Exactly that. An 'event' it's £1000 for venue hire, "oh, wedding you say sir, that's £5000" why... "because its a wedding" ...???It's disgusting isn't it.
Them: "Yes prices start around £2000 sir for the day. What would be the occasion may I ask?"
You: "Well actually it's err... *clears throat* it's err...for... *whispers quietly* a Wedding."
Them: "A Wedding! Oh well sir you should have said. I'll be right back with the WEDDING price list and some lubrication."
The more I look at venues, pricing, enquiries and brochures the more I think about eloping to a nice holiday destination for 2 weeks and doing it for a couple hundred quid plus the price of a holiday.
The getting married part costs about £100 plus the cost of the rings. It's the fancy party for all the guests that's the expensive part.