Logitech and their Astuonding Customer Service

Happy user of logitech mouse. Never had any issues.

used to have some £30 2.1 speaker setup from logitech, fantastic quality at the price. bought some edifier R1600T to replace them which is a nice setup too.
G930 headset failed after 2 years and 8 months. Box states the warranty is 2 years, but the new warranty on the website is 3 years. Replaced under the 3 year warranty :D
One of the main reasons so much of my hardware is Logitech :)

So far for me it's:

Gaming Wheel
USB Headset

I kinda wish they made monitors too! The fact is, the CS might be great but the stuff themselves are really well built and very solid.
I can't stand Logitech!

I've got a Logitech MX518 that I've had since launch and the damn thing stubbornly refuses to die leaving me without an excuse to go and buy a new, shinier mouse.

Once, one of the thumb buttons stopped working so I emailed logitech Customer service, but before they got back to me it started working again and has worked since.

Lousy *******s, making products that never break! ;)
As a rule of thumb, if I'm going to buy anything that plugs into my PC the first thing I'll do is see whether or not Logitech make one. I've never needed Logitech's customer service because I've never had a Logitech item break.

In many things, you do get what you pay for and in the long run it's cheaper to buy more expensive ones if you can. Vimes' Boots.

That's my K750 solar at work, just the print screen key missing, it works of course so until it stops working or the warranty expiration date approaches I'll just continue to use it. The key itself is nowhere to be seen, I think the cleaners must have wiped the keyboard even though my stuff is clean anyway and somehow snagged the key :/
My Logitech 5500 5.1 speakers packed up at least a year outside of warranty. The control box packed up which is apparently a bit of a known issue.

I contacted Logitech asking if I could buy a replacement control box (they didn't make it anymore at this point). Got an email back saying I couldn't buy a control box but if I gave them the serial number of my 5500 and my home address they would send out a new 5.1 unit. Gave them the details not entirely convinced they would follow through, but a couple of days later a brand new 5.1 speaker set arrived think it was worth at the time nearly £400!
My Logitech mouse has developed a fault recently. Sometimes when I click it doesn't register, like, the click sound happens before the button actually gets pressed inside the mouse if you know what I mean.

This thread just made me remember Logitech's amazing service. Will be getting in touch.
Logitech have great customer service. It's almost no questions asked and I never hesitate to order anything from them.

I've also had experience with Corsair, Asus, Razer, BenQ and EVGA.

Corsair are pretty decent and my replacement arrived quickly and without hassle.

Asus seem pretty stringent, but fair. They will check your product over to make sure you've not messed it up in any way.

Razer required a bit of persuading when the coating on my keyboard wore off within a few months of buying a keyboard, but they came through in the end.

BenQ were pretty crap and required prompting and reminders throughout the process.

EVGA were absolute crap and I will never order another of their products again. Submitted numerous support requests as well as an RMA request and the only one which was answered was to tell me that 110-120C+ was a perfectly normal temperature for an 8800GTX (not overclocked and in a well cooled case) and coiuldn't be what was causing my crash problems. Miraculously, the problem went away once I upgraded to a high end GPU cooler.
Still makes me laugh at the lad who was making a fortune on fake claims only to be caught out and billed a fortune :D

I remember reading about the fake claims - don't remember him being billed a fortune.

Got a link I can read....fancy a chuckle.

I currently have a Logitech G500 mouse which has been spot on. I did have a Logitech G11 keyboard and all the backlights failed but the KB itself kept working. Logitech said I could send it back for chargeable repair but I didn't want to be without a KB so bought Corsair Mechanical and kept the G11 as a spare. In fairness it was about 3 1/2 years old at the time and technically still worked. I would certainly buy Logitech again.
Logitech is one of those rare large companies that looks after it's customers. I had an old mx 1000 mouse that died after three years the charger broke and the kind folks at logitech sent me a brand new charger. Then when my revolution mx mouse stopped charging up after a couple of years the lovely people at logitech said no problems we will send you a replacement performance mx mouse.

Unlike another large company I have tried to recently get support from Logitech are light years ahead in treating every customer as an individual and actually being helpful.

Although not to the same level I have always been impressed with the support I have received from the fine folks at OcUK it's the little things that matter and means I trust the advice and products that OcUK stock even if on occasions I can get something a little cheaper it is just easier to deal with what I know.
I have had nothing but positive experience from them as well.
my out of warranty all in one remote had a dodgy button for quite some time, when it finally stopped working I contacted Logitech to see if they could send me a replacement button, they couldn't so instead offered 50% off any other remote on their website. It was a lot cheaper elsewhere but not after the 50% discount.

The coating of my MX1000 started to come off after a few months, so I sent it back to supplier (as requested by supplier) and they basicly sent it back to me telling me they wouldn't replace it. Contactec Logitech and they sent me a brand new revolution MX in place, all they asked was that I cut the plug off the old one and sent it back to them once the new mouse had been received. :D
Yep, me too. Just had an 18 month old M500 develop a dodgy left mouse button, and they sent me one out a couple of days later, just by giving them my serial/model numbers and a copy of my electronic receipt.

Pretty amazing considering I bought it on sale at half price.
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