I just got my wheel from OCUK today and have given it a quick run.
My previous wheel was a Black Momo so the first thing I noticed the wheel felt quite thin even though there isn't a huge difference but as I suffer with my hands I can tell that I'll have problems later.
The pedals are much stiffer than the Momo and that takes a little getting used to as the same pressure on the G25 has little effect so for a while I was missing the braking points.
The wheel is much quieter and smoother, it does feel light when the car is stationary and return to center turned off.
The gear shifter is a waste of time for me as I'm mostly an after midnight racer and the thing is so noisey it would keep everyone awake, I prefer paddles anyhow.
After an hour or so I got within 3tenths of my best lap time but felt I should have done better.
I was left foot braking as I don't have enough room between the pedals for heel and toe not that I could do it anyway.
I've taken the wheel off my desk now and put back my black MOMO as need to sort out a few things before I can get stuck into for good.
When I did put back the Momo and pedals I thought the springs had broke as the pedals felt so weak after the G25.