout this year. Our spa pools are expensive to heat and run and simply switching these off across our nationwide network of centres goes a long way towards reducing our overall energy consumption.

We’re committed to helping you achieve your health and wellbeing goals and we have this front of mind when we’re making difficult decisions about how we conserve our energy to keep costs down. Alongside reducing costs, we also have ambitious carbon net zero targets, and we are working hard to be more energy efficient in the long-term by investing in initiatives that will reduce our consumption.

As the energy crisis unfolds, we may need to consider other measures, but we will keep you informed. If you have any questions, please visit our FAQs or speak to us on your next visit, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you for your understanding.
So you will have to forgive me as i'm not big on Spa's but what's the difference between the spa pool and the swimming pool?

I imagine the spa pool is like a big bath that people just sit in?
So you will have to forgive me as i'm not big on Spa's but what's the difference between the spa pool and the swimming pool?

I imagine the spa pool is like a big bath that people just sit in?
Spa is a Jacuzzi / hot tub. Swimming pool is for swimming, though people tend to stand around talking or walk in them instead which I dont understand
Email has just come through for my Nuffield Gym, so it seems to be all of them.
Nuffield is managed terribly. They hand out offers on membership discount (£50 > £25 and less) then have to close services due to lack of money. At least when it was Virgin active that owned it (and Esporta before that) prices were higher but services were working and repairs happened quickly.

Might be time to go to David Lloyd
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Seems a little heavy handed, can't they just turn limit the operating hours or turn the temperature down
Allowing spa pools to cool and then reheating them uses huge amounts of energy so unlikely to result in significant savings. Any organisation that runs swimming pools, saunas etc is already feeling the pinch and it's likely to get a whole lot worse, as others have said if the use of the spa pools is so vital to your health and fitness cancel and join a gym that isn't closing them.
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