Looking for mature clan members (Moh/BF3/Blackops)

Well if all you are doing at the mo is BC2 I might just sign up.

Just one question though, do you play it on HC or not?

Because I really really don't like normal mode at all.
Well if all you are doing at the mo is BC2 I might just sign up.

Just one question though, do you play it on HC or not?

Because I really really don't like normal mode at all.

I'm guessing you hate the fact you can fire near a round into someone and they can just basically do a dance for you and then dip round the corner and still be alive? I wouldn't worry about it if that is the case, just use Magnum ammo and a weapon with high damage and a decent rate of fire and you're sweet.
I'm guessing you hate the fact you can fire near a round into someone and they can just basically do a dance for you and then dip round the corner and still be alive?

Yeah I hate that, and the mini map, and the spotting, and the kill cam. Ah well.
My arms been twisted into buying BC2 so will get it in a few weeks i expect!

Going to sign up now :)

Yup just saw and sent the activation email… welcome mate.

I’m loving BC2 again…. We usually have in clan war’s on SQDM which is where the fun’s at!

Great to see a few new faces in mumble, seems your like every1 fitting it… great stuff!
Really getting back into BC2 :D, did i overhear somthing about you are going to change the squad deathmatch 16 man to a 24 man mixed mode?, hope this is ture becuase i get board of squad death match :(.
Interested, I've signed up to the TFU forum with the name L D (tis my CSS name). Look forward to jumping on to some of your servers for some BC2 action ;) Was getting a little bored of it but played some yesterday (d_brennen BC2 name) and really enjoyed myself
Interested, I've signed up to the TFU forum with the name L D (tis my CSS name). Look forward to jumping on to some of your servers for some BC2 action ;) Was getting a little bored of it but played some yesterday (d_brennen BC2 name) and really enjoyed myself

just approved ya, have a look round the forums :)
If you need an Anti air expert and bf3 as a Gustav id be interested \o/, Played with you once or twice goon, and one of your guys rifleman plays bc2 with some of my friends most evenings seems a good player, decent chap who doesn't take himself and the game to serious.

For that reason I may be in.
Hi Goon, I will be looking forward to doing some more gaming with you guys in Black Ops and MoH, I joined a while ago, but only played for a couple of months before BC2 died out, remember me ? :p
Really getting back into BC2 :D, did i overhear somthing about you are going to change the squad deathmatch 16 man to a 24 man mixed mode?, hope this is ture becuase i get board of squad death match :(.

You did indeed, luckily we do have enough scope to up the server slots to 24. We could go to 32 however after reading the beasty "offical Bc2 thread" it seems 32 slot servers take the team work and objective work out of the game... 24 slots seem to work far better + We can switch between SQDM and rush/conq.

Spils If you need an Anti air expert and bf3 as a Gustav id be interested \o/, Played with you once or twice goon, and one of your guys rifleman plays bc2 with some of my friends most evenings seems a good player, decent chap who doesn't take himself and the game to serious.

For that reason I may be in.

Cheers man, we have a lot more people playing BC2 now than we did back then. Be great to have you, even if you just wanted to jump on mumble is fine with us!

Hi Goon, I will be looking forward to doing some more gaming with you guys in Black Ops and MoH, I joined a while ago, but only played for a couple of months before BC2 died out, remember me ? :p

Yeah defo remember mate, no problem. Quite a few other guys are same as you pal. The game kinda feel flat but does seem to be slowly picking up again... your welcome back anytime, application is still in. Wasn't going to get rid of any1's app until BF3
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Definetely interested, im a decent online player but havent played anything much online since my old counterstrike clan ended years ago, i hate playing with randoms. Im 38.
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TFU Maccaria/macca672 (Event organiser): Yes it will be held at Newbury Racecourse again, as will most iSeries events for the foreseeable future. Multiplay said themselves that the other venue they have used in the past, Stoneleigh at Coventry, is not financially viable for them. This is in main due to the recession and lack of uptake from sponsors.

Its Easter weekend. Thursday the 21st (with Early Arrival Service ((£15 extra)) ) to Monday the 25th.

The Friday it encompasses is good Friday and the Monday is a bank holiday so getting time off work shouldn't be a massive problem for people. If work do give you hassle over it then by law there are two bank holidays a year they cannot force you to work as they are religious festivals, Easter and Xmas Lot of people suddenly becoming Christians I sense :p

Its not an iLite as far as I'm aware but is generally not as busy as the summer lan so I'm led to believe.

Details and sign up's can be found here:
Definetely interested, im a decent online player but havent played anything much online since my old counterstrike clan ended years ago, i hate playing with randoms. Im 38.

Yeah sounds good, any1 can apply to be a trial member. We then have a voting in procedure in that all full memebers wil have final say. That way every1 who is in the clan is there because every1 want him/her there.

Worth a read of the below link, it will give you an idea of who we are:

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