Looking for mature clan members (Moh/BF3/Blackops)

Yeah sounds good, any1 can apply to be a trial member. We then have a voting in procedure in that all full memebers wil have final say. That way every1 who is in the clan is there because every1 want him/her there.

Worth a read of the below link, it will give you an idea of who we are:


Will do, would need to practice a bit before trialing though, as im hella rusty!
Will do, would need to practice a bit before trialing though, as im hella rusty!

The trial isn't to test whether your uber.

Its just to make sure your somebody we can get on with. We let 1 member in without a trial in the early days and he turned out to be a bit of a cluster ****.

Jump on, plus it gives me someone to shoot ;)
Was wondering why there wasn't many on warcraft the last few weeks, starting to get a bit bored of it myself.
I shall spark up bc2 tonight for a quick run around.
If you are all going to be on tonight I will pop on too, and give non hc mode a try for once.

I'll dl mumble too.

My soldier name is different to my forum name by the way, it's Dave Gyte. I wear an OcUK tag. :)
If you are all going to be on tonight I will pop on too, and give non hc mode a try for once.

I'll dl mumble too.

My soldier name is different to my forum name by the way, it's Dave Gyte. I wear an OcUK tag. :)

No prob mate, as i said its hit and miss, some times i busy other times its quiet. We used to only have hardcore servers but because all matches are normal we've been playing that... it does kinda grow on you after a while.

Was wondering why there wasn't many on warcraft the last few weeks, starting to get a bit bored of it myself.
I shall spark up bc2 tonight for a quick run around.

Yup WoW got a little boring for me and i've missed my FPS :D See ya later mate
If you are all going to be on tonight I will pop on too, and give non hc mode a try for once.

I'll dl mumble too.

My soldier name is different to my forum name by the way, it's Dave Gyte. I wear an OcUK tag. :)

Looking at server now its pretty full.

The game is dead competitively but still has a player base. I enjoy playing it but only with people on mumble/vent.
Had a good few new/old guys in this evening was a joy.

here's our mumble stats. (bare in mind we switched from vent to mumble so people are still finded their way here):

It would be great to be part of a decent clan but i just don't get the time to play online these days :(

I'm in the same boat, i have a 5 month old daughter. We are a casual/hardcore clan. Altho the hardcore aspect isn't really happening atm as their are no leagues to play.

We always have guys drop in now and again so your welcome.
Wow server very busy, best of all tho no idiots!!! Every1 sound as having a laugh!


Had some fun games on there tonight. You were right about the non hc. I still managed to kill people :D

Defo mate, i'm enjoying it now tbh. I dont think it works if you go back and fore the modes. Good to see you tho.
Had a good time this evening. One knife fight with Thegoon84 sticks in my memory. Eat my pistol :)

Never played Squad Deathmatch before, think I prefer rush or conquest tbh. SD is good for when there's less people about I guess
I prefer Rush hands down. And I hear that is what they play in competition games so that's good.

I don't really like conquest but I reckon that is because I am always playing on my own, meaning I am playing with random people I do not know and have no voice comms, I think if I was playing them as part of a group of friends with voice comms it would be more fun.

Because the SQDM tonight was a lot of fun, I didn't think I would enjoy it but I did.
I'm the worst Medic ever, my LMG's were too slow to actually begin shooting someone [used to the M416 and the UMP-45], think i'll stick to Engineer and Assault from now on or stick to Medic and get used to it.
Had a good time this evening. One knife fight with Thegoon84 sticks in my memory. Eat my pistol :)

Never played Squad Deathmatch before, think I prefer rush or conquest tbh. SD is good for when there's less people about I guess

Ahhhhhhhh d_brennen…. Yeah I remember getting into lots of knife fights with you…. Didn’t know you were from OCUK mate! Make sure you stick the OCUK tags on pal in case we accidently kick you to make room for members/ocuk’ers ;)

Yeah was fun last nite, 16 people on mumble and 10 TFU guys on a 16 man SQDM server…… every1 felt the wrath of my knife haha! The server will be going to 24 man by the weekend.

I prefer Rush hands down. And I hear that is what they play in competition games so that's good.

I don't really like conquest but I reckon that is because I am always playing on my own, meaning I am playing with random people I do not know and have no voice comms, I think if I was playing them as part of a group of friends with voice comms it would be more fun.

Because the SQDM tonight was a lot of fun, I didn't think I would enjoy it but I did.

All the high skill competition games are played in conquest 3 flags. However when TFU was in the ladders they were rush maps, so we’ll prob have a mix between rush/conq.

But yeah your right, we love to play in teams and usually dominate any server we play on. Was that you that signed up this morning: “Dave”?
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