Best result i ever had is when i did an oven profile for a PS3 and stuck in in the reflow oven, thats been going strong for about a year now.MSMALLS74: I'd love to have an nice little reflow oven to pop this into. Actually...could you possibly give a little more information about the PS3 oven profile that you setup.
For instance:
Specifically how long,
What temperature,
Does the oven direct heat in a particular area,
Is there a portion of time that the reflow oven applies cool air,
Did your plastic components on the motherboard become distorted,
Basically any other relevant info from your profile
One year.... ONE YEAR!!!
I cannot stop thinking about this one msmalls74. It's got me seriously considering using my oven to reflow instead. The more I think about it the more it makes sense, you've got a completely equal amount of heat being applied over the entire board for a consistent duration. Instead of small bursts of heat which could cause the solder to dry, melt, dry, melt and not form correctly.
Please give me some info about your profile, ideally what I asked in the quote and anything more if you have it. It may potentially end up helping a lot of other YLOD PS3 owners.
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