Local Gym - closing Spa pools to save money?!

Must be pricey, you have to request a quote.
About 100/month for the Leeds one (Moortown) It is at least twice as good as Nuffield though, with bigger indoor pool, an outdoor pool, access to tennis courts, squash courts, modern gym equipment, a cafe/bar, outside bar and... multiple working Spas!
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What's the big deal.. the swimming pool is still working. No idea what a pool spa is but doesn't sounds like something that's needed for a workout... Or anything.
Nuffield is managed terribly. They hand out offers on membership discount (£50 > £25 and less) then have to close services due to lack of money. At least when it was Virgin active that owned it (and Esporta before that) prices were higher but services were working and repairs happened quickly.

Might be time to go to David Lloyd

Agreed, they are clueless about running gyms, staff seem to be ok but the management are rubbish.
Sound like you go to my gym in Bristol. Irritating but not the end of the world. The gym is probably too cheap anyhow, but I would prefer if they just priced it based on what they need to run it. Before you know it the pool will be too expensive, then the showers :D
It's always about saving money but not for the best intentions.
They pretty much say in their e-mail it's about saving money but there's no suggestion jobs are at risk.

Our fitness and wellbeing centres use a significant amount of energy and like you, we’ve been faced with considerable rising utilities costs throughout this year. Our spa pools are expensive to heat and run and simply switching these off across our nationwide network of centres goes a long way towards reducing our overall energy consumption.
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Costs a lot of electricity to keep all the water heated.

Dammit. There goes my crafty plan to sign up to a cheap gym so I can have 30 min long hot showers!
What's the big deal.. the swimming pool is still working. No idea what a pool spa is but doesn't sounds like something that's needed for a workout... Or anything.

No, but it's maybe nice for relaxing in afterward... and more importantly, the members are paying for these nice facilities, the issue isn't what do they *need* but what they expect to be provided.

Perhaps their T&Cs can cover this, it seems ethically dubious - you agreed to a membership price, presumably for a set period like 12 months or something(?), and they're reneging on part of the deal by artificially limiting the use of some of the facilities. It's not your problem that their costs have risen that's up to them to deal with via membership fee pricing, trying to attract more members etc..
Still waiting for Cambridge Better pools/gyms to increase their membership fees, or knock a few degrees off of the pool ... maybe they must have a good energy deal, or a water/ground source heat pump.

civilised socety - French health service still offers referrals to spars.
Just cancel your subscription.

Or put up with it, this is literally your only two possible courses if action.
cancelling within a contract basically means you have to pay upfront for the remainder of the contract (same as Sky TV, mobile phone etc). If he's out of contract then sure cancel indefinitely due to not having a spa.
cancelling within a contract basically means you have to pay upfront for the remainder of the contract (same as Sky TV, mobile phone etc). If he's out of contract then sure cancel indefinitely due to not having a spa.

Yea good point.

I guess it depends on the terms of the contract you'd have to read the small print.

On the face of it, if you signed up the contract expecting certain services in return eg the Spa pool, would wonder how that would stand up in court if you refused to pay and they came after you for the money.

Or using your example, if you had a broadband contract for 100mb, which you were getting, then they wrote to you and said it'll only be 50mb sorry about that, but still expect you to pay the original agreement.
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Yep, I would expect a reduction in my membership as they have effectively reduced the services. You can bet your bottom dollar (pound) they will be increasing their fees at the next contract renewal. We last renwed in May 2022 and that went up 10% and that was before any crisis was really on the cards. Glad I won't have to worry about it after next month. I was with David Lloyd and I will miss the tennis, the gym and the 2 pools but I have a new home to pay for and rather sink half of my membership fee in to overpaying that. Memberships are only going to ever go up and a lot more than your wage packets will.
Dammit. There goes my crafty plan to sign up to a cheap gym so I can have 30 min long hot showers!
The chain I go to has actually started hinting towards it being cheaper to pay them £15p/m and shower there than run a shower at home...they're not wrong!
Nuffield was always pretty poor for me, tries to advertise itself as being a higher tiered place, but the amount of broken/run down equipment was crazy.

I enjoyed the Spa bit though, was always nice after a workout to relax for 15 minutes before a shower, especially with the water jets for your legs.
Totally down to their contract if it's legal.

You might have grounds to cancel without any penalties, although that might only be for service providers like Sky/Virgin etc..

Otherwise it's just market forces that tend to dictate if charging more for less is viable.
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