Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Wtf is this Skillmister? Are you made of dat dere?
If you ever try and squat your gonna jump way up the PL thread.

The influence of multiple juicers is wearing off on me and boosting my test levels.

My aim is to beat my old total but with a 60kg squat :D

It turns out he's built for benching! Those snapped up shoulder/t-spine positions seem to either lead to a tren bench or a shoulder explosion. Sometimes both.

Great gains! Congrats.

(I'm pretty sure you could have repped 100kg comfortably at the meet though)

Don't talk about shoulder explosions :mad: Ignorance is strength.

Yeah that was with salts though, would have repped it 15 times if i had them today.

Leg Press 120kg 10 160kg 8 180kg 8 8 8
Squats 60kg 10 10 10 80kg 8 8 6 - Embarassingly hard :D Felt good though.
Leg Extension 55kg 12 12 12
SLDL 60kg 8 8 8
Dips BW 10 +20kg 8 +30kg 8 8 8 - Rip elbows
Rope pulldown 50kg 8 8 8
ss with bar 57kg 8 8 8


Thanks LiE for todays contribution


Wanted to blast out some heavy ass OHP today but apparently my sleepless strength was absent :( Decided to kill it with some major volume instead.

OHP 40kg 10 60kg 8 6 5 50kg 8 6
DB Press 30kg 8 6 8?! - Craze kicked in y0
Arnolds 20kg 8 8 8
Plate press 15kg/side 10 10 10 SS with
DB Front raise 10kg 12 12 12
Facepulls 60 odd kg 12 12 12
Side cable raise 14kg 15 15 15
Dips BW 20 +15kg 16 14 BW 15
Rope/bar superset 45kg/50kg 12 12 12

Much more pump orientated tricep stuff, seeing good gains from doing arms 2x a week. inb4 hatred :D Delts were sickeningly pumped too.

Makes my face look pretty fat but i can assure you it's not :o


Today was the day. The day to pull a new PB. He waited patiently for his mild hangover to dissipate, the 5 hours of restless sleep from the night before were fading into the distant past. The craze tasted as beautiful as ever and the pouring rain splashing his face as he walked powerfully to the gym did nothing to dampen the mood. 160 kilograms of iron was the target of the day..

Deadlifts 60kg 10 100kg 8 120kg 5 140kg 2 150kg 1 160kg 1 170kg F :( 140kg 3 - boom town. thought i may have had the 170 in me but nope, got it an inch or 2 off the floor and it was going no further :p
Pullups +10kg 7 +7.5kg 6 +5kg 6
BoR 70kg 8 8 8
Chins +5kg 8 8 8 (5 dead hang 3 half reps per set) ss with
moar BoRs 60kg 8 7 6
Straight arm pulldown 57kg 12 12 12
EZ curls 40kg 8 8 6 ss with
DB curls 17.5kg 8 15kg 8 6
Cable bar 21s 23kg 8 8 8

Fuarkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. DL vids to come soon..

Sundays - Day of Chest

Trained with my brother today, strong session. He's 17, 65kg manlet and can bench 80kg for quite a few reps, mirin.

Bench 60kg 10 85kg 8 8 8 60kg 12
Inc DB 30kg 8 10 10
Decline BB 60kg 10 10 10
Cable fly 30kg 8 8 23kg 12
Considering i started my log when i was only a few weeks back in the gym after a multiple month break.. I'll be fine :D Although this was meant to be my year of consistency.. Best hurry the **** up getting sorted then.
Shoulders and Bis beach weights session

DB Press 25kg 12 12 10
Arnold Press 17.5kg 12 10 10
DB front raise 7.5kg 12 12 12
Machine rear fly ?? 12 12 12
Ez preacher curl 25kg? ? ? ?

Don't know my weight. Don't know what half the equipment in this gym does. Diet is going to be made up of 90% oats and rice. Gains shall be made.
Deadlifts 60kg 10 100kg 8 8 8? 120kg 4 - Hands well and truly shredded. My skin had returned to soft girl skin, several blood blisters and a couple that exploded :D
Pullups 8 7 5 - The ceiling is even lower than temple so can only get bar to like nose height before getting concussion.
BoR 60kg 6 6 5 - Bleh
Lat pulldown 50kg? 8 8 8
Rope pulldown ?? 8 8 8
Tricep extension machine thing ?? ??????

No dip station, not sure what i'm gonna do tri wise yet as stuff like close grip press destroys wrists.

I hurt everywhere.

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May do rings. But i'll feel like such a phaggot flailing about on rings while men the size of sheds are repping out 160kg on bench :(

Chest Mondays

Flat Bench 60kg 10 80kg 8 8 8 70kg 8 7 60kg 8 7 - Madness :D
Incline BB 50kg 8 8 8 7
DB Fly 12.5kg 8 15kg 8 7 5 12.5kg 8
BB Curl 30kg 8 7 5+3
DB Curl 17.5kg 5 (lol) 15kg 8 8

That vid

We're all gonna make it brahs, with wheels.

Squats 60kg 12 80kg 8 8 8 8 100kg 3 80kg 8 7
Calf Raises 40kg 12 12 12 10
Rope pulldown 20kg 10 10 10
Bar pushdown 25kg 10 8 8

Strong workout :D Feel like one of those powerlifting phaggots :p

Squats felt amazing. No word of a lie best leg workout i've had since i snapped my **** up. Back felt perfect, legs were on fire from set #1. Gon grow some legs if this keeps up.

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